
Achieving Personal Success by Writing and Self-Publishing a Novel – 268


Interview with Dr. Debra Blaine In today's podcast, our guest describes her personal success in writing and self-publishing a novel. In 2019, Dr. Debra Blaine released the medical thriller, “Code Blue: The Other End of the Stethoscope.” Then, in late 2021, she released the political thriller “Undue Influences.”   […]

Achieving Personal Success by Writing and Self-Publishing a Novel – 2682022-10-05T11:16:57-05:00

How Creative Writing Restores Vitality and Prevents Burnout – 259


Interview with Dr. Claire Unis In today's podcast, Dr. Claire Unis describes how creative writing restores vitality. At Dartmouth College, Claire double-majored in creative writing and literature. She participated in the Master of Fine Arts program at the University of San Francisco while attending medical school at UCSF. At USF she concentrated on memoir and narrative nonfiction writing. She finished both degrees at the same time. […]

How Creative Writing Restores Vitality and Prevents Burnout – 2592022-07-31T09:07:43-05:00

How the Healing Power of Poetry Saved My Life – 228


Interview with Dr. Barbara Loeb Dr. Barbara Loeb shares the healing power of poetry in this interview. She is an author, speaker, mentor, facilitator, and physician leader. And she is committed to promoting well-being, especially for people working within healthcare.  She believes that individuals devoted to caring for others often fail to take care of themselves. Her work is now focused on inspiring caregivers to do just that. […]

How the Healing Power of Poetry Saved My Life – 2282022-01-04T14:21:52-06:00

How to Be an Author and Nonclinical Career Expert with Dr. Heidi Moawad – 063


For today's podcast episode, I had the pleasure of speaking to a nonclinical career expert. She actually “wrote the book” on this topic. Heidi Moawad, MD, is a neurologist and adjunct professor at John Carroll University in Cleveland, Ohio. She's worked in many facets of medicine, including clinical practice, healthcare utilization, medical writing, telemedicine, payment policy and undergraduate and medical education. She's the author of the book Careers Beyond Clinical Medicine, and she's the host of a website [...]

How to Be an Author and Nonclinical Career Expert with Dr. Heidi Moawad – 0632021-03-22T21:31:35-05:00

How to Find Freedom as a Freelance Medical Writer with Dr. Emma Nichols – 056


Working as a freelance medical writer is a great nonclinical career for several reasons: You can start by working part-time. There is a lot of flexibility. The demand for writers continues to grow. A large cash investment is not required to start. Before we jump into today’s interview, I want to thank listeners who have rated and review this podcast. It really means a lot to me. And for those who have NOT: Please take a minute to [...]

How to Find Freedom as a Freelance Medical Writer with Dr. Emma Nichols – 0562024-09-03T18:53:37-05:00

How to Build a Platform and Create Authority with Dr. David Geier – 049


Today, I present an interview with an orthopedic surgeon and sports medicine specialist who’s been building his platform for eight years. But, before we get to today’s interview, I want to let you know what I've been up to. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes at the PNC podcast. Updates I’m collaborating with other physician entrepreneurs in a variety of ways that I’ll be talking about in future podcast episodes. So, I recently completed a guest post [...]

How to Build a Platform and Create Authority with Dr. David Geier – 0492021-06-28T10:44:37-05:00

How to Balance Clinical and Nonclinical Work with Dr. Sue Zimmermann – 048


Dr. Sue Zimmermann is an orthopedist with 24 years of clinical experience. She engaged a career coach to help her plan her pre-retirement pivot away from her full-time clinical position. Sue shows us how to balance clinical and nonclinical pursuits using good planning, coaching and networking. Before we get to today’s interview, I want to remind you about the new edition of my weekly newsletter. Once a week, I write about my efforts to convert my blogging and [...]

How to Balance Clinical and Nonclinical Work with Dr. Sue Zimmermann – 0482018-08-21T12:30:07-05:00

How to Become an Author, Consultant and Online Authority with Dr. Tom Davis – 047


Dr. Tom Davis is a board-certified family physician who transformed himself into an author, consultant and online authority. Today's interview is one of the most compelling I've done since starting the podcast. Tom describes his transformation, and shares the lessons he's learned in the process. Before we get to today’s interview, I want to remind you about the new edition of my weekly newsletter. Once a week, I write about my efforts to convert my blogging and podcasting [...]

How to Become an Author, Consultant and Online Authority with Dr. Tom Davis – 0472021-03-21T17:17:43-05:00

How to Become a Medical Writer with Dr. Mandy Armitage – 022


In this podcast episode, I speak with Dr. Mandy Armitage about her career as a medical writer. She was trained and board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation, and sports medicine. After working clinically, she transitioned to working full-time in medical writing. She has experience as a freelancer and a full-time employed writer. She currently serves as a Medical Director for HealthLoop and continues freelance medical writing at Armitage Medical. I've been interested in writing myself. It's one of  [...]

How to Become a Medical Writer with Dr. Mandy Armitage – 0222021-10-27T09:59:17-05:00

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