Today’s guest, Dr. Maiysha Clairborne, is a family physician and wellness and career coach. With an undergraduate degree in psychology and a medical degree from Morehouse, it’s no surprise she was interested in wellness coaching. She began her coaching career about 10 years ago, mostly helping professional women. But, she witnessed increasing numbers of physician colleagues suffering from burnout. And when she observed them struggling to find new careers, she shifted her career change coaching efforts exclusively to physicians.

After obtaining marketing and business coaching herself, she started Stress Free Mom, MD to provide coaching and training that's 100% focused on helping physicians reclaim time, freedom, and peace of mind. Creating the ideal career enables them to find that perfect rhythm between their professional life and home life.

turmoil in medicine and career change

Photo by Victor Rodriguez on Unsplash

Create a Plan for Career Change

Maiysha provides some sound advice when it comes to career transition:

  • She explains that career transition follows the usual stages of change. After moving from pre-contemplation to contemplation, it’s important that physicians spend sufficient time thinking about what they want from their careers.
  • Then, we should take sufficient time and seek help from an accountability partner or a coach. We should avoid the tendency to make decisions in desperation. She says we might consider a bridge job to pay the bills until we can fully explore our career options.
  • She also reminds us that we should NOT be too hard on ourselves. Physicians take rejection very hard. We like to be in control. But be prepared to be rejected by an employer or two prior to finding that ideal job.
career change looking for help

Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

  • Finally, the process may take longer than we thought. And, it's important that we learn from our setbacks, and continue to pursue the career of our dreams until we find it. The opportunities are plentiful for physicians who devote sufficient time and energy to the process.

You can contact Dr. Clairborne through her web site at  Stress Free Mom, MD. You can also find her on FacebookLinkedIn, or in the Physician Nonclinical Career Hunters Facebook Group .  [JJ: I'm one of the “admins” for that group.]

And you can find her Facebook Group here: Physicians in Transition.

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I believe that every physician who is thinking about career change should start to build a professional LinkedIn profile. I address this topic in a blog post at Top Reasons to Be LinkedIn, and in two podcast episodes, including Top Reasons to Use LinkedIn and Follow these Steps to Create an Awesome LinkedIn Profile.

And I encourage you to connect with me on LinkedIn. You can find me at

Join me next week for another episode of Physician Nonclinical Careers.

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The opinions expressed herein are those of me and my guest, where applicable. While the information published in written form and in audio form on the podcast are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge, there is no express or implied guarantee that using the methods discussed herein will lead to success in your career, life or business.

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