
Blogging Has Taught Me 9 Keys To Writing Quickly And Clearly


After making a commitment to write consistently at Vital Physician Executive, I quickly learned that writing regularly can be a daunting task. From topic selection, to creating content efficiently, it is a process that requires practice and a perseverence. I've sought to learn the keys to writing quickly and efficiently. I believe the effort has been worth it, because the written word is so important for inspiring, teaching, entertaining and engaging others. Some years ago, a young African-American came [...]

Blogging Has Taught Me 9 Keys To Writing Quickly And Clearly2017-03-05T15:27:40-06:00

5 Benefits To Healthcare Executive Blogging Guaranteed To Deepen Your Influence


As healthcare executives, we must communicate clearly and effectively. This can be difficult at times. One-on-one communication is fairly straightforward. But how do we communicate regularly with dozens of physicians, hundreds of constituents, or thousands of patients? And how can it be done in a way that encourages a two-way dialogue? Perhaps healthcare executive blogging is the answer. As chief medical officer, one of my primary challenges was connecting with the members of the medical staff. I regularly [...]

5 Benefits To Healthcare Executive Blogging Guaranteed To Deepen Your Influence2017-02-27T11:31:36-06:00

Are You Intrigued or Entertained by These 50 Physician Authored Blogs?


This month I am adding 20 blogs to my initial list, to present 50 physician authored blogs. You may recall that I posted my first list of 30 blogs at My Fascination with Physician-Authored Blogs. I've added twenty new sites. All 50 of them are included in this updated table. The new ones are listed at the top. In the updated list, there are several that have more of a commercial bent. That is to say that they have [...]

Are You Intrigued or Entertained by These 50 Physician Authored Blogs?2017-02-14T10:00:04-06:00

My Fascination With Physician-Authored Blogs


I was inspired to start writing my blog after reading several other physician-authored blogs. Some have been around for years. Others are relative newcomers, like mine. Blogs (or “web-logs”) started out as a place to write a diary or journal. Many were rather light-hearted. Some written by physicians have become very serious, with descriptions of memorable clinical encounters or important health industry news and commentary. Others have become a source of free information for newcomers to hobbies or businesses. [...]

My Fascination With Physician-Authored Blogs2017-02-14T10:04:22-06:00

Hello and Welcome!


John V. Jurica, MD, MPH, CPE My name is John Jurica and I am a physician, entrepreneur, and former hospital executive. I have practiced medicine for 30 years, studied public health, started several medical practices, studied physician leadership, and worked as an integral member of a highly effective executive team. Along the way, I became a Certified Physician Executive (CPE). Welcome to my blog. Thanks for joining me. My purpose for writing this blog is to [...]

Hello and Welcome!2016-12-09T16:11:26-06:00


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