
Effective Leaders Use Deep Work Wisely


I was becoming really nervous about my lack of preparation for a strategic planning retreat. The CEO, the senior executive team, and several physicians and board members were going to meet in three days to discuss a variety of important issues. One of my assignments was to present a 30 minute review of an important project. This would set the stage for selecting one of several possible approaches to the project. I would need to do some deep [...]

Effective Leaders Use Deep Work Wisely2017-09-17T00:14:43-05:00

Blogging Has Taught Me 9 Keys To Writing Quickly And Clearly


After making a commitment to write consistently at Vital Physician Executive, I quickly learned that writing regularly can be a daunting task. From topic selection, to creating content efficiently, it is a process that requires practice and a perseverence. I've sought to learn the keys to writing quickly and efficiently. I believe the effort has been worth it, because the written word is so important for inspiring, teaching, entertaining and engaging others. Some years ago, a young African-American came [...]

Blogging Has Taught Me 9 Keys To Writing Quickly And Clearly2017-03-05T15:27:40-06:00

How I’m Using SMART Goals for 2017 and You Can Too


For this post, I thought I would discuss SMART goals and use them for my blog for 2017. It is quite common for each executive in a healthcare organization to create management goals for the coming year. Then the CEO and the senior executive team discusses and approves them. All of the divisional goals are ultimately presented to the Board of Directors. Your directors will create their goals as well, as we discussed in SWOT Analysis and Goal Setting. You will [...]

How I’m Using SMART Goals for 2017 and You Can Too2016-11-20T17:18:49-06:00

How Being Early Builds Success


In addition to blogging on a regular basis, I am a practicing family physician. I work in an urgent care clinic as medical director and clinician. As I arrived early for my shift this morning, I thought, “you know, there are many advantages to being early.” My commute is rather long (over an hour each way). On 2 or 3 occasions I have been severely delayed due to major accidents on the tollways that I take to work (Quel [...]

How Being Early Builds Success2016-11-02T16:06:20-05:00

Stop Making These Business Email Mistakes


Office email had become a major aggravation for me. Along with the occasional helpful or important message, I was wading through dozens of useless and bothersome emails whenever I had a spare moment. I was deleting dozens of messages that added nothing to my effectiveness as chief medical officer. Many of the incoming emails were rambling or outright confusing. Some left me wondering about their purpose: to inform me? ask for advice? or seek approval? And my direct reports and colleagues [...]

Stop Making These Business Email Mistakes2016-10-29T13:56:23-05:00

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