medical director

How to Secure a Rewarding Medical Director Position – 088


Interview with Dr. Rich Berning Today's podcast is loaded with practical advice on how to pursue a job as a health plan medical director. My guest, Dr. Rich Berning, explains the various roles within that career. He also describes where you can find similar positions outside of health plans, such as with an Independent Review Organization or a hospital UM department. Rich is a full-time medical director. He worked for Anthem in Albany, NY, for 5 years and [...]

How to Secure a Rewarding Medical Director Position – 0882021-03-25T22:44:08-05:00

How I Found My Wonderful Nonclinical Careers – 072


This Time I'm the One Being Interviewed Michelle Mudge-Riley recently interviewed me about my wonderful nonclinical careers. She runs Physicians Helping Physicians , a site that helps physicians land new careers. She interviews physicians like me who have developed interesting side hustles or careers outside of medical practice, and posts the podcasts on the site.   Along with a dozen other physicians, I’m helping Michelle and PHP to present it’s first major conference dedicated to career transition this [...]

How I Found My Wonderful Nonclinical Careers – 0722021-03-23T17:46:22-05:00

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