
Behind the Scenes Look at Planning the First Nonclinical Career Summit – 294


The First NewScript Summit is Ready to Roll This week John and co-founder Tom Davis and their team are putting the final touches on NewScript's first Nonclinical Career Summit. It is designed primarily for NewScript members but is open to anyone interested in learning more about nontraditional opportunities for clinicians. The Summit is a free live event that will be held next week! Mark your calendars for April 11 to April 13 from 7:00 PM to 11:00 [...]

Behind the Scenes Look at Planning the First Nonclinical Career Summit – 2942023-04-07T09:53:17-05:00

What Is the Proven Path to a Rewarding Online Business? – 288


Turn Your Passions Into Profits Today's guest describes how to build a rewarding online business. He is the host of The Affiliate Guy Podcast, your source for affiliate marketing news, tips, and strategies to take your online business to the next level. Matt McWilliams is also the author of the best-selling book Turn Your Passions Into Profits. He has worked with some of the world's most successful businesses and entrepreneurs, including Shark Tank's Kevin Harrington, Tony [...]

What Is the Proven Path to a Rewarding Online Business? – 2882023-02-22T09:12:59-06:00

Revisiting How to Prepare For a Great Job at a Medical Device Company – 304


Interview with Dr. Paul Hercock This episode is a replay from early 2022 that explains how to prepare for a great job at a medical device company. This is by far the most listened-to PNC Podcast episode released to date. Dr. Paul Hercock is an expert at landing a medical device company job, particularly in the European Union. He even wrote a book about it called “Beyond The Ward: A Doctor's Guide to Careers Outside the NHS.” [...]

Revisiting How to Prepare For a Great Job at a Medical Device Company – 3042023-06-14T12:28:44-05:00

How Physicians Can Use Online Courses to Boost Income – 239


Interview with Dr. Chester Zoda Dr. Chester Zoda teaches other physicians to use online courses to create passive income. He is a young physician entrepreneur from Hong Kong and a former emergency room physician who created his own online business. And now he teaches his methods to other healthcare professionals. He owns an education company called Digital Doctor where they're helping doctors build passive income with online courses. […]

How Physicians Can Use Online Courses to Boost Income – 2392022-03-14T06:57:44-05:00

What Is the Newest Way to Earn Extra Income While Seeing Patients? – 217


Interview with Dr. Chase DiMarco In today's interview, Dr. Chase DiMarco explains how physicians can earn extra income teaching medical students. Chase describes how difficult it can be for medical students to find clinical rotations. Unfortunately, the process of securing rotations can also be very expensive. […]

What Is the Newest Way to Earn Extra Income While Seeing Patients? – 2172021-10-10T07:49:11-05:00

How to Validate Your Business Idea


The Problem In this post, I want to explain why it is important to validate your business idea. You may recall that in my previous blog post in this series, I described the factors needed to select a product or service to offer future customers: It's an area that you’re passionate about (or reflects your purpose), You have expertise or skills to share, There are customers with a problem to solve, and The customers are willing and able [...]

How to Validate Your Business Idea2020-11-22T07:55:10-06:00

Top Reasons to Become an Expert Witness Now – 163


Interview with Dr. Gretchen Green In this week's podcast episode, Dr. Gretchen Green explains how she became an expert witness, and how she opened her expert witness consulting business. Gretchen describes how her expert witness business allowed her to cut back on clinical work, find more freedom, spend more time with her family, and make more money. […]

Top Reasons to Become an Expert Witness Now – 1632020-11-21T08:54:20-06:00

How to Create a Popular Course From Your Passion – 143


Interview with Drs. Letizia Alto and Kenji Asakura On this week’s episode of the PNC podcast, a dynamic physician couple explains how they used their passion for real estate investing to create a popular course that teaches what they've learned.    After hearing about their experiences with real estate, and the success of their online courses, I was really pleased when they agreed to come on the podcast. So, today we'll be learning about real estate AND how [...]

How to Create a Popular Course From Your Passion – 1432021-04-06T18:31:30-05:00

How to Get Started on Your Nonclinical Online Business


A New Blog Series I have decided to write a series of blog posts focused on how to get started on your nonclinical online business. It has been a long time since I wrote a dedicated blog post not related to a podcast episode. But it is time to ramp up this part of the web site! The topics will be about starting and growing a business, entrepreneurship, and all of the online tools and tricks that I [...]

How to Get Started on Your Nonclinical Online Business2020-05-12T10:53:35-05:00

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