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Interview with Dr. Sue Zimmerman – 366

In this podcast episode replay, I'm speaking with Dr. Sue Zimmerman, an orthopedic surgeon who found satisfaction in writing, teaching, and limiting clinical work to a manageable level. In her case, it meant walking away from the operating room.

She describes how she shifted from traditional orthopedic practice to a more balanced and fulfilling lifestyle, and the strategies she used to find her way.

Our Show Sponsor

We're proud to have the University of Tennessee Physician Executive MBA Program, offered by the Haslam College of Business, as the sponsor of this podcast.

The UT PEMBA is the longest-running, and most highly respected physician-only MBA in the country. It has over 700 graduates. And, the program only takes one year to complete. 

By joining the UT Physician Executive MBA, you will develop the business and management skills you need to find a career you love. To learn more, contact Dr. Kate Atchley’s office at (865) 974-6526 or go to nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

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[From the original post in 2018:]

Dr. Sue Zimmermann Seeks Balance in Her Work

Sue Zimmermann graduated from Medical School at Brown University and then pursued her orthopedic training at New England Medical Center. Then, she practiced orthopedic surgery at Dartmouth Hitchcock Health System in Nashua, New Hampshire for 24 years.

She began to think about retiring but with the idea of slowing down and entering a nonclinical career. So, she searched for a coach, ultimately working with physician career coach, Dr. Heather Fork. Listeners will recall that I interviewed Heather in Episode 18 of this podcast.

Be happy By Writing, Teaching, and Limiting Clinical Responsibilities

In the interview, Sue describes how she was preparing for her transition when she suddenly lost her position at the hospital where she worked. Fortunately, her planning paid off. She was ready to make the shift. She networked with colleagues, identifying several opportunities that fit her goals.

As a result, she is now working in an outpatient orthopedic clinic, teaching and writing. Her quality of life is excellent. And her income is meeting her needs at this stage in her life. She has achieved real balance in her professional life.

During the interview, we discuss the following resources:


Dr. Sue Zimmerman provides a great model for planning your career transition, particularly as you approach your “retirement” years. You may want to start by engaging a career coach long before beginning your search. Then identify your strengths, weaknesses, vision, and interests.

Network with colleagues. Seek out pertinent professional organizations that offer support, networking, training, or certification in the fields you are considering. And consider pursuing several part-time jobs rather than one full-time position that doesn't meet your needs.

If you liked today’s episode, please tell your friends about it and SHARE it on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Right click here and “Save As” to download this podcast episode to your computer.

How to Be Happy Writing, Teaching and Limiting Clinical - A PNC Classic from 2018

Interview with Dr. Sue Zimmermann - 366

Jurica: Dr. Sue Zimmermann, thank you for joining me today on The PNC Podcast.

Zimmermann: Sure, glad to be here.

Jurica: I want to set the stage for our conversation today. I love interviewing guests who have made a complete transition to a non-clinical career, or those who have been able to balance a clinical career with a non-clinical career. And from what I know, you've been able to do that pretty successfully. So, I really thank you for joining us today.

Zimmermann: Yes, thank you.

Jurica: So, I know a little bit about your background. And I'm going to actually have prior to our conversation an introduction that talks a little bit about your educational background and so forth. And I know you're an orthopedic surgeon, but why don't you talk about your background a little bit and give us sort of the short version. And talk about your clinical work. And then maybe at that point we'll kind of transition into your non-clinical work?

Zimmermann: Alright. So, I'm an orthopedic surgeon. I was in practice full-time for 24 years. I worked for a big multi-specialty group. And one of the things about working for the group is I was planning to retire in a couple of years. And approaching that, I started to think about what I wanted to do after retirement. And I wanted to do something that was not clinical and sort of pursue my passions, if you will. So, I started that process about two years ago. I started working with a coach. Her name is Heather Fork and she is a physician who coaches other physicians.

I actually found her through going on a Listserv with the American Association of Women's Surgeons and I got a few recommendations for coaches. And I interviewed them before I chose one. And I found it very helpful to get others' recommendations, and then also just get a feel for what the coaches were like when I was talking to them. And I think that it was very valuable to me because number one, it helped me to identify my strengths and my desires of what I wanted to be doing. And the coach was also a wealth of information about different careers. I think that until you start exploring, you really don't know what options there are out there for you as a physician. And I found that there are many, many options for careers having been a physician.

So, that was very helpful. So, that was how I sort of started my journey. And I found that it was also very helpful to start doing things outside of my clinical work while I was still doing clinical work. Sort of as a preparation but also to see what I liked. I had always thought about teaching. I was not working in an academic center, but I did have the chance occasionally to work with physician assistant students in the clinic. So, I was interested in teaching and I saw a volunteer opportunity at a local medical school at Boston University to do a weekly class with second year medical students. And these involved working with a small group of six or seven students and doing case reviews. So, it was case-based learning.

And so, I did that for a couple semesters and I found that I really loved it. So, that affirmed my belief that I was interested in going into teaching. And, you know, other things that I identified and variant to wellness and especially to bone health and osteoporosis treatment. So, I'd started to cultivate that part of my practice. And so, I did some reading. I didn't go to any formal courses, but I did spend some time with a colleague who is an expert in that field learning about osteoporosis care. And I started treating some osteoporosis patients, which I found was very rewarding. So, as I started to approach retirement, I looked for things that I found rewarding within my clinical work as well as things that were outside the clinical work.

Jurica: Again, I�ll jump in here. This is very interesting. I think you're the first person that I've talked to that has really sort of stepped back, started planning. I mean, many of us plan for so-called retirement or transition. But I think you're the first person I've talked to that's actually engaged a coach. You knew what you were doing. You had checked and gotten some references or at least a list off the website you described. And I do know that coach personally and she definitely can not only help with the motivation and the soul-searching and the planning, but she knows a lot about a lot of clinical careers and she has contacts with people in various places, too. So, that was really an outstanding maneuver on your part to get started in that way.

Zimmermann: Yes. Yes, that was extremely helpful. And it also ... I think it also made me more prepared. I think it's hard to just leave medicine without having any kind of direction. So, it was really good for me to have some direction before I left.

Jurica: Absolutely.

Zimmermann: Another thing that I started doing with Heather's advice and connections was working for a board review company. I was also interested in writing. So, I started working for a company doing writing and editing board review questions. And again, I found that it was enjoyable. I enjoyed researching the questions. I liked writing them. I felt like I was using a lot of my knowledge and skills but in a different way. So, that was another thing that I started doing while I was still practicing.

Jurica: So, where are you now in terms of the mix of clinical and non-clinical? Because I think during our prep for this you talked about taking on a different type of clinical responsibility recently.

Zimmermann: Yes, yes. So, I actually ... I left my clinical practice and I guess about a year and a half ago now. I was actually laid off, which was somewhat of a surprise. And so, I took some time off and I looked at different other clinical opportunities. I didn't want to jump right into full-time practice again. So, I looked into some different things there. And one thing that I was interested in again is with wellness and working, you know, working with population who's trying to get better.

One of my former co-workers is now the Medical Director at MIT at the Medical Department there. And so, I approached her about opportunities there. And it just so happened that last fall they had one of their providers leave, so they were looking for someone part-time to do non-operative outpatient orthopedics.

And that suited me perfectly because I didn't want to go back to full-time practice. But I find that I do like seeing patients. And so, I started doing that in March and it's been very enjoyable. I take care of students, faculty, staff, families of staff, and retirees. So, I'm still taking care of a broad range of patients. I do miss surgery somewhat, but I don't miss the stress that's associated with surgery. I don't miss the nights and the weekends. And working part-time gives me the opportunity to continue with teaching and writing, which are two other things that I really like.

Jurica: That sounds really, really good. Like a good mix and, you know, maybe you'll do some fine-tuning. But this sounds like a pretty decent lifestyle for anybody, you know, that's looking to kind of shift a little bit out from the heavy burden of clinical medicine and the being on call and so forth. So, that's been great.

Well, then, let's kind of step back a little bit. If I were to come to you today and say, "You know, I like the idea of writing those test questions and editing." Can you give any specific advice to someone who might want to pursue that particular aspect of non-clinical activities?

Zimmermann: Yes, absolutely. One of the things that I did was I took an online medical writing course. It was ... It's given by the University of Wisconsin. And it was great because it was a six-week course. It was very inexpensive. And it was Introduction to Medical Writing. And basically, it told a lot about the opportunities that are out there for medical writers. So, it was a very good resource, first of all. And so, it also sort of helps you decide whether that's something you want to do. Like I said, I started working for the first company while I was still in practice. And I found that I wasn't getting a lot of work from them, so I actually switched to another company at the end of last year. And I'm getting a lot more work with this company.

And, actually, I found both of these opportunities through Heather Fork, through my coach. Both of them involved having to put in an application with the CD. And then I had to give them some samples of medical writing. So, they had me write sample questions or, you know, as in a board review type of question. And they ... Both of them were similar. They would give you a format for the question and how to write the question and do an explanation and use references. So, you have to ... It's kind of like an audition process. You have to submit a sample of your writing. One of them asked for a second sample and then I made the cut. And when I became employed with them.

Jurica: Oh, that's excellent. Have you discovered any other sources of those kind of jobs in recent months?

Zimmermann: One thing you see, the DOC, the Drop Out Club, I think a lot of people probably know that website and that who subscribe to it. And you will get a listing of job opportunities on their website. And they often have those kinds of opportunities. Some of, you know, some of the jobs are full-time work. But a lot of them are ... Use remote part-time kinds of jobs.

Jurica: Nice. How is the payment for writing those kinds of ... Is it an hourly? Is it on a per number of questions? How does that work out exactly?

Zimmermann: That's a good question. They ... Both companies would pay by the question. So, I would submit a series of questions and then submit an invoice. And then they pay you for the questions that you submit.

Jurica: And these questions are going to be used for what again? Maybe I missed that.

Zimmermann: Well, for ... Right now, I'm writing for the Physician Assistant Board Review. So, they have a question bank for the ... I guess they're called the PANCE and the PANRE exams for physician assistants. It's the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam and Physician Assistant National Recertifying Exam. So, they're questions for the PA Review for their certification exams. Some of them are for medical students. Some are geared toward step one of the boards. Others, step two. It depends on their needs, you know, the company's needs. So, they want you to write for that specific audience.

Jurica: That's kind of like you said, it's board prep. I think that I've got something like that for family medicine. And it's kind of vignette cases and then, you know, evidence-based answers and so forth. And they're very helpful. I think it's probably better to study with the questions than to read a textbook or something like that.

Zimmermann: Oh, yes. Absolutely. Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Jurica: You know, I think I'm going to take this opportunity to give another resource out there. Kind of just coincidental. I was just talking to somebody from a company called NetCE. It's at netce.com. And I've been an editor for them for about 12 years and I was just asking one of the people that work there if they need people to write or submit manuscripts. Because they produce a written type of CME. So, I thought, "Well, I'll plug them right now." So, there's an email ... I'll put it in the show notes, but it's the NetCE.com is where you can find the CME activities themselves to give those people in the audience who might be writers. But there's all kinds of opportunities like this so I'll put that in the show notes and that'll be one more that they can access as they're looking for writing opportunities.

So, anything else about the writing side you want to tell us about?

Zimmermann: Not really. I like it because it's from home. I can do it when I have time. So, some weeks I do a lot, and some weeks I don't do much. But there are some deadlines, but they're pretty relaxed deadlines. So, I don't feel ... I feel like I can do as much or as little as I want, which is really, really nice.

Jurica: So, now what about the teaching side? And now I think you said you are teaching ... Are you teaching PA students now?

Zimmermann: Yes, yes. So, I'll tell you about how that came about. So, I had started to do the volunteering with medical students and I was interested in doing more. And Heather actually connected me with one of her former clients who is an emergency room physician. And he is now the Director of the PA School at Northeastern University. So, I met with him and I spent a day with him kind of shadowing him and also talking about what he did. And he suggested to me that I contact the schools in the area. I live in the Boston area, so there's a lot of medical schools and PA schools. And he suggested I contact schools and just say, do you, you know, ask if they needed someone to teach orthopedic.

And so, I actually contacted Boston University, which is where I do the volunteering. And it turns out that they did need someone to do their orthopedic module. And it also turned out that the Director of the school is another former colleague of mine. Which it so happens basically what they did is gave me a syllabus of what the students needed to learn. It was four hours on four separate days of instruction. So, it was both lectures and hands on teaching physical diagnosis to students. And basically, I had 16 hours to teach the entire field of orthopedics. So, ...

Jurica: Oh, you could do that, can't you?

Zimmermann: Yeah. So ... Like trying to teach the history of the world in a week or something like that. So, I spent quite a bit of time preparing for the lectures. You know, I made my own slides and my own lectures. And having worked with PAs in the clinic and having done some teaching in the clinic, I know what PAs need to know and I wanted to teach them what I thought my PAs should know as someone who worked with me. What I would want them to know. And so, I first taught the class in December of last year. And that was ... I taught that to second year students. And they actually changed the schedule and moved the orthopedic module up to first year, so I taught the class again to the first-year students in January of this year. And I'm going to be teaching it again in this coming January.

And I really enjoyed it. It's ... PA school's a nice setting because the classes are smaller. So, you have 25 to 30 students instead of, you know, maybe a hundred, 150 students like in med school. And so, you get to be a little bit more interactive and students can ask you questions during the class. You can have a little bit more discussion with them. So, I really, really enjoyed that. And then throughout the year I've done various things. You know, I helped with the anatomy class. I helped with the dissections. I gave a couple of anatomy lectures when they needed me. So, I've been able to do some things throughout the year. And that's been very rewarding and very fun. I've really enjoyed that a lot. Teaching is a lot of work. You have to do a lot of prep work and evaluating the students. But it is just incredibly rewarding.

Jurica: Now, do you think that this could be something that pretty much any specialty could look into? Are there some specialties that they seem to need more of or can't find people to help them out?

Zimmermann: Well, I don't know about certain specialties, but I know that they're always looking. I think a lot of times in medical schools they might be more set, in terms of their faculty. And what I've heard about nursing schools is that nurses� schools, they like to have nurses teach their courses. I don't know if that's really true, but that's what I've heard. But PA schools seems like a great opportunity because they have to learn a lot of information in a short amount of time. The students, you know, they only have one Didactic year or maybe a year and a half of Didactic. And they have to learn nearly all of the same information that medical students do. So, I think they, you know, they're always looking for people. So, that's kind of a good way to get an entry into teaching.

And I think it just depends if ... You know, they do have to learn all the topics. You know, they have to learn all the different specialties. OB-GYN, pediatrics, trauma care, ER, orthopedics. So, I would think that any specialty would be able to find some opportunities there.

Jurica: Very interesting. So, probably like a lot of teaching, that first year if you're sort of developing or writing the curriculum least for your particular presentation, it's a little bit more work. But then the subsequent years would typically be a lot easier I would suppose.

Zimmermann: Yes. Yes, you'd just have to fine-tune some of the things.

Jurica: As far as the compensation of the teaching versus let's say the writing.

Zimmermann: Yeah, it's actually similar, you know, in terms of hourly work. I think that the ... You know, if you look at how long it takes to write a question, it probably takes me, you know, an hour or so to research and write the questions. So, on an hourly basis, probably pretty similar. You're certainly going to earn a lot more doing clinical work. Which is one of the reasons why I decided to go back to clinical part-time. Because you're always going to earn more doing clinical work. I sort of was able to take the things I liked about clinical work and have those things without the things I didn't like, like being on call.

Jurica: Right. It can obviously be a bit of a trade-off. Sometimes I like to remind the listeners that, you know, if you're procedures and you're making a pretty good living, obviously ... But there's a lot of things that go with that, like you said. Being on call and really, how many hours are you putting in during that week? Is it really 50? Or is more like 70 or 80? And so, [crosstalk 00:20:38] it won't compare exactly, but the lifestyle's usually much better.

Zimmermann: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yes.

Jurica: Alright. So, that's where you are now then, right? You're doing the writing, you're doing some teaching. Sounds like the teaching is a little sporadic. It's not as continuous as maybe the writing can be if you, you know, just sit down and write more consistently. That sounds about ... Am I getting that correct?

Zimmermann: Yes, yes. The teaching is ... So, I had some, you know, more intense time in January and then I did a few couple weeks of the anatomy in June. And then a few things sporadically throughout the year. So, it's not a steady thing. I think that there are opportunities, say, if you were going to be more of a full-time faculty or an administrative role in a PA school. For example, the woman who runs the school, she's a physician but she basically runs the whole program and she's a full-time person. So, there are those type of opportunities, but you're going to be doing a lot of administrative things. And I really didn't want to do any of the administrative work.

Jurica: Right, right. But in any kind of non-clinical area that you enter into, there's often times opportunities to take a more of a management or leadership role because physicians are often seen as leaders. So, that's another thing to keep in mind.

Zimmermann: Yes, yes. And there are lots of those opportunities. And I think that ... And they need good people to do it. They need people who are enthusiastic and knowledgeable. So, I think that there's a lot of roles. I mean, I read one of your recent podcasts and basically the physician had said that they were taking a role that nobody wanted, but they made something good out of it.

Jurica: Right, exactly. So, you�ve got to keep your eyes open for those opportunities. So, well, maybe if you were to step back and just look at the process you've gone through over the last few years and maybe you could be a mentor for some other physicians who are thinking about making a shift. What kind of advice, you know, just kind of putting everything together, would you give them in terms of the steps to take over the next six to 12 months or so?

Zimmermann: Well, my advice would be first of all, start some self-exploration. And again, for me, using a coach was really critical to the process. I think that it's often very helpful to have somebody outside of your self helping you make ... You know, helping you think about things. And also, giving you information that you might not easily get yourself. The other thing is exploring before you retire or leave medicine or whatever. You know, there is things you can start doing on a volunteer basis or on a, you know, very part-time basis. You ... It doesn't take that long, it doesn't take that much time. But you can do it maybe a couple hours a week just to sort of start thinking about what you might want to do and see if it excites you. See what you're passionate about and see what you might want to do later on. Those would be my two things. Is start preparing early and also, have a coach.

Another thing is look for opportunities within your specialty. Again, for me the bone health was very rewarding. I also ... I'm also very interesting in pediatric work, pediatrics, so I started cultivating that part of my craft as ... Even, you know, if you're feeling burnt out or unhappy in your practice, there are ways to make it more interesting and more enjoyable.

Jurica: Yeah. Probably find a lot of examples of physicians who have stayed within their specialty, done clinical, but you know, they focused down on something they're really interested in or they're really good at. Something that's maybe less intense but yet rewarding. So, I mean, that's really good advice.

Zimmermann: Mm-hmm (affirmative). Yes.

Jurica: Well, I think we've kind of covered things pretty well here today. This has been really good conversation. It really gives people a lot of hope. And that with a little planning, a little introspection, and looking around possibly using a coach, there's still plenty for physicians to do out there that can bring them balance and happiness and fulfillment. And so that's very inspiring.

Zimmermann: Well, thank you. Thank you very much. It was ... I enjoyed speaking with you.

Jurica: Alright. I know that some of our listeners are going to want to at least maybe get to know you a little better or possibly reach out to you. Some of my guests will use LinkedIn or other sources. What do you think? Would that be an appropriate way to get in touch with you?

Zimmermann: Yes. I have a LinkedIn profile. It's Sue Zimmermann. And I'd be happy to connect with people if you have questions or recommendations.

Jurica: Awesome. So, I'll also put a link. I think I can go to LinkedIn and get the actual link to your profile. And then there'll be more information and they can always try and connect with you and interact that way. So, that would be great. We'll have to catch up with you maybe a year or two down the road and see what's going on.

Zimmermann: Okay.

Jurica: Sounds like you might be looking into something other things.

Zimmermann: Yes, may be.

Jurica: Alright, Sue, thank you so much for joining me today. I really enjoyed it and I know the listeners will get a lot out of it. So, I thank you again for being here.

Zimmermann: Alright. You're welcome. Thanks for having me.

Jurica: Okay. Bye-bye.

Zimmermann: Goodbye.


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The post How to Be Happy Writing, Teaching and Limiting Clinical – A PNC Classic from 2018 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

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How Creative Writing Restores Vitality and Prevents Burnout – 259 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/creative-writing/ https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/creative-writing/#respond Tue, 02 Aug 2022 12:00:55 +0000 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/?p=10756 Interview with Dr. Claire Unis In today's podcast, Dr. Claire Unis describes how creative writing restores vitality. At Dartmouth College, Claire double-majored in creative writing and literature. She participated in the Master of Fine Arts program at the University of San Francisco while attending medical school at UCSF. At USF she concentrated on [...]

The post How Creative Writing Restores Vitality and Prevents Burnout – 259 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

Interview with Dr. Claire Unis

In today's podcast, Dr. Claire Unis describes how creative writing restores vitality.

At Dartmouth College, Claire double-majored in creative writing and literature. She participated in the Master of Fine Arts program at the University of San Francisco while attending medical school at UCSF. At USF she concentrated on memoir and narrative nonfiction writing. She finished both degrees at the same time.

Claire is a pediatrician who is currently in part-time practice. She works for one of the largest medical groups in northern California as a communication coach for other physicians. As a part of the Clinician Wellbeing Program, she mentors medical professionals and delivers seminars.

Our Sponsor

We're proud to have the University of Tennessee Physician Executive MBA Program, offered by the Haslam College of Business, as the sponsor of this podcast.

The UT PEMBA is the longest-running, and most highly respected physician-only MBA in the country. It has over 700 graduates. And, the program only takes one year to complete. 

By joining the UT Physician Executive MBA, you will develop the business and management skills you need to find a career that you love. To find out more, contact Dr. Kate Atchley’s office at (865) 974-6526 or go to nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

Balance, Pedal, Breath: A Journey Through Medical School

The urge to hold on to that motivation for being a doctor and that earlier self (a fairly innocent and naive person who applied to medical school and wrote lovely, glowing entrance essays about how this was the most important profession in the world) led Dr. Unis to write the book.

Writing about her experiences during medical training helped her make sense of those experiences. It also helped her reconnect with her purpose.

The goals of her book are to help the general public understand what physicians in training go through and to provide those considering a career in medicine to develop a deeper understanding of the profession.

Narrative Medicine

The medical humanities discipline of narrative medicine is a way to connect doctors with their non-medical side. And it assists them in overcoming burnout by enabling them to define meaning in their lives.

Dr. Unis uses her abilities as a creative writer in other ways:

  1. Literary Inspiration For Expression (LIFE)

    Dr. Unis designed her first lesson to be a true reminder that we are more than our professions. We have life experiences that may be influenced by our work but are not entirely defined by them.

  2. Book Club

    Those who wish to write but don't feel comfortable doing so can share their writing in a safe nonjudgmental environment. The primary objective is to improve clinicians' well-being by expressing themselves through writing.

  3. Medical Group's Weekly Blog

    Claire writes a brief reflection essay about anything that is happening in the world or in her life every week. People appreciate being reminded that others are going through these very human situations.


Dr. Unis' book can be found on her website. Additionally, it is offered directly at Warren Publishing, and at Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Kindle. You can contact her through her website, Facebook, and Instagram.

NOTE: Look below for a transcript of today's episode.

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Transcription PNC Podcast Episode 259

How Creative Writing Prevents Burnout and Restores Vitality

John: I have a great respect for physicians who write and especially those who also get paid to do so. I was very pleased to meet today's guest and convince her to tell us about how she has integrated writing into her career while she's still doing clinical medicine. So, with that, I will say hello and welcome Dr. Claire Unis.

Dr. Claire Unis: Hi John. Thank you so much for having me on the show.

John: Yeah. I kind of feel like I need to support writers, whether they're writing some fiction or even a technical writer or whatever, because I think a lot of physicians think that writing is not really an option in terms of either part-time or full-time replacement for medicine, but some have made a great living doing it as well enjoy doing it. So, that's why I thought it'd be great to talk to you today.

Dr. Claire Unis: Thank you. I'm really grateful to be on your show.

John: Let's see, we do have some things to talk about, including a memoir that you've written, but why don't you tell us a little bit about your background, your education, where the writing came in and then we'll go from there?

Dr. Claire Unis: Sure. I actually went to Dartmouth for undergrad and although I entered college knowing that I wanted to become a doctor, I was delighted to find out that you don't actually have to major in a basic science to become a doctor. And once that avenue was open for me, I tried all kinds of different things, but landed on something I've always loved, which is writing. I was actually a writing and literature major in undergrad, and then was fortunate to be accepted to UCSF for medical school. And I went down that road for a little while and part way through, looked up and said, "Wait a second. I need to write about this."

Before I graduated from medical school, I enrolled at USF, university of San Francisco in a master of fine arts program in writing. I was able to spread out my UCSF education by a little extra six months at the edge. So, I graduated in December 2000 from there and with my MFA in creative writing in May of 2021. So, I was able to get both degrees before starting residency that same June at children's hospital Oakland where I started residency in pediatrics.

John: Okay. Now you've been practicing since you finished your residency, correct?

Dr. Claire Unis: That is correct. I went right on into it like I think most of us do when we look up and realize that we need to make some money. Yeah.

John: And do you still enjoy pediatrics to a large extent?

Dr. Claire Unis: I really do. I really do. And I think partially I can say that was so much enthusiasm because I've been able to bring writing back into my life. I think like many of us, once we get to a certain point in our careers, we have a certain level of mastery of what we're doing most days. You start to look around and say, "Okay, what else? What else can we do?"

John: That's true. For me, as a family physician, it became pretty mundane after a couple of years. And most of what I was seeing was trivia anyway. All right. So, tell me, why is writing so important to you? Obviously, you've been interested for most of your life, but what is the draw of writing, particularly non-technical writing, which I don't think you're doing at this point?

Dr. Claire Unis: You're correct. I'm not doing technical writing. I thought about it very early on and realized that if I wrote for a career, if I wrote things I wasn't excited about, it was not going to have the same resonance that writing has for me now. I probably started writing very young. I found a journal at home where I wrote a song/poem when I was in like first grade. Not super sophisticated stuff, but clearly, I always have had this impulse to write things down. I think in adolescence is when it became something that was really part of my life. It was how I made sense of things, how I made sense of that burgeoning understanding of mortality and just all of those changes. So, I started writing regularly then.

And then in college when I returned to it, it's really because of that musicality, it's the way that the right words, the right description of an experience that you relate to really resonates and really kind of gives you that moment of "Yes, someone understands me" or "Yes, we share this experience." That resonance is what has kept it so important to me and has made it so hard for me to give up that creative writing.

John: Well, I think I can relate to that. Not so much as a writer, but as a reader. And we have each our own preferences, but boy, when I read something that communicates well, that it creates a story in my head, in my mind, I can visualize it. There's just something about it that is beyond watching a TV show or playing a video game or something like that, which tries to bring it into reality, but it's better when you're imagining it, I think.

Dr. Claire Unis: Absolutely. Absolutely. And being able to bring that experience back out to something you can share with someone else and have someone read it and say, "Wow, I really felt that" or "Wow, that really meant something to me" is just an amazing feeling.

John: Well, this is a good point to segue then, because as I was reading something this past week, which was your memoir, I could visualize what you were doing, what you were describing. And there's a lot of active things going on in some of the writing list of chapters I was looking at. So, why don't we go ahead and talk about that. It seems like you used that even maybe through medical school to get through medical schools. Tell me how that whole idea of white writing a memoir and then later publishing it, how that came about.

Dr. Claire Unis: Boy, that's a great question. One of the wonderful programs that I was able to participate in at UCSF was called The Healers Art. It was a program put on by Rachel Naomi Remen. And as I understood it, it was designed to see if we could prevent doctors from burning out in the future by putting first year medical students in touch with the reason that they came to medical school to begin with.

And this was fantastic for me. I had taken a year off to be a ski bum between college and medical school. And so, I really came in probably little prepared for the rigors of study that was in front of me. And so, this was a great course that allowed me to use creativity. I think we were drawing pictures and writing little things just to reconnect, be like, "Okay, is this worth it? This is painful. Do I really want to do this?" I think it first got ratified in some way or I first felt like it was going to be okay to pursue some creative pursuit in addition to medical school with that course. And then as you go through medical school, you can feel yourself changing. You can feel how transient those experiences are and how some of them you really just want to forget. And others of them, you realize that, "Wow, I really hope I can remember what I learned from this situation."

I think the impetus to write the memoir really came from the desire to hold on to that reason for becoming a doctor and hold on to that before self, a rather innocent and naive person who applied to medical school and wrote wonderful, glowing admissions essays about how this was the most important work in the world.

So, writing about it really put me back in touch with my purpose and also helped me make sense of some of those experiences as I was going through it. That's kind of a long wordy answer but as I look back at my journals, which I journaled like an inch of text maybe every day. I had a little tiny daily calendar. So, I would just write down some little thing about every day.

But when I go back and look at that, the idea about writing about it came to me pretty early in third year. And I approached the admissions office at UCSF and spoke to somebody in that department. And being told that I could do this, being told that I could be accepted and could write just opened everything up for me because suddenly there was somewhere to put all these experiences as I was going through them. And it wasn't just something I had to hold onto and endure.

John: Okay. That's one of the questions I had as I was reading some of the book. You were journaling at the time. And is there a difference between journaling and writing a memoir or is that two separate things? Did you just happen to use some of the journal entries in the memoir or were you actually writing the memoir as you were journaling?

Dr. Claire Unis: That's a great question. I started out with just the journaling. As most of your audience, if you're in medicine knows there was just no time to write very much as I went through medical school. But because I could feel that change happening and because I really wanted to be able to remember this later in order to write about it, I wrote those little tiny journal entries as I went through.

During my fourth year, I spread my fourth year out over that extra six months. My fourth year was actually like an 18-month year. I was simultaneously in classes at UCSF. And so, then I was actively writing while I was going through fourth year. But as we all know, the fourth year is a little less rigorous than all the years that have come before. So, it was possible to really focus on my writing for a month and then be in my clinical rotation for a month and then focus on my writing for a month. A little bit of both, but I was aware that I needed to synthesize these journal entries and really write while it was still fresh.

John: Then at some point, there's something called "Balance, Pedal, Breathe" came into existence, but it wasn't at that point. How do you feel having published it and what made you decide "Okay, I actually want to put this in a way that can be out there for other people?"

Dr. Claire Unis: Yeah. I had to finish some version of it to graduate from UCSF, which I did. And I knew it wasn't finished even at that time. As a new graduate, you don't really have that much confidence in what you know or how you're going to use these experiences. And I think part of me was really very nervous about getting this into final published form had I really been able to do at that time. And I did have an agent interested and there was some back and forth, and I think I kind of just panicked and then I started residency and there was no time.

But what got me back to this, and then of course, over the years I actually wrote the chapter on my OB rotation during my pediatrics residency when I was working and taking care of the babies. Some of these chapters came later. Most of them were at least initially conceived during the end of medical school. But I came back to this when the pandemic hit. It was kind of like being handed this little gift of time. And I think many of us were like, "What am I going to do with this sudden gift of time?" And there wasn't any question in my mind, I really needed to come back to this. I was facing symptoms of burnout and feeling like something had to change and pulling this out and rereading it really kind of got my heart all flutter. It was like, "Oh my gosh. This is what I felt when I went into this." And this is what I experienced. I think writing the memoir at that point or getting back into it sort of put me back in touch with my purpose, but it also, and this is the uncomfortable part, it made me face things I wasn't very proud of either. It's been many years since I graduated from medical school.

And during that time, there were things that I did that were selfish, that at the time, I didn't know how else to get through. And then when you look back, you go, "Okay, that doesn't actually create a human that I can be proud of being." Some of going back to this later inspired me and some of it forced me to evolve a little bit more yet than I've even evolved over the years as we all do. But getting it published is literally a dream come true because I always wanted to. At the same time, it's a little bit like walking around naked sometimes because people are reading some of your inner thoughts and I definitely had some feelings of panic as it was being released of, "Oh my gosh, maybe I shouldn't do this." But it was too late.

John: That's not a trivial thing. I thought if I were to write some kind of book, sort of a fiction book, and I wanted to make it interesting, I'm afraid I had to put things in there that I had done or experienced to make it sound real. But then I wouldn't want people to read it because I'd be embarrassed by what was in there.

Okay. Now I'm going to put you on the spot. We knew you knew we were going to talk about the book. So, sell me on the book. Who should buy this book? It's out there, it's available. Tell us where you can get it and who would it resonate the most with? Because there's got to be an audience for it, right?

Dr. Claire Unis: Absolutely. And I've been really fortunate that anyone who has read it has come back to me with glowing reviews. "Oh, my goodness. I didn't know you could write like this." And while this really resonated with me and I had no idea what medical school was like, or those who have read it would have gone to medical school. Actually, it's really funny. I guess I shouldn't say who it was, but somebody I knew well in medical school got in touch with me and said, "I now have a clearer memory of your medical school experience than my own." And I say, "Well, that's a fascinating thing to say." I think it's absolutely relevant for anyone who's thinking about going to medical school, anyone who has gone to medical school, the nurses who I'm friends with who have read it have really resonated with it as well.

But ideally, I think this is a book that could do very well with book clubs. I don't think you need to be in medicine. And my whole goal in writing it, was to help someone who's not in medicine, understand what your doctor has gone through to get to that point. And I think that's really important and that is part of what drove me back to it during the pandemic as well. There was this huge disconnect between the general public and the people who are trying to take care of them. And I just have always felt understanding is the key. If people could understand each other's experiences, it would take us so much closer to being able to communicate well and bridge those differences. So, I really wrote this book to have universal appeal and to be relevant to anyone who's interested in what someone going into medicine has experienced.

To answer your second question, it's available on Amazon, it's available on Barnes & Noble. You can buy it from the publisher, which is Warren Publishing, and they were fantastic to work with, but I will tell you that you can get a lot faster through Amazon. And it is available also on Kindle.

John: Okay. Two comments. One, Warren, because I don't want to get into too much detail, but everyone always asks, "Well, how did you publish it? Was it traditional? Was it self-published?" And Warren is one of those that's in between, right?

Dr. Claire Unis: Yes. Warren is a hybrid publisher. So, what that means is that there's some shared expense in terms of what goes into publishing the book. They help with curating the editors that you work with. So, I know you've previously interviewed Deborah Blaine who is a friend and a wonderful writer of medical thrillers or medical mystery. So, she's a great example of someone. And she actually turned me on to Warren Publishing. And then once you sign on with them, there's a developmental editor, there's a copy editor, there's a proofreader. There's a lot of rounds of editing that they help and then making sure that everything is in line as it should be so that it can be presented as well as a traditionally published book. And it can be sold in bookstores, which is something that most bookstores won't carry self-published books. So, for me, it was a faster process than going through a traditional publisher and it allowed me to put out a product I can be extremely proud of.

John: Yes, it's very professionally done, obviously. The second comment I was going to make, and I hadn't thought about this before, but when you said it would be something that someone who was thinking of going to med school or was starting med school would read, I think back, I could have really used that darn book because I had no one in my family that was in medical school. The first rotation that I did in my third year of medical school, I had no idea what was happening. I just showed up. It's like, "Okay, what's going to happen now? I'm in the surgical rotation with some Vietnamese doctor who was at the VA and I got to be here every third night and stay here?" Oh my gosh, it was a total culture shock.

Dr. Claire Unis: Absolutely. Nothing really prepares you for that. Your first two years don't prepare you for that. We had one panel where the upperclassmen told us a few things to make sure that you had with you and then off you go. So, thank you.

John: Yeah, that's really good. And you know what? I'm the only one that has mentioned the title of the book. So, tell us the title, the complete title. And then we'll move on to my next question.

Dr. Claire Unis: Sounds good. The title is "Balance, Pedal, Breathe: A Journey Through Medical School." And the reason for the title is that this book is every bit as much about my other outdoor pursuits or outside medicine pursuits as it is about medical school. And I think that's also part of the universal appeal.

For example, when I talk about my pediatrics rotation, I'm also talking about paragliding and traveling and learning a new language. And when I'm talking about the surgery rotation, I'm also talking about swing dancing, which was something I did quite during medical school.

Balance also has to do with rock climbing. There's a chapter that is called "Unsure Footing" that's about a multi pitch long climb that I went on. And I interweave that with stories of uncertainty in medicine. Pedal was mountain biking. Biking absolutely saved my soul, I think during the second year as we approached boards. And then breathe because so much of this book revolves around images of breath. And breath drives everything. It's how we deal ourselves, to deal with whatever we have to deal with. It's how we recover from something that's difficult. It's how we center ourselves. And it has so much to do with any active outdoor pursuit.

The title very much harkens to all the other experiences that are interwoven with the medical experiences here. And then the subtitle "A Journey Through Medical School" because it very much was a journey both emotionally and physically.

John: Very nice. Yeah. There's a lot to talk about here but this is a thing that impressed me and what we're going to talk about for at least the next 10 minutes or so. So, you published a book like, "Okay, that's your writing and how it's manifest in your life now?" No, you're doing like three or four other things in which you've incorporated and integrated writing into your daily, I guess, life. So, explain what you're doing from that aspect. The teaching, the coaching, whatever you want to talk about. We only have so much time, but I want to hear about those things. I think the listeners will too. And some of those things, I think you're actually getting paid for as part of a program at the university.

Dr. Claire Unis: Yes. Thank you. When I looked up and realized I needed to do something more than just clinical practice, that was actually before the pandemic. And at the time I had recently learned about narrative medicine, which is a field of medical humanities that came into being right around the time I graduated with my MFA, feeling like I was the only person in the world who wanted to merge the humanities with medicine. It turns out I was not.

There was a team of doctors and other writers and all kinds of collaboration was going on at Columbia university to create narrative medicine, which is basically the use of texts, which could be pictures, photographs, any kind of example of the humanities to connect doctors with the other side of themselves, the nonmedical side of themselves and give them something to talk about that will also get in touch with basically geared against burnout by allowing people to talk about something nonmedical and get at the meaning behind what is going on in their lives. Because we doctors learn very early on that we don't share what's going on emotionally with our patients, that we are supposed to be quite stoic in the face of all kinds of trials. And obviously over a lifetime of that, that's a recipe for burnout. And I think of creativity as an antidote to burnout.

So, I'd come across this narrative medicine program. And I was thinking about enrolling, although having two children and a practice on the west coast, it was terribly practical to go to the east coast for a program. And in talking to someone who I would consider a mentor at my work, he said "Wait a second, you have an MFA in writing. Do you really need another master's degree?" And I thought about it and I was like, "Wow, you're right." It was already in the works before the pandemic. I was creating a program involving writing and literature appreciation for other doctors, modeled loosely on what they're doing with narrative medicine at Columbia and then the pandemic hit. So rather than be able to meet with people in person, suddenly everything went virtual. And it was honestly perfect timing because suddenly everybody had a little bit more time to spend, checking out something new.

So, the first class I put together was something that I called LIFE - Literary Inspiration For Expression. And in this class, I would provide a short story to people ahead of time and they would read it and then we would get together and discuss it for a little while. And then I would give a writing prompt to which people could free write and they didn't have to share their writing with anybody. It was just a chance to a little bit of personal reflection based on the discussion that we've had.

I deliberately chose stories that had nothing to do with medicine. This was really intended to be true enrichment and a true reminder that we are much more than our professions and that we have life experiences that are perhaps informed by our jobs, but certainly not completely circumscribed by our jobs. And that class was very popular.

And so, from there, I went on to develop some writing workshops. I found that there were a number of clinicians who were trying to write on their own and really could benefit from having people to bounce their ideas and their writing off of. I created a book club. I worked with one of our patient family advisors to develop a writing class. So, people who didn't feel comfortable with their writing, but wanted to write, could learn some techniques. And then ultimately after taking several narrative medicine workshops, I did feel comfortable working with someone else who was in that program to offer some narrative medicine classes also.

So, I've been very busy offering classes to clinicians with the main goal being to improve clinician wellbeing. And I was fortunate also that some of this work was funded by a grant. I worked for Sutter medical group. And Sutter Health had a joy of work committee formed that received a grant to support work that would help or kind of augment clinician wellbeing.

And so, I was a recipient of some of that money that funded some of my time to put into program development. And that was a real boom because like many of us, it's hard to take time out from other things that we're not getting paid for, or take time away from things that we are getting paid for to really develop something like this. And so, it gave me the permission to say, "Okay, this is part of my job. I have to create something." That seems like that was a lot of talking on my part, but that's a summary of what I've done with the writing. And one more thing, I've been able to write a weekly blog for our medical group. So each week I just write some short reflective piece about something that's going on in the world or in my life that I consistently get nice feedback on. I think people like to hear just a reminder of other people are having these very human experiences alongside the medical obligations.

John: Now, the one thing I think that I remember from discussing before we got on the call was some kind of communication coaching. Is that encompassed in what you've already described or is that something different?

Dr. Claire Unis: No. Fantastic. That's a great reminder. Actually, even before I started all these writing programs, I have held the title of clinician communication coach. And in that role, I would sometimes shadow other doctors and just help with techniques that would help with communication with patients.

And the goal of this is really to make the day a little easier. Many people struggle with how do you get out of the room, for example, after you've finished a visit? How do you avoid, "Oh, doctor, one more thing" and not feel like a jerk if you say "We can't handle that today?" How do you make sure that patients know you care, even though you also have a time constraint?

So, we have some classes actually that we teach through that department and I really enjoy that as well. Honestly, I've found that working to help clinicians enjoy their work and help them manage symptoms of burnout, if not get rid of them somehow, have been all things that I've really enjoyed. So yes, clinician communication coaching is something that I've been doing for several years. Now, I'm going to say we're probably getting close to five but I did start that long, long before. And that wasn't my idea. I was fortunate to be hired into that role. And it's part of our patient experience.

John: Well, it sounds like you have an array of things that you're doing that aren't strictly practice and you've cut the hours and the practice down I guess significantly, but you're still seeing kids and doing that. So, you've got that going. And I take it. I don't hear a lot of burnout right now coming from you or at least evidence of it. But I don't know, I haven't given you a questionnaire to complete or anything. So how do you feel right now doing everything that you're doing?

Dr. Claire Unis: For me, this is a great balance. I'm working 50% clinical time in medicine, and honestly, I was doing that long before. And even with that, there were days that I was feeling like it was too much because there's so much nonclinical extra work that we do every time we set foot into the office and it starts to feel less appreciated. I think doing the clinician communication work has helped me also be a little bit more efficient in my interactions with patients and feeling good about them. That's really what it's about. If you get out of that room feeling good about the interaction, you feel a lot better about your workday also. So, I've been able to really enjoy that. But having time to create and help others create has done wonders for my ability to feel like I have a great balance. And I look forward to my clinical days. I look forward to seeing patients. I really enjoy my time. I do not think there's any way on this planet that I could do it full time. So, I'll be fully honest about that. The time away is essential for being able to be fully present.

John: Yeah. And I think that's common and probably underrecognized by most people. I think we forget when we're in it that medicine is very intense. And not that these other things don't take a lot of time and energy to do, but the intensity of taking care of patients, having the responsibility, the threat of a lawsuit, plus all the paperwork piled on top. I really personally can't see how someone can practice more than 20, 25 years without kind of segueing into something a lot simpler. But it sounds like you've got a great balance that could go on for quite a while, as long as you're enjoying all of it.

Dr. Claire Unis: Absolutely. I want to add one more thing to that. And I think this is something that most of us are feeling is that more and more we're being told what we need to achieve in an office visit. That's not necessarily the goals that we need to set out there, right? There are all these metrics that we're supposed to meet and these extra things we're supposed to be doing. And the more we're told to just toe the line and do something that does not involve our own creativity, the more important it is that we have some creative pursuit outside of it. So, it's soul sucking not to have that self-determination. And so, I think it's just extremely important and it doesn't have to be writing, obviously. It's not everybody's jam. But it is essential to honor that creative side of ourselves. Everybody has a creative side, and it really deserves to be expressed in some way.

John: All right. That was very inspirational to me and probably to the listeners as well. I hope you enjoyed that people. But before we go, a couple questions. First, tell us what's the best way to get ahold of you or just to find what you're doing? Do you have a website and other ways on social media we could track you down?

Dr. Claire Unis: Absolutely. My website is www.claireunis.net. And on there, there is a "Contact me" little section. So please feel free to drop me an email, especially if you're interested in classes. I'm not sure once this grant runs out, exactly what my next move is going to be, but I've certainly had some people outside my medical group ask about classes. So, I'd love to know if you're interested. I can also be found on doctorsonsocialmedia.com. You can look at my name, and my book is also on there. On Facebook or Instagram, basically, most of the socials I'm at Literary Art in Medicine. And the book I think I mentioned can be found on Amazon or Barnes & Noble, or there's a link through my website also.

John: Excellent. All right. I will put all those in the show notes too so people don't have to hurriedly write down right now or if they're in their car or something. Before I let you go, though, I'm going to just basically ask you what advice you might have for my listeners. I think you have a pretty good idea. It's basically physicians, some of whom are burnt out, maybe a high percentage are thinking about doing something else. And so, maybe you just have some pithy answer to their problems. But just tell us what advice you would give them right now.

Dr. Claire Unis: I guess my best advice is just that you need to honor your creative side. If there's something that you really wish you could do more of in your free time, maybe look into that, look for classes, look for ways to develop yourself further in a totally different avenue. It will make you a better doctor. It will make you more present when you are in the office.

For many of us financially, the thought of pivoting to something else is really daunting. And I know John, you are way more an expert in that than I am. But speaking for the sole satisfaction side, the more happy you are, the more you tend to your own needs on the outside, the more present you are on the inside. So, hopefully that's helpful to people, whether it's writing or something else.

John: I think it's very helpful. And some of the principles that we follow here that really as a physician you should have a life that's joyful and fulfilling, that you wake up to in the morning not dreading. And whether that means adding something to it or doing something different, what you've told us about today can be very helpful in that regard. I really appreciate that. So, I think we are out of time now. I guess all I can do now is say goodbye and thank you again for coming on the show today.

Dr. Claire Unis: Sure. My pleasure, John. Thank you so much for having me. I really appreciate it.


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How to Become a Marvelous Medical Mystery Author – 231 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/medical-mystery-author/ https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/medical-mystery-author/#comments Tue, 18 Jan 2022 11:00:17 +0000 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/?p=8988 Interview with Dr. Debra Blaine Dr. Debra Blain is a marvelous medical mystery author. She was born in New York City and grew up on Long Island, New York.  Debra attended Baylor College of Medicine. She returned to New York for post-graduate training. For over thirty years, she has practiced Family and Urgent [...]

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Interview with Dr. Debra Blaine

Dr. Debra Blain is a marvelous medical mystery author. She was born in New York City and grew up on Long Island, New York. 

Debra attended Baylor College of Medicine. She returned to New York for post-graduate training. For over thirty years, she has practiced Family and Urgent Care Medicine on Long Island and Queens.

She loves writing thrillers – even more than practicing medicine. Her first novel, CODE BLUE: The Other End of the Stethoscope, was released in 2019.

Our Sponsor

We're proud to have the University of Tennessee Physician Executive MBA Program, offered by the Haslam College of Business, as the sponsor of this podcast.

The UT PEMBA is the longest-running, and most highly respected physician-only MBA in the country. It has over 700 graduates. And, the program only takes one year to complete. 

By joining the UT Physician Executive MBA, you will develop the business and management skills you need to find a career that you love. To find out more, contact Dr. Kate Atchley’s office at (865) 974-6526 or go to nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

Novel Writing

Her newest book, Undue Influences, was released in October 2021. It continues her campaign against greed and argues for the practice of integrity.

But don't be misled. It is as suspenseful and engaging as any thriller. During the interview, Debra explains why she enjoys writing, and the approach she followed to complete two books in a relatively short period of time. 


Debra is also a Certified Professional Coach, Master Trainer, and Certified Group Leader. She works with clients who are struggling to navigate the corporate world. She also coaches clients who wish to write and publish. And she continues to write herself.

Publishing for the Medical Mystery Author 

Dr. Blaine described in detail the options for publishing a book. She explained that the three major approaches are self-publishing, traditional publishing, and hybrid publishing.

With self-publishing, the author maintains complete control over the process. She also receives essentially 100% of the royalties. However, it is more work and can be costly to hire editors and pay for marketing and printing.  

Using a traditional publisher takes longer. It requires that an agent be hired, and produces a much lower royalty payment. Furthermore, the traditional publisher makes all final decisions. It owns the rights to your book and pays for all of the expenses of getting the book published.

Finally, the hybrid publisher provides some of the support of the traditional publisher. But more control and a higher royalty percentage remain with the author. This publisher may provide its own editors and will help get your book into major bookstores.


Debra is an awesome writer. In today's interview, she describes her writing journey. She explains the inspiration for her two books. And presents how to go about publishing a novel as a medical mystery author.

NOTE: Look below for a transcript of today's episode.

Links for Today's Episode:

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Right Click Here and “Save As” to download this podcast episode to your computer.

If you enjoyed today’s episode, share it on Twitter and Facebook, and leave a review on iTunes.

Podcast Editing & Production Services are provided by Oscar Hamilton

Coming soon


Many of the links that I refer you to are affiliate links. That means that I receive a payment from the seller if you purchase the affiliate item using my link. Doing so has no effect on the price you are charged. And I only promote products and services that I believe are of high quality and will be useful to you.

The opinions expressed here are mine and my guest’s. While the information provided on the podcast is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, there is no express or implied guarantee that using the methods discussed here will lead to success in your career, life, or business.

The information presented on this blog and related podcast is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I do not provide medical, legal, tax, or emotional advice. If you take action on the information provided on the blog or podcast, it is at your own risk. Always consult an attorney, accountant, career counselor, or other professional before making any major decisions about your career. 

The post How to Become a Marvelous Medical Mystery Author – 231 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/medical-mystery-author/feed/ 2 8988
Add Discipline to Creativity to Be a Successful Medical Writer – 179 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/successful-medical-writer/ https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/successful-medical-writer/#comments Tue, 19 Jan 2021 11:20:20 +0000 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/?p=6443 A Popular Nonclinical Career Option Today I present my thoughts on how to become a successful medical writer. I am presenting an excerpt from my course on the Nonclinical Career Academy called Introduction to Careers as a Medical Writer. It should answer some of the questions you have about this popular career. I’ll [...]

The post Add Discipline to Creativity to Be a Successful Medical Writer – 179 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

A Popular Nonclinical Career Option

Today I present my thoughts on how to become a successful medical writer.

I am presenting an excerpt from my course on the Nonclinical Career Academy called Introduction to Careers as a Medical Writer. It should answer some of the questions you have about this popular career.

I’ll explain more at the end of the podcast today. But in addition to the video lesson, there are several downloadable audio interviews with physicians who became writers.

Our Sponsor

We're proud to have the University of Tennessee Physician Executive MBA Program, offered by the Haslam College of Business, as the sponsor of this podcast.

The UT PEMBA is the longest-running, and most highly respected physician-only MBA in the country. It has over 700 graduates. And, the program only takes one year to complete. 

By joining the UT Physician Executive MBA, you will develop the business and management skills you need to find a career that you really love. To find out more, contact Dr. Kate Atchley’s office at (865) 974-6526 or go to nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

Types of Medical Writing

Medical writing is a broad field that is commonly assigned to one of the following categories:

  • Technical
  • Journalistic
  • Medical Education, including CME
  • Patient Education
  • Copywriting, including marketing and advertising

Further, medical writers can work as freelancers or as employees. Freelancers will usually require a business structure such as an LLC.

Become a Successful Medical Writer

To become a successful medical writer, you will need to do the following:

  • Decide whether you want to be a freelancer, building your clients over time, or an employed writer. Freelancers have more freedom but require more discipline. Employed writers usually have a greater structure to their jobs and more options for advancing their careers. Both types will probably have the opportunity to work from home.
  • Select a field of writing. You might be a technical writer for a CRO (Contract Research Organization), a freelance writer for a CME Company, or an employed writer for a health education company. 
  • If employed, you may be able to step into a role as an editor, or as a senior medical writer or manager of a writing department.


Medical writing is a career that often provides the ability to work from home, or while traveling. Your skills can be applied in a variety of ways, for a variety of audiences, and advancement opportunities to supervisory roles are often available.

Links for Today's Episode:

Download This Episode:

Right Click Here and “Save As” to download this podcast episode to your computer.

Music Note: I have returned to my usual music for the podcast. But I am practicing more now. I hope to bring a new music clip to a future episode soon.

If you enjoyed today’s episode, share it on Twitter and Facebook, and leave a review on iTunes.

Podcast Editing & Production Services are provided by Oscar Hamilton


Many of the links that I refer you to, and that you’ll find in the show notes, are affiliate links. That means that I receive a payment from the seller if you purchase the affiliate item using my link. Doing so has no effect on the price you are charged. And I only promote products and services that I believe are of high quality and will be useful to you, that I have personally used or am very familiar with.

The opinions expressed here are mine and my guest’s. While the information provided on the podcast is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, there is no express or implied guarantee that using the methods discussed here will lead to success in your career, life, or business.

The information presented on this blog and related podcast is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I do not provide medical, legal, tax, or emotional advice. If you take action on the information provided on the blog or podcast, it is at your own risk. Always consult an attorney, accountant, career counselor, or other professional before making any major decisions about your career. 

The post Add Discipline to Creativity to Be a Successful Medical Writer – 179 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/successful-medical-writer/feed/ 1 6443
What Is It Like to Be a Medical Editor? – 160 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/medical-editor/ https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/medical-editor/#respond Tue, 15 Sep 2020 10:30:53 +0000 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/?p=5192 Interview with Dr. Jennifer Spector  In this week's Podcast episode, Dr. Jennifer Spector describes how she became a medical editor for a popular online medical journal. She is is a Board-Certified Podiatric Physician and Surgeon with 14 years of clinical experience. She also spent over 5 years in national leadership positions at the American Association [...]

The post What Is It Like to Be a Medical Editor? – 160 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

Interview with Dr. Jennifer Spector 

In this week's Podcast episode, Dr. Jennifer Spector describes how she became a medical editor for a popular online medical journal.

She is is a Board-Certified Podiatric Physician and Surgeon with 14 years of clinical experience. She also spent over 5 years in national leadership positions at the American Association for Women Podiatrists. She’s had a long-term interest in education, writing, and consulting. She is passionate about educating others. As of June 2019, she has been the Associate Editor for Podiatry Today.

She received her DPM degree from the Temple University School of Podiatric Medicine. Then she completed a three-year residency in podiatric medicine at Christian Care Health System.

Our Sponsor

We're proud to have the University of Tennessee Physician Executive MBA Program, offered by the Haslam College of Business, as the sponsor of this podcast.

The UT PEMBA is the longest-running, and most highly respected physician-only MBA in the country, with over 650 graduates. And, unlike other programs, which typically run 1 – 1/2 to 2 years, this program only takes a year to complete. Recently, Economist Magazine ranked the business school #1 in the world for the Most Relevant Executive MBA.

While in the program, you'll participate in a company project, thereby contributing to your organization. As a result, the University of Tennessee PEMBA students bring exceptional value to their organizations.

Graduates have taken leadership positions at major healthcare organizations. And they've become entrepreneurs and business owners.

By joining the University of Tennessee physician executive MBA, you will develop the business and management skills needed to find a career that you really love. To find out more, contact Dr. Kate Atchley’s office by calling (865) 974-6526 or go to nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

Preparing to Be a Medical Editor

Medical writing and editing are great careers. They consist of a variety of potential jobs that include freelancing or employment; working from home or in an office; technical, journalistic, or educational. And there are positions open to physicians of all backgrounds.

After completing her residency, Jennifer spent several years building her practice. She later volunteered at the American Association for Women Podiatrists. She chaired several committees. Then she held several leadership positions, becoming President of the organization in 2018.

There are so many things that we might have dipped our toes into in clinical practice without realizing how they can apply  outside of actual practice. – Dr. Jennifer Spector

While at the AAWP she was responsible for writing and editing the newsletter and other documents. That experience enabled her to land her position as Associate Editor for Podiatry Today.

Finding Editing Jobs

Today’s conversation with Jennifer clarified the process of becoming the editor for a medical news journal, like Podiatry Today. Jennifer reminds us to develop a portfolio of writing and editing samples to share with prospective employers. She was able to do this while working with the AAWP.

And if you’re looking for freelance writing opportunities, you should look at the portfolio of journals published by the parent company of Podiatry Today, HMP Global. There are 12 journals and 18 Online Digital and Learning Networks under its umbrella.


In today's interview, we learned what it takes to become a medical editor. This is often a natural step for established writers to pursue.

Links for Today's Episode:

Download This Episode:

Right Click Here and “Save As” to download this podcast episode to your computer.

The Nonclinical Career Academy Membership Program recently added a new MasterClass!

I've created 17 courses and placed them all in an exclusive, low-cost membership program. The program provides an introduction to dozens of nontraditional careers, with in-depth lessons on several of them. It even includes my full MSL Course. There is a money-back guarantee, so there is no risk to signing up. And I'll add more courses each month.

Check out the home page for the Academy at nonclinicalphysicians.com/joinnca.

Thanks to our sponsor…

Thanks to the UT Physician Executive MBA program for sponsoring the show. It’s an outstanding, highly rated, MBA program designed for working physicians. It is just what you need to prepare for that fulfilling, well-paying career. You can find out more at nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

If you enjoyed today’s episode, share it on Twitter and Facebook, and leave a review on iTunes.

Podcast Editing & Production Services are provided by Oscar Hamilton


Many of the links that I refer you to, and that you’ll find in the show notes, are affiliate links. That means that I receive a payment from the seller if you purchase the affiliate item using my link. Doing so has no effect on the price you are charged. And I only promote products and services that I believe are of high quality and will be useful to you, that I have personally used or am very familiar with.

The opinions expressed here are mine and my guest’s. While the information provided on the podcast is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, there is no express or implied guarantee that using the methods discussed here will lead to success in your career, life, or business.

The information presented on this blog and related podcast is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. It should not be construed as medical, legal, tax, or emotional advice. If you take action on the information provided on the blog or podcast, it is at your own risk. Always consult an attorney, accountant, career counselor, or other professional before making any major decisions about your career. 

The post What Is It Like to Be a Medical Editor? – 160 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/medical-editor/feed/ 0 5192
How to Find Nonclinical Opportunities in Retirement – 159 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/nonclinical-opportunities-in-retirement/ https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/nonclinical-opportunities-in-retirement/#comments Wed, 02 Sep 2020 14:23:48 +0000 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/?p=5163 Interview with Dr. Robert Adams  In this week's PNC Podcast episode, I have a wonderful conversation with Dr. Robert Adams as he provides highlights from his long military and clinical careers and offers advice for finding nonclinical opportunities in retirement. Bob Adams may be the most accomplished guest I’ve ever met. Coming from a military [...]

The post How to Find Nonclinical Opportunities in Retirement – 159 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

Interview with Dr. Robert Adams 

In this week's PNC Podcast episode, I have a wonderful conversation with Dr. Robert Adams as he provides highlights from his long military and clinical careers and offers advice for finding nonclinical opportunities in retirement.

Bob Adams may be the most accomplished guest I’ve ever met. Coming from a military family, he attended the U.S. Naval Academy. Then, he continued his naval career and after serving as Navigator and First Lieutenant on the USS Hamner, he followed his dream to become a Navy SEAL.

He served 14 years in the Navy and was a Navy Commander when he changed services. However, he did so to become a physician on an Army scholarship at Wake Forest University Medical School.

As an Army physician, he commanded various clinics providing full-service inpatient and outpatient obstetric, pediatric, medical, surgical, and gynecologic services to a diverse population. He served four years as the Command Surgeon for the US Army DELTA Force providing combat medical services worldwide, and he was deployed to Iraq with the 82nd Airborne Division.

Along the way, he obtained an MBA from James Madison University. After retiring from the Army Medical Corps as a Colonel, he founded and practiced in a full-service medical clinic, “Knightdale Family Medicine,” in Knightdale, NC. He ultimately left the practice but was able to find several nonclinical opportunities in retirement to keep him busy.

He is the author of two books that he released this year: Six Days of Impossible – Navy SEAL Hell Week: a Doctor Looks Back – and Swords and Saints: a Doctor’s Journey.

Our Sponsor

We're proud to have the University of Tennessee Physician Executive MBA Program, offered by the Haslam College of Business, as the sponsor of this podcast.

The UT PEMBA is the longest-running, and most highly respected physician-only MBA in the country, with over 650 graduates. And, unlike other programs, which typically run 1 – 1/2 to 2 years, this program only takes a year to complete. Recently, Economist Magazine ranked the business school #1 in the world for the Most Relevant Executive MBA.

While in the program, you'll participate in a company project, thereby contributing to your organization. As a result, the University of Tennessee PEMBA students bring exceptional value to their organizations.

Graduates have taken leadership positions at major healthcare organizations. And they've become entrepreneurs and business owners.

By joining the University of Tennessee physician executive MBA, you will develop the business and management skills needed to find a career that you really love. To find out more, contact Dr. Kate Atchley’s office by calling (865) 974-6526 or go to nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

Adventurous Journey To Retirement

Bob is a fifth-generation career military and became a Navy Seal. After getting his MBA he worked in Washington. But he hated it. So he decided to go to medical school.

“I don't want to be a businessman. There's no morals. There's no ethics. I want to go to medical school.”

Searching for scholarships through the military, he found that Army scholarships were the best. So he switched branches, attended medical school and residency, and spent 18 years in the military. During that time, he deployed to Iraq with the 82nd Airborne Division. And for four years he was command sergeant for the Army's Delta Force. Later, he retired as a Colonel from the Army Medical Corps.

After retiring he started a private practice. He went to a bank and asked for a $4 million loan. Fortunately, they liked his business plan, so he built a 14,000 square foot multi-specialty clinic. When corporate got unpleasant to deal with, he looked for the next adventure and entered “retirement.”

Publishing Two Books

The first of Bob's nonclinical opportunities in retirement was writing two books. His first book describes his experiences during Navy Seals Hell Week. The story is about a doctor trying to figure out why he and the 10 others in his group made it through that challenging process. The second book is called Swords and Saints: A Doctor's Journey. In it, Bob describes the experiences that led him to, and carried him through, his military and medical careers.

Bob looked for publishing options and found that traditional publishers required too much control over the contents of his books.  And that didn't appeal to him. So he self-published, using a corporate group in Canada called FriesenPress. They provided editors that taught him to grab the audience and keep their interest. He found a military-friendly publisher for his second book.

Other Nonclinical Opportunities In Retirement

Pharma Sentinel, a London-based company reached out to him. They are building a medical app that monitors and reports news alerts about medications to those prescribing and taking them. 

MedicorHealth is a company that discovered a money-making opportunity for primary care doctors treating Medicare patients. The company provides turn-key tools that enable physicians to generate income through remote monitoring of their patients.


In this episode, Dr. Robert Adams describes his long career, his book publishing, and the nonclinical opportunities in retirement that he discovered. And he believes there are many more such opportunities.

Links for Today's Episode:

Download This Episode:

Right Click Here and “Save As” to download this podcast episode to your computer.

The Nonclinical Career Academy Membership Program recently added a new MasterClass!

I've created 17 courses and placed them all in an exclusive, low-cost membership program. The program provides an introduction to dozens of nontraditional careers, with in-depth lessons on several of them. It even includes my full MSL Course. There is a money-back guarantee, so there is no risk to signing up. And I'll add more courses each month.

Check out the home page for the Academy at nonclinicalphysicians.com/joinnca.

Thanks to our sponsor…

Thanks to the UT Physician Executive MBA program for sponsoring the show. It’s an outstanding, highly rated, MBA program designed for working physicians. It is just what you need to prepare for that fulfilling, well-paying career. You can find out more at nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

If you enjoyed today’s episode, share it on Twitter and Facebook, and leave a review on iTunes.

Podcast Editing & Production Services are provided by Oscar Hamilton


Many of the links that I refer you to, and that you’ll find in the show notes, are affiliate links. That means that I receive a payment from the seller if you purchase the affiliate item using my link. Doing so has no effect on the price you are charged. And I only promote products and services that I believe are of high quality and will be useful to you, that I have personally used or am very familiar with.

The opinions expressed here are mine and my guest’s. While the information provided on the podcast is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, there is no express or implied guarantee that using the methods discussed here will lead to success in your career, life, or business.

The information presented on this blog and related podcast is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. It should not be construed as medical, legal, tax, or emotional advice. If you take action on the information provided on the blog or podcast, it is at your own risk. Always consult an attorney, accountant, career counselor, or other professional before making any major decisions about your career. 

The post How to Find Nonclinical Opportunities in Retirement – 159 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/nonclinical-opportunities-in-retirement/feed/ 1 5163
Here Are the Keys to Being a Strong CME Writer – 146 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/cme-writer/ https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/cme-writer/#respond Tue, 09 Jun 2020 11:00:58 +0000 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/?p=4830   Interview with Sarah Campbell In this episode of the PNC podcast, Sarah Campbell offers her expert advice to become a strong CME writer.   NetCE is a continuing education company that produced online education for health care professions. Sarah has spent much of her career working there. She is the Director of Development. In [...]

The post Here Are the Keys to Being a Strong CME Writer – 146 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.


Interview with Sarah Campbell

In this episode of the PNC podcast, Sarah Campbell offers her expert advice to become a strong CME writer.


NetCE is a continuing education company that produced online education for health care professions. Sarah has spent much of her career working there. She is the Director of Development. In that role, she works with planners and authors to develop the materials that NetCE produces.

Our Sponsor

We're proud to have the University of Tennessee Physician Executive MBA Program, offered by the Haslam College of Business, as the sponsor of this podcast.

The UT PEMBA is the longest-running, and most highly respected physician-only MBA in the country, with over 650 graduates. And, unlike other programs, which typically run 1 – 1/2 to 2 years, this program only takes a year to complete. Recently, Economist Magazine ranked the business school #1 in the world for the Most Relevant Executive MBA.

While in the program, you'll participate in a company project, thereby contributing to your organization. As a result, the University of Tennessee PEMBA students bring exceptional value to their organizations.

Graduates have taken leadership positions at major healthcare organizations. And they've become entrepreneurs and business owners.

By joining the University of Tennessee physician executive MBA, you will develop the business and management skills needed to find a career that you really love. To find out more, contact Dr. Kate Atchley’s office by calling (865) 974-6526 or go to nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

What is Continuing Medical Education?

Continuing Medical Education materials are a major component of NetCE's products. As such, it is constantly looking for new content. And it regularly engages a CME writer to produce it.

The topics should timely and widely applicable. The writing should be evidence-based and well-supported by references. And NetCE must expand its offerings to topics not covered before. It helps if the CME writer has a genuine interest and expertise in the subject matter.

“If you're writing about something that's actually interesting to you or that you have been impacted by, then it can be really valuable to the learners.” – Sarah Campbell

For example, NetCE worked quickly to develop a course on COVID-19 recently. An established CME writer for NetCE worked on an expedited schedule to meet the need. In most cases, however, Sarah can predict new course requirements and plan for them in advance.

The Medical Writing Process

Sarah outlined the process of medical writing during our conversation.

  1. Before writing a manuscript, authors submit a formal proposal. It includes a brief abstract and a big-picture overview of what the final product will look like.
  2. The proposal goes to the Development Committee, which reviews and provides feedback on it.
  3. The company issues a contract, and the author writes the manuscript.
  4. When the first draft is submitted, the CME writer receives her honorarium.
  5. NetCE completes editing, graphics, and publishing. This process can take up to a year to finish.
  6. After three years, the company reevaluates the course based on need and new scientific developments. If it is still valuable, the author will complete revisions and receive an additional honorarium.


In the episode, Sarah also provided advice for CME writers for maintaining a good relationship with CME Communication Companies. And she describes ways to optimize compensation for your medical writing.

Links for Today's Episode

Download This Episode:

Right Click Here and “Save As” to download this podcast episode to your computer.

The Clinicians Career Cooperative Official Launch Began on June 1, 2020.

This is the ONLINE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS for nonclinical, and unconventional clinical, jobs and side gigs. We have started with some of the most influential names in clinical career transition, including:

  • Maiysha Clairborne
  • Michelle Mudge-Riley
  • Tom Davis
  • Marjorie Stiegler
  • Andrew Wilner
  • Phil Boucher
  • Mike Woo-Ming
  • Jarret Patton
  • Jill Wener
  • Christopher Loo
  • Lisa Jenks
  • Mandy Armitage

There is an automatic 7-day Free Trial. So, this is a no-risk opportunity to connect with experts and begin your career transition today.

To check it out, head to the Clinicians Career Cooperative.

Follow 4 Easy Steps:

After clicking the link and heading to the Cooperative and watching the Welcome Video…

  1. click the Teal Colored JOIN NOW button, then,
  2. select the annual or monthly membership by clicking the Sign-Up Link, then
  3. add your registration information, and,
  4. click REGISTER HERE to join the Cooperative.

It's that simple.

Imagine what it will be like 6 to 12 months from now to start a fulfilling career, and leave behind the headaches, long hours, and constant threat of a lawsuit. Joining the Cooperative is the first step on that journey!

So head over to the Clinicians Career Cooperative.

The Nonclinical Career Academy Membership Program is Growing!

I've created 16 courses and placed them all in an exclusive, low-cost membership program. The program provides an introduction to dozens of nontraditional careers, with in-depth lessons on several of them. It even includes my full MSL Course. There is a money-back guarantee, so there is no risk to signing up. And I'll add more courses each and every month, addressing:

  • You can learn directly from Mike Woo-Ming in a 4-Part Masterclass about freelance consulting. Writing Masterclass with Charlotte Weeks.
  • Locum Tenens Masterclass  with Dr. Andrew Wilner
  • Nontraditional Careers: Telemedicine, Cash-only Practice
  • Hospital and Health System Jobs
  • Freelance Consulting
  • Pharma Careers
  • Home-based jobs
  • Preparing for an interview, and using LinkedIn
  • And more…

And to make it even easier, listeners to this podcast can get a one-month Trial for only $1.00, using the Coupon Code TRIAL at nonclinicalphysicians.com/joinnca.

Thanks to our sponsor…

Thanks to the UT Physician Executive MBA program for sponsoring the show. It’s an outstanding, highly rated, MBA program designed for working physicians. It is just what you need to prepare for that fulfilling, well-paying career. You can find out more at nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

If you enjoyed today’s episode, share it on Twitter and Facebook, and leave a review on iTunes.

Podcast Editing & Production Services are provided by Oscar Hamilton


Many of the links that I refer you to, and that you’ll find in the show notes, are affiliate links. That means that I receive a payment from the seller if you purchase the affiliate item using my link. Doing so has no effect on the price you are charged. And I only promote products and services that I believe are of high quality and will be useful to you, that I have personally used or am very familiar with.

The opinions expressed here are mine and my guest’s. While the information provided on the podcast is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, there is no express or implied guarantee that using the methods discussed here will lead to success in your career, life or business.

The information presented on this blog and related podcast is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. It should not be construed as medical, legal, tax, or emotional advice. If you take action on the information provided on the blog or podcast, it is at your own risk. Always consult an attorney, accountant, career counselor, or other professional before making any major decisions about your career. 


The post Here Are the Keys to Being a Strong CME Writer – 146 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/cme-writer/feed/ 0 4830
50 Outstanding Ways to Dump an Awful Career for a Bright One – 147 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/dump-an-awful-career/ https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/dump-an-awful-career/#respond Sun, 07 Jun 2020 13:12:05 +0000 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/?p=4834 Interview with Dr. Sylvie Stacy In this episode of the PNC podcast, Dr. Sylvie Stacy returns to discuss how physicians can dump an awful career and find a career that is right for them. She also tells us about her brand-new book 50 Nonclinical Careers for Physicians. Sylvie was a guest on the show for [...]

The post 50 Outstanding Ways to Dump an Awful Career for a Bright One – 147 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

Interview with Dr. Sylvie Stacy

In this episode of the PNC podcast, Dr. Sylvie Stacy returns to discuss how physicians can dump an awful career and find a career that is right for them. She also tells us about her brand-new book 50 Nonclinical Careers for Physicians.

Sylvie was a guest on the show for the first time almost two years ago. Since then, her blog, Look for Zebras, has grown. And she has created a Nonclinical Career Quiz and published her long-awaited book.

Our Sponsor

We're proud to have the University of Tennessee Physician Executive MBA Program, offered by the Haslam College of Business, as the sponsor of this podcast.

The UT PEMBA is the longest-running, and most highly respected physician-only MBA in the country, with over 650 graduates. And, unlike other programs, which typically run 1 – 1/2 to 2 years, this program only takes a year to complete. Recently, Economist Magazine ranked the business school #1 in the world for the Most Relevant Executive MBA.

While in the program, you'll participate in a company project, thereby contributing to your organization. As a result, the University of Tennessee PEMBA students bring exceptional value to their organizations.

Graduates have taken leadership positions at major healthcare organizations. And they've become entrepreneurs and business owners.

By joining the University of Tennessee physician executive MBA, you will develop the business and management skills needed to find a career that you really love. To find out more, contact Dr. Kate Atchley’s office by calling (865) 974-6526 or go to nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

Look for Zebras

The name of Sylvie’s blog comes from a saying common in medicine that goes, “When you hear hoofbeats, look for horses, not for zebras.” Sylvie says to do the exact opposite in your career.

In too many situations, doctors settle for what she calls the horse careers. Horse careers may be stressful and unrewarding; they may not compensate well or offer room for advancement; they may not value your specific skill set, but they are easy to come by.

Instead, Sylvie says that physicians looking to dump an awful career should look for zebras. Zebra careers are the rare opportunities that perfectly fit your interest in skills, help you achieve work-life balance, compensate you fairly, and make you feel valued.

“For many physicians who aren't really satisfied with their current jobs, a transition to a nonclinical career may be an excellent solution for the frustration that they're facing. But for others, really all they need is a change to a different type of organization that has a different culture.” – Dr. Sylvie Stacy

Find the Right Career for You

Now, Sylvie has added another resource to Looking for Zebras: the Nonclinical Careers Quiz. This personality-based assessment asks 50 questions, such as:

  • What type of work makes you feel most rewarded?
  • What activities do you enjoy participating in?
  • Are you introverted or extroverted?
  • How do you enjoy spending your free time?
  • Are you willing to travel for your job?
  • Is it important for you to be able to work from home?

After completing the questionnaire, you receive a nonclinical career option that should align with your skills and interests. Included is a job description and a list of some typical responsibilities of the position. Pursuing it will certainly help you dump an awful career.

Read the Book and Dump an Awful Career

Lastly, Sylvie discusses her recently released book, 50 Nonclinical Careers for Physicians: Fulfilling, Meaningful, and Lucrative Alternatives to Direct Patient Care.


She wrote the book to help physicians:

  1. Understand what nonclinical career options are available to them,
  2. Help them match their skillsets to the right opportunity, and
  3. Distinguish the important differences between careers, which can frequently be lumped together under the nonclinical umbrella.

In each of the ten major sections of the book, Sylvie also included a profile of a professional working in that field. 


In the episode, Sylvie also answers questions common for physicians who want to dump an awful career and find a new one. She offers suggestions to those trapped in the mindset that they are unqualified to take on a new role, and those who feel a moral obligation to practice medicine, even in the face of their unhappiness and burnout.

Download This Episode:

Right Click Here and “Save As” to download this podcast episode to your computer.

The Clinicians Career Cooperative Official Launch Was June 1, 2020.

This is the ONLINE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS for nonclinical, and unconventional clinical, jobs and side gigs. We have started with some of the most influential names in clinical career transition, including:

  • Maiysha Clairborne
  • Michelle Mudge-Riley
  • Tom Davis
  • Marjorie Stiegler
  • Phil Boucher
  • Mike Woo-Ming
  • Jarret Patton
  • Jill Wener
  • Christopher Loo
  • Lisa Jenks
  • Mandy Armitage
  • Brent Lacey

There is an automatic 7-day Free Trial. So, this is a no-risk opportunity to connect with experts and begin your career transition today.

To check it out, head to the Clinicians Career Cooperative.

Follow 4 Easy Steps:

After clicking the link and heading to the Cooperative and watching the Welcome Video…

  1. click the Teal Colored JOIN NOW button, then,
  2. select the annual or monthly membership by clicking the Sign-Up Link, then
  3. add your registration information, and
  4. click REGISTER HERE to join the Cooperative.

It's that simple.

Imagine what it will be like 6 to 12 months from now to start a fulfilling career, and leave behind the headaches, long hours, and constant threat of a lawsuit. Joining the Cooperative is the first step on that journey!

So head over to the Clinicians Career Cooperative.

The Nonclinical Career Academy Membership Program just added a new MasterClass!

I've created 16 courses and placed them all in an exclusive, low-cost membership program. The program provides an introduction to dozens of nontraditional careers, with in-depth lessons on several of them. It even includes my full MSL Course. There is a money-back guarantee, so there is no risk to signing up. And I'll add more courses each and every month, addressing:

  • Mike Woo-Ming's 4-Part Masterclass about freelance consulting.
  • Writing Masterclass with Charlotte Weeks.
  • Locum Tenens Masterclass  with Dr. Andrew Wilner
  • Nontraditional Careers: Cash-only Practice, Telemedicine
  • Hospital and Health System Jobs
  • Pharma Careers
  • Home-based jobs
  • Preparing for an interview, and using LinkedIn
  • And more…

And to make it even easier, listeners to this podcast can get a one-month Trial for only $1.00, using the Coupon Code TRIAL at nonclinicalphysicians.com/joinnca.

Thanks to our sponsor…

Thanks to the UT Physician Executive MBA program for sponsoring the show. It’s an outstanding, highly rated, MBA program designed for working physicians. It is just what you need to prepare for that fulfilling, well-paying career. You can find out more at nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

If you enjoyed today’s episode, share it on Twitter and Facebook, and leave a review on iTunes.

Podcast Editing & Production Services are provided by Oscar Hamilton


Many of the links that I refer you to, and that you’ll find in the show notes, are affiliate links. That means that I receive a payment from the seller if you purchase the affiliate item using my link. Doing so has no effect on the price you are charged. And I only promote products and services that I believe are of high quality and will be useful to you, that I have personally used or am very familiar with.

The opinions expressed here are mine and my guest’s. While the information provided on the podcast is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, there is no express or implied guarantee that using the methods discussed here will lead to success in your career, life, or business.

The information presented on this blog and related podcast is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. It should not be construed as medical, legal, tax, or emotional advice. If you take action on the information provided on the blog or podcast, it is at your own risk. Always consult an attorney, accountant, career counselor, or other professional before making any major decisions about your career. 

The post 50 Outstanding Ways to Dump an Awful Career for a Bright One – 147 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/dump-an-awful-career/feed/ 0 4834
Why You Will Love the Locum Life – 140 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/love-the-locum-life/ https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/love-the-locum-life/#comments Tue, 28 Apr 2020 10:30:12 +0000 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/?p=4708 Interview with Dr. Andrew Wilner On this week’s episode of the PNC podcast, Dr. Andrew Wilner explains why he believes you will love the locum life. Andrew Wilner is an internist, neurologist and epileptologist. He is also the author of The Locum Life and a locum tenens expert. This Latin term basically refers to a [...]

The post Why You Will Love the Locum Life – 140 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

Interview with Dr. Andrew Wilner

On this week’s episode of the PNC podcast, Dr. Andrew Wilner explains why he believes you will love the locum life.

Andrew Wilner is an internist, neurologist and epileptologist. He is also the author of The Locum Life and a locum tenens expert. This Latin term basically refers to a person serving as a fill-in, such as a substitute teacher. In the medical world, a locum tenens doctors fill a temporary role, replacing physicians on a short-term basis.

Our Sponsor

We're proud to have the University of Tennessee Physician Executive MBA Program, offered by the Haslam College of Business, as the sponsor of this podcast.

The UT PEMBA is the longest-running, and most highly respected physician-only MBA in the country, with over 650 graduates. And, unlike other programs, which typically run 1 – 1/2 to 2 years, this program only takes a year to complete. Recently, Economist Magazine ranked the business school #1 in the world for the Most Relevant Executive MBA.

While in the program, you'll participate in a company project, thereby contributing to your organization. As a result, University of Tennessee PEMBA students bring exceptional value to their organizations.

Graduates have taken leadership positions at major healthcare organizations. And they've become entrepreneurs and business owners.

By joining the University of Tennessee physician executive MBA, you will develop the business and management skills needed to find the career that you really love. To find out more, contact Dr. Kate Atchley’s office by calling (865) 974-6526 or go to nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

Will You Love the Locum Life?

For many, the career of a locum tenens doctor has the benefits of more freedom and more control over where and when you work. The locum life allows you to:

  • Fight physician burnout by making your own schedule;
  • Stay in a clinical practice on your own terms;
  • Travel and work in various hospitals, in sometimes exotic locations, if desired; and
  • Customize the kinds of jobs you accept.

Locums is the way to balance my outside interest, my personal life, with maintaining my identity and role and income as a physician.

However, not every one will love the locum life. Before you embark on this  form of practice, you should consider:

  • You are responsible for arranging new contracts, which requires intentional planning months in advance;
  • Sometimes, despite your planning, contracts fall through at the last minute;
  • Constant travel may mean leaving your family behind for extended periods of time; and
  • Credentialing is a tedious but necessary process.

The Three Kinds of Locums

Andrew categorizes doctors into three types of locum tenens situations, based on the stage of their career.

New Graduates

Some doctors choose to work as locums fresh out of residency. They may still be unsure of where they want to begin their careers in terms of geography and culture. Locum tenens work is a great way to get test out different practice settings.

They may have a spouse still in training. So, they wish to explore one or two temproraty positions until the spouse completes their training so they can relocate together.


Doctors who decide to work as locums mid-career are often planning a career change. Perhaps they want to switch to a nonclinical career. Locums allows them to maintain an income as they work on their new venture. Sometimes mid-career doctors take a locum job during their vacation time to earn extra income.


Lastly, some doctors become locums when they aren’t quite ready for retirement. Rather than cut back the hours they work at their current job, they may want to retire “in glory,” take a break, and then take temporary positions they can schedule as they wish. This way they continue working on their own terms, and often find that the love the locum life.


Although locum tenens work is not for everyone, it is always greatly appreciated by those using your services. Locums are often filling a desperate need. So the overworked doctors and underserved patients will always be thankful for your help. That's another reason physicins come to love the locum life.

During our conversation, Andrew also prvides ticps on how to successfully schedule your jobs, and his perspective on how the Coronavirus pandemic has affected locums around the country.

Thanks for listening today. I appreciate your interest and support. Next week, join me here on the PNC Podcast as I desribe Affiliate Marketing, and how it can be part of a modern online business.

Special Offer

Today's episode is a brief excerpt of a long tutorial by Dr. Wilner, in which he provides much more detail about why you will love the locum life and the freedom it offers, and how to plan for your new practice model.

But access to all of those value-bombs is only available to members of the Nonclinical Career Academy. If you join the Academy (using any of the links on this page), by May 15th, 2020, I will send you a copy of The Locum Life: A Physician's Guide to Locum Tenens, Kindle Version, for free (terms and conditions apply).

Links for Today's Episode

Download This Episode:

Right Click Here and “Save As” to download this podcast episode to your computer.

The Nonclinical Career Academy Membership Program is Now Live!

I've created 15 courses and placed them all in an exclusive, low cost membership program. The program provides an introduction to dozens of nontraditional careers, with in-depth lessons on several of them. It even includes my full MSL Course. There is a money-back guarantee, so there is no risk to signing up. And I'll add more courses each and every month, addressing:

  • Nontraditional Careers: Locum tenens, Telemedicine, Cash-only Practice
  • Hospital and Health System Jobs
  • Pharma Careers
  • Home-based jobs
  • Preparing for an interview, and writing a resume
  • And more…

Thanks to our sponsor…

Thanks to the UT Physician Executive MBA program for sponsoring the show. It’s an outstanding, highly rated, MBA program designed for working physicians. It is just what you need to prepare for that fulfilling, well-paying career. You can find out more at nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

If you enjoyed today’s episode, share it on Twitter and Facebook, and leave a review on iTunes.

Podcast Editing & Production Services are provided by Oscar Hamilton


Many of the links that I refer you to, and that you’ll find in the show notes, are affiliate links. That means that I receive a payment from the seller if you purchase the affiliate item using my link. Doing so has no effect on the price you are charged. And I only promote products and services that I believe are of high quality and will be useful to you, that I have personally used or am very familiar with.

The opinions expressed here are mine and my guest’s. While the information provided on the podcast is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, there is no express or implied guarantee that using the methods discussed here will lead to success in your career, life or business.

The information presented on this blog and related podcast is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. It should not be construed as medical, legal, tax, or emotional advice. If you take action on the information provided on the blog or podcast, it is at your own risk. Always consult an attorney, accountant, career counsellor, or other professional before making any major decisions about your career. 

The post Why You Will Love the Locum Life – 140 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/love-the-locum-life/feed/ 1 4708
Be Creative and Design the Career That You Really Love – 139 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/career-that-you-really-love/ https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/career-that-you-really-love/#respond Tue, 21 Apr 2020 10:45:23 +0000 https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/?p=4689 Interview with Dr. Uchenna Umeh On this week’s episode of the PNC podcast, Dr. Uchenna Umeh, also known as “Dr. Lulu” and the “Momatrician,” describes how you can find a career that you really love. Uchenna spent the early part of her career in a traditional pediatric practice. When she decided she needed a change [...]

The post Be Creative and Design the Career That You Really Love – 139 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

Interview with Dr. Uchenna Umeh

On this week’s episode of the PNC podcast, Dr. Uchenna Umeh, also known as “Dr. Lulu” and the “Momatrician,” describes how you can find a career that you really love.

Uchenna spent the early part of her career in a traditional pediatric practice. When she decided she needed a change of pace, she enlisted in the Air Force. She completed her time there, and entered traditional practice. But she was struck by the extent of the mental health issues in her patients and experienced a harsh wake-up call when a young patient of hers attempted suicide.

Our Sponsor

We're proud to have the University of Tennessee Physician Executive MBA Program, offered by the Haslam College of Business, as the sponsor of this podcast.

The UT PEMBA is the longest-running, and most highly respected physician-only MBA in the country, with over 650 graduates. And, unlike other programs, which typically run 1 – 1/2 to 2 years, this program only takes a year to complete. Recently, Economist Magazine ranked the business school #1 in the world for the Most Relevant Executive MBA.

While in the program, you'll participate in a company project, thereby contributing to your organization. As a result, University of Tennessee PEMBA students bring exceptional value to their organizations.

Graduates have taken leadership positions at major healthcare organizations. And they've become entrepreneurs and business owners.

By joining the University of Tennessee physician executive MBA, you will develop the business and management skills needed to find the career that you really love. To find out more, contact Dr. Kate Atchley’s office by calling (865) 974-6526 or go to nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

Direct Primary Care

Several colleagues and a relative of Uchenna's also attempted to end their lives. She felt she was being called to a higher purpose. After seeing the positive response she received when speaking on the topic at her son’s school, she left “penicillin pediatrics” and focused her efforts on helping troubled teens.

Your best legacy might very well be the one that you haven't even looked into.

She honed her message, and started speaking regularly on the topics of bullying, depression and mental health issues in children and teens. She provided telemedicine services to make ends meet between speaking engagements. And she realized that she also wanted help to individual patients. So, she opened her direct primary care (DPC) practice to families with struggling teenagers.

Depression vs. Mental Anguish

During our conversation, Uchenna makes an important distinction between depression and mental anguish, using an example from her personal life. Depression, she says, is misconstrued as the primary cause of suicide, when mental anguish is often the underlying trigger. Much of it is situational, rather than biochemical. Hence, the question shouldn’t be “Why do you want to end your life?” but rather, “What happened?”

By sharing stories and asking the right questions, Uchenna’s patients find they can overcome such challenges.

We're united by our storylines. We are connected by our storylines. What if you talk about yours, I talk about mine, and we also are talking about ours?

Design a Career That You Really Love, Too

Uchenna has a small but significant practice working exclusively with troubled children. Her patients make appointments with her as they need, and call her cell phone in a crisis. She sees patients three days a week, leaving two days for her writing, traveling and podcasting. She believes that you can follow her example to find a career that you really love, too.


Uchenna continues seeing patients and is expanding her writing and speaking. She started her podcast, Suicide Pages, to shed light on these issues. There, she interviews guests who have faced and overcome their struggles.

“Dr. Lulu” has also written two books, How to Raise Well-Rounded Children (Dr. Lulu's “How To” Series Book 1) and A Teen's Life: Looking at Teen's Lives Through Their Daily Struggles. The former is about raising children using eager and open communication. The latter is a look into the lives of struggling teens.

Thanks for listening today. I appreciate your interest and support. Next week, join me and Dr. Andrew Wilner as he explains why he loves the locum life! Maybe you can use locums to create the career that you really love, too.

Download This Episode:

Right Click Here and “Save As” to download this podcast episode to your computer.

The Nonclinical Career Academy Membership Program is Now Live!

I've created 14 courses and placed them all in an exclusive, low cost membership program. The program provides an introduction to dozens of nontraditional careers, with in-depth lessons on several of them. It even includes my full MSL Course. There is a money-back gurantee, so there is no risk to signing up. And I'll add more courses each and every month, addressing:

  • Nontraditional Careers: Locum tenens, Telemedicine, Cash-only Practice
  • Hospital and Health System Jobs
  • Pharma Careers
  • Home-based jobs
  • Preparing for an interview, and writing a resume
  • And more…

Thanks to our sponsor…

Thanks to the UT Physician Executive MBA program for sponsoring the show. It’s an outstanding, highly rated, MBA program designed for working physicians. It is just what you need to prepare for that fulfilling, well-paying career. You can find out more at nonclinicalphysicians.com/physicianmba.

If you enjoyed today’s episode, share it on Twitter and Facebook, and leave a review on iTunes.

Podcast Editing & Production Services are provided by Oscar Hamilton


Many of the links that I refer you to, and that you’ll find in the show notes, are affiliate links. That means that I receive a payment from the seller if you purchase the affiliate item using my link. Doing so has no effect on the price you are charged. And I only promote products and services that I believe are of high quality and will be useful to you, that I have personally used or am very familiar with.

The opinions expressed here are mine and my guest’s. While the information provided on the podcast is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, there is no express or implied guarantee that using the methods discussed here will lead to success in your career, life or business.

The information presented on this blog and related podcast is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. It should not be construed as medical, legal, tax, or emotional advice. If you take action on the information provided on the blog or podcast, it is at your own risk. Always consult an attorney, accountant, career counsellor, or other professional before making any major decisions about your career. 

The post Be Creative and Design the Career That You Really Love – 139 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

https://nonclinicalphysicians.com/career-that-you-really-love/feed/ 0 4689