Rather than lecture you on some aspect of hospital leadership or management, I have decided to share some of my monthly favorites from the blogs that I read regularly. The topics will generally be about leadership. However, since I follow a number of personal finance blogs written by physicians, I will share some of those, too. And there may be a few that are completely out of left field, if I think they are interesting or entertaining.

monthly favorites leadership

Let's get started…


First of all, we have a couple from one of my favorite book authors and blog and podcast producers, Michael Hyatt. Please do not be too irritated by the pop-ups that might appear on his site. Just blow by them and read the post, if you would. This first one is awesome! Michael gives the BEST reason why the physician hospital executive should welcome problems that arise at work. (Note: The links below might not be obvious, but just click on the titles and you will be sent to the articles.)

Michael Hyatt's Why You Should Welcome Problems

Since this is my first attempt at providing a list of monthly favorites, I am going to pick two from my first author. So, Michael Hyatt gets a second link because he comes up with timeless advice. In this post he reminds us that unless we get to our zone of discomfort, we're probably not growing.

Michael Hyatt's Why Discomfort is Good for You

Next, let's turn to another of my favorite's, Skip Prichard. In this first post, he interviews Paul Larsen, author of Find Your Voice as a Leader. It is a very nice interview:

Skip Prichard's How to Find Your Voice as a Leader

I might argue that we should develop our voice, rather than find it, but I might be splitting hairs here. Now, let's move into another realm.

Personal Finance

I find these writers so interesting. The content is useful for physicians at any stage in their career. Granted, it might not directly relate to physician leadership or management, but I think my audience is always learning. And making a career change from practicing clinician to VPMA or CMO definitely requires some financial planning.

monthly favorites finance

The White Coat Investor is one of the best out there. He has been blogging for at least 7 years and has written a successful book called The White Coat Investor: A Doctor's Guide To Personal Finance And Investing. I believe the author is a practicing emergency medicine physician, and earns more from of his blog and book than his practice at this point.

I found this post about financial aid planning for college and use of the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) very intriguing. It might save you hours of time.

The White Coat Investor's Why Most Doctors Shouldn't Bother with Financial Aid Planning

This following post by Physician on FIRE is hilarious. The link to some of the content is R-rated due to rough language. But I think you can take it! It is actually a Q & A with J.L. Collins. It is both funny AND worth reading just to find out how to keep your young children from misbehaving when out for dinner. J. L. Collins is the author of The Simple Path to Wealth.

Physician on Fire's Interview with J. L. Collins

By the way, it was this interview format that inspired me to create some of my own written interviews. These should be coming soon.

Let's move on to…


Well, the previous recommendation could fit here as well. But I must include a sample from ZDoggMD in my monthly favorites. In this repurpose of an Eminem rap song, he finds a way to include HCAHPS, Press Ganey and other frustrating topics as he rants about “unbreaking” healthcare. (It is a video, of course).

monthly favorites ZDoggMD

ZDoggMD's Lose Yourself/Unbreak Healthcare

Doctors are apparently funnier than I thought. I enjoy reading Dr. Grumpy in the House. Here is a recent article about some news stories that Dr. Grumpy found entertaining and shared with the world, along with his commentary.

Dr. Grumpy in the House's Breaking News

In Closing

That is some of the recent content that I found worthwhile reading (and watching). I will keep track of new material and post my favorites at least once a month.

If you have any favorite blogs addressing leadership, please let me know.

As I noted above, I am also in the process of putting together some interviews of physicians in leadership positions, with a focus on their journeys from practicing clinician to physician executive.

For more of my thoughts on healthcare and leadership Subscribe here.

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And feel free to email me directly at john.jurica.md@gmail.com with any questions about anything.

See you in the next post!