
Monthly Leadership Favorites – April 2017 Edition


It's time for the VITAL Physician Executive's Monthly Leadership Favorites – April 2017 Edition. In this feature I share inspiring and enlightening advice from respected leaders, generally from outside of healthcare (but not always). Leadership Favorites – April 2017 Edition This month's favorites follow… United Airlines Faux Pas United Airlines provided some obvious examples recently of how NOT to treat your customers (a.k.a. patients). Without getting into the weeds, here is what was reported: United Airlines overbooked a flight; [...]

Monthly Leadership Favorites – April 2017 Edition2017-04-16T19:21:49-05:00

Preparing to Be a Better Physician Leader – Part 2


I started this series by discussing the attitudes or perspectives that physician leaders should understand and adopt. I would like to complete it with a description of some practical skills that you should seek to learn or enhance. If you are early in the journey, you can try to observe these skills in others as you're preparing to be a better physician leader. This is a process. Like any new realm of learning, we follow a path from awareness, to [...]

Preparing to Be a Better Physician Leader – Part 22017-03-31T13:46:59-05:00

Blogging Has Taught Me 9 Keys To Writing Quickly And Clearly


After making a commitment to write consistently at Vital Physician Executive, I quickly learned that writing regularly can be a daunting task. From topic selection, to creating content efficiently, it is a process that requires practice and a perseverence. I've sought to learn the keys to writing quickly and efficiently. I believe the effort has been worth it, because the written word is so important for inspiring, teaching, entertaining and engaging others. Some years ago, a young African-American came [...]

Blogging Has Taught Me 9 Keys To Writing Quickly And Clearly2017-03-05T15:27:40-06:00

5 Benefits To Healthcare Executive Blogging Guaranteed To Deepen Your Influence


As healthcare executives, we must communicate clearly and effectively. This can be difficult at times. One-on-one communication is fairly straightforward. But how do we communicate regularly with dozens of physicians, hundreds of constituents, or thousands of patients? And how can it be done in a way that encourages a two-way dialogue? Perhaps healthcare executive blogging is the answer. As chief medical officer, one of my primary challenges was connecting with the members of the medical staff. I regularly [...]

5 Benefits To Healthcare Executive Blogging Guaranteed To Deepen Your Influence2017-02-27T11:31:36-06:00

Christmas Morning Thoughts and Stories


I remember the old movies depicting the chaos and excitement of children waking up early and rushing to check the Christmas tree for presents, just as the sun comes peeking over the horizon. Then, the parents slowly, but happily, wake up and join the children on Christmas morning. Compared to our house, with 10 (yes, TEN) children, those scenes resembled a solemn funeral procession compared to the cyclone that hit our house at 5:30 AM on Christmas morning. Sometimes our parents [...]

Christmas Morning Thoughts and Stories2016-12-24T15:11:21-06:00

Stop Making These Business Email Mistakes


Office email had become a major aggravation for me. Along with the occasional helpful or important message, I was wading through dozens of useless and bothersome emails whenever I had a spare moment. I was deleting dozens of messages that added nothing to my effectiveness as chief medical officer. Many of the incoming emails were rambling or outright confusing. Some left me wondering about their purpose: to inform me? ask for advice? or seek approval? And my direct reports and colleagues [...]

Stop Making These Business Email Mistakes2016-10-29T13:56:23-05:00

Effective Teams Crave Conflict


When I first joined the executive team at my hospital as its VPMA (vice president for medical affairs), little did I know that conflict would become a welcome part of the job. One of the most challenging aspects was learning to contribute more openly in weekly strategic meetings. I had some exposure to strategic planning meetings as a hospital board member and on various committees in my state medical society. But this was different. The CEO, COO, CFO and seven [...]

Effective Teams Crave Conflict2016-11-22T11:04:14-06:00

Disruptive Behavior Defeated


An ICU patient just didn’t look right. His heart rate was mildly elevated. His blood pressure had dropped a few points. This was before the we had 24/7 in-house coverage by an intensivist. His nurse called the surgeon. He was not on his best behavior. “This better be good,” he said. She explained the circumstances. He asked a few questions. “Is his urine output OK?”  She responded, “Well…” “If you call me for no reason again, I am [...]

Disruptive Behavior Defeated2016-07-27T17:05:14-05:00

The Calm Physician Leader


During our senior executive retreats, we did an exercise in which we provided feedback to our team members about their admirable traits. On more than one occasion, others commented that they appreciated my ability to remain calm. Apparently, in contrast to some of the other team members, I was pretty unflappable. We live in a world of accelerating change, financial shortfalls, and looming competition. A leader that is calm in distressing situations is definitely an asset. […]

The Calm Physician Leader2016-07-26T12:51:59-05:00

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