
Discover Your First Nonclinical Job Even If You Don’t Know Where to Start – 200


Here Is the “Readers Digest” Version In honor of my 200th episode, I want to tell you how to discover your first nonclinical job. But first, I will play a recent audio review from one of my listeners. Then the rest of oday's episode is an abbreviated version of the webinar I presented last week. […]

Discover Your First Nonclinical Job Even If You Don’t Know Where to Start – 2002021-06-14T14:47:38-05:00

It Looks Like 2020 Should Be a Crazy-Good Year – 130


It's Time to Update You On this episode of Physician NonClinical Careers, I give you a behind-the-scenes look at all of the exciting new projects I’m developing for you this year. In order to maintain a web site, produce a podcast, and host online courses for you, I need to transition my role in this venture from hobbyist to business owner. I started that process about 18 months ago Now I continue that process by taking on three big [...]

It Looks Like 2020 Should Be a Crazy-Good Year – 1302021-03-30T18:00:19-05:00

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