In this podcast episode, I talk with career coach and certified resume-writing expert, Charlotte Weeks, about creating that ideal resume.

For most career pivots, we’re going to need to send out a resume. So, I’ve had this topic on my “to do” list for quite a while. And I’m very pleased to present my conversation with Charlotte Weeks.

Charlotte is an Executive Career Coach, Executive Resume Writer and Outplacement Consultant. She provides career marketing documents and career coaching to senior-level professionals and executives. She is a Certified Career Management Coach (CCMC), a Certified Job Search Strategist (CJSS), a Nationally Certified Resume Writer (NCRW) and a Certified Professional Resume Writer (CPRW).

Charlotte was a mentor at the SEAK conference that I attended last October in Chicago. She has also been a speaker at previous SEAK conferences.

ideal resume now hiring

First, we get into her experience and background.


She previously worked in the Human Resources Department at the American Medical Association. But now she provides services through her own company, Weeks Career Services, Inc.

In addition to helping to write resumes and cover letters, her company provides professional coaching and other career services.

Crafting the Ideal Resume

Here are some of the questions that Charlotte answered for us:

  1. How do I prepare to write my cover letter and resume?
  2. What exactly should be in my cover letter?
  3. How is a resume different from a CV (curriculum vitae)?
  4. Is there an ideal length for my cover letter and resume?
  5. Is it preferable for resumes to focus more on accomplishments?
  6. What is the Challenge-Action-Result format?
  7. Can I use the same resume for different jobs, or should it be customized?
  8. What are the common mistakes physicians make when responding to a job posting?
  9. How have your physician clients benefited from good resume writing?
  10. Ms. Weeks ends by providing encouragement to physicians pursuing a new career.

ideal resume verbs

In Closing

Charlotte provides encouragement at the end of our interview. She says that physicians have something that employers need and want: the medical knowledge and experience represented by our medical degrees and board certification. These are in limited supply. And the potential jobs are plentiful. If we truly want to transition to a nonclinical career, it will happen.

I think we covered the major aspects of creating an ideal resume. If you still have questions, list them in the Comments section below.

Contact Charlotte at Weeks Career Services ( if you'd like a high level resume review to get things started. Also, you can call the office directly at (312) 662-1410.

Here's today's quote:

ideal resume napoleon hill quote

Next Time

In my next podcast episode, I will be interviewing a very knowledgable and experienced physician career coach.  During that interview, we will discuss how to approach career change, common mistakes to avoid, and other topics related to career transition.

Be sure to subscribe to my newsletter so you don't miss it, using the form below.

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Please, join me next time on Physician Nonclinical Careers.

Here is a list of resources mentioned in this episode:

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