I've witnessed an explosion in interest in physician nonclinical careers over the past few years. Whether because of increasing frustration and burnout, or a desire to “scale” our impact to larger groups of patients, physicians want to expand into new areas.



In order to help support this movement, I am joining a small group of physicians who are creating podcasts to help support our colleagues in this process.

I Need Your Help

I cannot do this alone. Only with your support, can we get the word out and make the launch of Physician NonClinical Careers Podcast a success. The bigger the splash, the better. So, I've set up a campaign that needs your support NOW, so that the launch on October 17, 2017, is a success.

How Can You Help?

The best way to help is to click the link below and Support the campaign by sharing it on Facebook and on Twitter

Why Is This So Important to Me?

For over a year, I have been writing a blog addressing leadership, management, and productivity. On occasion, I write about nonclinical careers for physicians. I do that because an executive leadership position is just one of many nonclinical careers a physician might consider.

In the process, I've come to know many physicians who are frustrated, disillusioned, and burned out. While physicians often seek a nonclinical career because of a calling to do so, the disillusionment noted above certainly contributes to the decision to pivot.


I’m passionate about helping physicians find their true calling. Many of us committed to a medical career long before we fully understood the financial costs and the true nature of the work we’d be doing. When the realization hits that it’s not what we expected, it makes sense to consider an alternate career.

Over the past year, I've heard from hundreds of physicians searching for resources to help them make this pivot. There are few resources out there, such as books, coaches, and conferences.

I Want to Contribute

Now I’d like to do my part. So, I’m very excited to be launching my new podcast on Tuesday, October 17 called Physician NonClinical Careers (with John Jurica).

In the podcast, I will post interviews with physicians who have already transitioned successfully into a new career (coaching, medical writing, expert witness, UM chart reviewer, medical advisor, etc.).

I'm starting an online campaign to raise awareness of the launch and I’m asking you to help propel this movement to give physicians more career choices. Click below because it will strengthen our profession and empower our colleagues.


I really appreciate your help getting the word out. Time is short, so don't delay. I need at least 100 Supporters by Tuesday morning (only 2 days from now) to make this work.

And please suggest topics and recommended guests in the Comments!


Together we can make a change for the better for our colleagues.

Next Steps

Find all episodes here.