
4 Crucial Steps to Take Before Choosing a Management Career


I was about 5 years into my medical career. It was a busy and exciting time. I finally felt confident in my clinical skills and I was ready to immerse myself in a new subject matter. I had not yet considered a management career. My partners and I had started a pension plan and we were making regular contributions. But none of us really knew how we should invest our contributions. I realized that I needed to learn [...]

4 Crucial Steps to Take Before Choosing a Management Career2017-01-08T16:25:40-06:00

Resources for the Emerging Physician Leader


Looking back, I may not have taken the most obvious route to becoming Chief Medical Officer.  But the journey was fairly sequential. And there were several resources that helped me to feel confident as a physician leader. There is more need today than ever for skilled physician leaders. There are several specific steps that hopeful executives can take to enhance their competencies. But each physician will need to determine his or her own path based on his or her circumstances. When [...]

Resources for the Emerging Physician Leader2016-11-27T11:54:58-06:00

Is it Time for a Non-Clinical Career?


Those of us that elect to pursue a non-clinical career usually do so because we are pulled by the of excitement of doing something new AND pushed towards it by the pain of our current situation. The push often comes from the frustration with practicing clinical medicine: Endless paperwork Fear of litigation EMRs that add more expense and more waiting with little to show for it Non-compliant, entitled patients that blame us for the results of their self-destructive behaviors Unreliable employees Declining pay “Burnout” [...]

Is it Time for a Non-Clinical Career?2017-08-23T04:57:42-05:00

Five Steps for the Budding Physician Executive


Five Steps for the Physician Executve It always seemed to me that my classmates in medical school and residency were more intentional than me regarding their life choices. I generally just rode the wave of the “path of least resistance.” During my first year of medical school, many of my classmates were enrolled in the “Med Scholars” program, which meant they were simultaneously working on their M.D. degrees AND a Ph.D., M.B.A. or J.D. They obviously had [...]

Five Steps for the Budding Physician Executive2016-12-09T15:59:14-06:00

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