
Preparing to Be a Better Physician Leader – Part 1


Several events this week inspired me to think about preparing to be a better physician leader. A colleague reminded me about the upcoming Spring Institute and Annual Meeting of the American Association for Physician Leadership. I had just completed registering myself. And I volunteered to act as an ambassador, assisting with introducing speakers and helping to support the meeting. Networking with colleagues and old friends will be fun. And I look forward to spending time in New York City with my wife, [...]

Preparing to Be a Better Physician Leader – Part 12017-03-30T04:54:11-05:00

Blogging Has Taught Me 9 Keys To Writing Quickly And Clearly


After making a commitment to write consistently at Vital Physician Executive, I quickly learned that writing regularly can be a daunting task. From topic selection, to creating content efficiently, it is a process that requires practice and a perseverence. I've sought to learn the keys to writing quickly and efficiently. I believe the effort has been worth it, because the written word is so important for inspiring, teaching, entertaining and engaging others. Some years ago, a young African-American came [...]

Blogging Has Taught Me 9 Keys To Writing Quickly And Clearly2017-03-05T15:27:40-06:00

Today I Try to Use A Leader’s Two Most Important Skills


The Chief Operating Officer and I were meeting one day, and the Director of the Laboratory was asked to join us to discuss a staff challenge she had been having.  As the director for the laboratory, she reported to me. We met regularly to discuss progress on her goals, any issues with the medical staff, and the other usual challenges that might arise. I was hoping to learn more about using a leader's two most important skills by observing my [...]

Today I Try to Use A Leader’s Two Most Important Skills2017-03-03T11:23:47-06:00

How to Pivot and Launch A New Career: A Book Review


I recently read the book Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One, by Jenny Blake. It presented a model for career transformation that can be applied by clinicians seeking to move from patient care to an executive position. In the paragraphs that follow, I am going to explain how her pivot method can help you launch a new career as a healthcare executive. What is a Career Pivot? The author defines a career pivot as “Doubling [...]

How to Pivot and Launch A New Career: A Book Review2017-03-27T08:10:05-05:00

Become a Physician Leader and Save the Medical Profession


In the 1950’s, one-third of hospitals were run by a physician leader. By 1982, less than 3% were physician-led. That number is running about 6% now. And the healthcare industry has been in the throes of major changes. One of the consequences has been the growing employment of physicians. The expansion of this employment model is having serious negative effects on our profession. Physicians have become commoditized. Today, we seem to be treated more like run of the [...]

Become a Physician Leader and Save the Medical Profession2016-11-17T08:23:27-06:00

Resources for the Emerging Physician Leader


Looking back, I may not have taken the most obvious route to becoming Chief Medical Officer.  But the journey was fairly sequential. And there were several resources that helped me to feel confident as a physician leader. There is more need today than ever for skilled physician leaders. There are several specific steps that hopeful executives can take to enhance their competencies. But each physician will need to determine his or her own path based on his or her circumstances. When [...]

Resources for the Emerging Physician Leader2016-11-27T11:54:58-06:00

How to Serve Your Community And Learn Business Skills


I have found that volunteering in various community activities can provide meaningful lessons for physician leaders. I think it is especially useful to work on a nonprofit board. Doing so provides real value to your community while enhancing several important skills. A Touching Letter About fifteen of us were sitting around the conference room table. The hospice executive director was reading a letter from a client's daughter. The daughter wrote about how thankful she was for all of the support that [...]

How to Serve Your Community And Learn Business Skills2016-10-23T13:47:57-05:00

Effective Teams Crave Conflict


When I first joined the executive team at my hospital as its VPMA (vice president for medical affairs), little did I know that conflict would become a welcome part of the job. One of the most challenging aspects was learning to contribute more openly in weekly strategic meetings. I had some exposure to strategic planning meetings as a hospital board member and on various committees in my state medical society. But this was different. The CEO, COO, CFO and seven [...]

Effective Teams Crave Conflict2016-11-22T11:04:14-06:00

Five Intentions For Direct Reports


As presented in a previous post (The Three Domains of the Physician Executive), one of your primary roles as a physician executive is to interact with your direct reports (DRs). These are directors, managers and others over whom you have direct responsibility. This oversight generally includes the following duties: They report to you. So they have a solid line relationship to you on the organizational chart. You may have recruited and hired them when the previous DR moved on. You [...]

Five Intentions For Direct Reports2016-09-02T06:20:33-05:00

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