
Let’s Dispel These 5 Persistent Myths About Nonclinical Careers – 309


  Begin Your Career Transition in Earnest In today's episode, we revisit the topic of 5 persistent myths that clinicians believe when they begin to contemplate a career transition. This presentation was given at the 2023 Licensed to Live online conference. In today's fast-paced healthcare landscape, many professionals find themselves yearning for a more fulfilling and rewarding career path. To embark on this transformative journey, the first crucial step is recognizing the widely held beliefs or [...]

Let’s Dispel These 5 Persistent Myths About Nonclinical Careers – 3092023-08-29T07:48:42-05:00

Follow These 8 Steps to a Career in Quality Improvement – 027


In this episode, I respond to a listener's question about pursuing a career in quality improvement. Her ultimate goal is to become a chief medical officer for a health system. I list the tactics I would use to achieve that career goal. Free Career Transition Guide Before I jump into today’s content, I need to tell you about a new “how-to-guide” I’ve written. It’s a 24-page manual, complete with checklists for 5 nonclinical careers. It outlines the steps [...]

Follow These 8 Steps to a Career in Quality Improvement – 0272021-03-20T19:43:19-05:00

10 Reasons Why You Should Pursue a Hospital Management Career – 020


In this episode, I'll be explaining why I think you should pursue a hospital management career. It’s just me today. A new interview will return next week. So, I’m going to take this opportunity to talk about something that's near and dear to my heart. As stated in the opening of my podcast each week, the goal of this podcast is to inspire, inform, and support you as you pivot to a nonclinical career. Since I have not [...]

10 Reasons Why You Should Pursue a Hospital Management Career – 0202021-03-19T20:33:49-05:00

Monthly Leadership Favorites – July 2017 Edition


It's time for the VITAL Physician Executive's Monthly Leadership Favorites – July 2017 Edition. In this feature I share inspiring and enlightening advice from respected leaders, generally from outside of healthcare (but not always). Leadership Favorites – July 2017 Edition This month's favorites follow… Accumulate More Wealth as an Administrator Medscape recently presented the findings from its most recent salary survey. It included a list of factors that correlate with higher levels of accumulated wealth. The authors identified ten [...]

Monthly Leadership Favorites – July 2017 Edition2017-07-25T19:03:17-05:00

What You Need to Know About Physician Recruiting Incentives


If you work for a large medical group or hospital system, you may be involved with recruiting physicians or negotiating employment agreements. It’s a set of skills worth learning because so many systems are on a recruiting binge. Salary levels have consistently grown at single digit rates for years. But the type and size of physician recruiting incentives have been more variable. With the recent release of the Merritt Hawkins 2017 Review of Physicians and Advanced Practitioner Recruiting Incentives, [...]

What You Need to Know About Physician Recruiting Incentives2017-06-28T11:40:59-05:00

Inflated Physician Compensation Prompts OIG Scrutiny


Modern Healthcare recently reported that Mercy Hospital Springfield and its affiliate clinic settled a case with the Department of Justice for allegedly submitting false claims to Medicare (Mercy pays $34 million to settle fraud, physician compensation claims). The case involved allegations of inflated physician compensation at an infusion center. Modern Healthcare quoted the DOJ: “When physicians are rewarded financially for referring patients to hospitals or other healthcare providers, it can affect their medical judgment, resulting in a overutilization [...]

Inflated Physician Compensation Prompts OIG Scrutiny2017-06-17T12:26:34-05:00

Does An Executive Salary Stand Up to a Clinical Salary?


One of the things that was nice about being on the executive team of a hospital was the possibility of making a year-end bonus. The bonus was generally tied to achieving four or five organizational goals, but we had a good team and we generally received 70 to 80% of the monies that we were eligible for each year. The bonus was usually paid in March. Including the bonus dollars, my annual executive salary was well above my [...]

Does An Executive Salary Stand Up to a Clinical Salary?2020-08-07T07:32:08-05:00

What’s Driving Physician Obsession with Compensation And How Can You Help?


Employed physicians are very concerned with their contracts and compensation. What sometimes seems like a legal formality to employers, is a document (employment agreement) that basically defines the legal boundaries of their professional lives. Newly employed physicians often ask me how to maximize their incomes under their current employment agreements. As an administrator dealing with employed physicians, it is easy to become cynical about this topic. It seems as if some of our physician candidates and employees are concerned more with [...]

What’s Driving Physician Obsession with Compensation And How Can You Help?2016-10-23T14:36:36-05:00

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