
Why You Need to Get an Executive Coach Now – 102


Interview with Dr. Starla Fitch On this week’s episode of the podcast, we'll take a look at the fascinating world of life and executive coach Dr. Starla Fitch. Starla found salvation from burnout through coaching by accident and quickly realized its potential to help other physicians. After making a slow transition out of clinical practice, she now works full time as an executive coach and speaker. Background Starla followed a somewhat unusual path to the world of medicine, [...]

Why You Need to Get an Executive Coach Now – 1022021-03-27T10:35:12-05:00

How to Emerge as an Awesome Physician Executive – 093


Interview with Dr. Barbara Loeb In my quest to promote physician leadership, I've been looking for an awesome physician executive to interview. So, I invited Dr. Barbara Loeb to tell us about her career journey.  Barbara is an accomplished physician executive and leader. Currently, she’s the Associate Chief Medical Officer (CMO) of Population Health at Loyola Medicine. But Barbara started her career as your typical general internist, running a small practice in the Chicago area. Well into her [...]

How to Emerge as an Awesome Physician Executive – 0932021-03-26T23:34:14-05:00

How to Pursue a Nonclinical Career in Hospital Management – 080


A Fulfilling and Well Compensated Career This is a solo bonus episode about pursuing a career in hospital management. It's a summary of the presentation that I'm giving at the first Physicians Helping Physicians Nonclinical Career Conference. The conference is being held in Austin, Texas in April 2019. Important Questions During the discussion, I answer the following questions: What are the most common senior hospital management positions for physicians? Why is a career in hospital management so attractive? [...]

How to Pursue a Nonclinical Career in Hospital Management – 0802021-03-23T20:33:58-05:00

How to Become CMO in a Year – 052


Hello, and welcome to the PNC podcast. Today I'm going to run through a thought experiment: How to Become CMO in a Year! Granted, this is a pretty tall order. It’s certainly easier if the organization you’re working for is looking for a CMO, or if you’re in a large city with multiple hospitals, MCOs and large medical groups. But what do you need to do to get that chief medical officer job as soon as possible, even [...]

How to Become CMO in a Year – 0522021-03-21T22:53:30-05:00

Three Awesome Nonclinical Careers You Can Embark on Today – 034


Today we learn about three awesome nonclinical careers for those working in the hospital setting. But first, a story… Ten years into my career as a full-time family physician, I began to consider moving in another direction. For the most part, I enjoyed my practice, and my patients liked me. My two partners and I had busy schedules and a waiting list for appointments. And we had a good reputation in the community. But I wanted something more. [...]

Three Awesome Nonclinical Careers You Can Embark on Today – 0342021-03-20T20:54:49-05:00

3 Reasons to Pursue the CPE Qualification – 033


In this episode, we explore the CPE certification offered by the Certifying Commission in Medical Management. I attempt to answer these questions: What is the CPE? How was it established? What are the requirements for completing the CPE? How costly is the CPE to obtain? Is a management degree required? Photo by rawpixel.com on Unsplash […]

3 Reasons to Pursue the CPE Qualification – 0332021-03-20T20:43:49-05:00

Boost Your Career Trajectory by Completing an Executive MBA with Dr. Kate Atchley – 025


I was very interested in hearing more about physician executive MBA programs.  It's something that commonly comes up when speaking about nontraditional careers for physicians. As I talk with physicians who are early in the process of career transition, one of the bits of advice they often receive from friends and family is to “get an MBA, it will help open doors.” However, committing to an MBA is a serious decision, not to be taken lightly. Sure, there are some [...]

Boost Your Career Trajectory by Completing an Executive MBA with Dr. Kate Atchley – 0252021-03-20T19:10:34-05:00

The Ultimate Resource to Spark Your Transformation to Physician Leader with Dian Ginsberg – 024


I joined the American College of Physician Executives in 1994. It was one of the best resources I've ever found for fledgling physician leaders. It is now called the American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL). And it has continued to provide education and support for me and thousands of other physician leaders. I thought it would be helpful to discuss the organization. It is clearly dedicated to promoting physician leadership.  For more than 40 years, the AAPL has [...]

The Ultimate Resource to Spark Your Transformation to Physician Leader with Dian Ginsberg – 0242021-03-20T19:04:31-05:00

Monthly Leadership Favorites – June 2017 Edition


It's time for the VITAL Physician Executive's Monthly Leadership Favorites – June 2017 Edition. In this feature I share inspiring and enlightening advice from respected leaders, generally from outside of healthcare (but not always). Leadership Favorites – June 2017 Edition This month's favorites follow… How Leaders Kill Trust In 16 Ways Leaders Kill Trust, Skip Prichard provides a guest post by his colleague Bruce Rhoades. Rhoades lists 16 things leaders commonly do that erode trust in team members, including: Micromanage [...]

Monthly Leadership Favorites – June 2017 Edition2017-06-21T04:55:42-05:00

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