
Stop Making These Business Email Mistakes


Office email had become a major aggravation for me. Along with the occasional helpful or important message, I was wading through dozens of useless and bothersome emails whenever I had a spare moment. I was deleting dozens of messages that added nothing to my effectiveness as chief medical officer. Many of the incoming emails were rambling or outright confusing. Some left me wondering about their purpose: to inform me? ask for advice? or seek approval? And my direct reports and colleagues [...]

Stop Making These Business Email Mistakes2016-10-29T13:56:23-05:00

Six Signs of Lack of Trust in the C-Suite


A primary skill that a new physician executive needs relates to working in teams: to effectively lead teams and to be an able team member. Lack of trust will kill the effectiveness of an executive team. If team members aren't comfortable with expressing their truths, the team will perform poorly. The definition of trust that we used in our executive team followed the definition given by Peter Lencioni in The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable. It basically centered around developing a team [...]

Six Signs of Lack of Trust in the C-Suite2016-10-22T15:53:39-05:00

Physician Leaders: Four Reasons to Seek a Business Degree


A common question arises when considering a career change to a non-clinical position. If you're seeking work as an administrator, you may be thinking: “Will I need a business degree?”. It seems that more physician leaders have an MBA, MHA, MMM or MPH (an MPH is not actually a business degree, but a significant number of physician executives seem to have one). A business or management degree is definitely not a requirement for a career as a physician executive. There are many very [...]

Physician Leaders: Four Reasons to Seek a Business Degree2016-11-17T11:38:48-06:00

Five Reasons to Become a Hospital Executive


I was very anxious to hear the results of the election. I was nearing the end of my second year of family medicine residency. I had adjusted to the stress of changing clinical rotations every 4 to 8 weeks. I was starting to feel more confident with the clinical material. But I was drawn to leadership opportunities. At our program, the chief resident was elected by the other residents. I “ran” for the position against one of my good friends in [...]

Five Reasons to Become a Hospital Executive2016-11-13T12:19:24-06:00

Physician Salaries and OIG Risk


I have been following news reports about recent OIG (Office of Inspector General) investigations related to physician compensation. These investigations have resulted in fines related to alleged Stark Law and FCA (False Claims Act) violations. There seems to be more activity recently, including investigations in response to whistle-blower lawsuits. Here is my take: Hospitals and health systems that use survey data (such as MGMA and AMGA) to set compensation levels for newly employed physicians are under intense scrutiny. This scrutiny results [...]

Physician Salaries and OIG Risk2016-09-15T04:27:22-05:00

Tactics to Cultivate Direct Reports


In the last post, I talked about the Five Intentions I believe every physician executive should have for their direct reports. The intentions are to: Inform Assist Mentor Maintain accountability Evaluate In Part 2, I want to provide some specific actions that can be taken to fulfill those intentions and cultivate your direct reports. […]

Tactics to Cultivate Direct Reports2016-09-15T04:30:19-05:00

Five Intentions For Direct Reports


As presented in a previous post (The Three Domains of the Physician Executive), one of your primary roles as a physician executive is to interact with your direct reports (DRs). These are directors, managers and others over whom you have direct responsibility. This oversight generally includes the following duties: They report to you. So they have a solid line relationship to you on the organizational chart. You may have recruited and hired them when the previous DR moved on. You [...]

Five Intentions For Direct Reports2016-09-02T06:20:33-05:00

When to Use a SWOT Analysis


As a physician executive, you will participate in strategic planning, goal setting, and project management. As a business leader, you will need to assess the risks and benefits of pursuing various new initiatives. One of the tools used by business leaders to do such an assessment is a SWOT analysis. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The  development of the SWOT Analysis (or Matrix) has been attributed to Albert S. Humphrey, although he disavowed having invented [...]

When to Use a SWOT Analysis2016-08-09T05:47:43-05:00

How to Slash Your Hospital Mortality Rate


Patients don't want to be treated at a hospital with a high mortality rate. Doctors and staff don't want to work at a hospital with a high rate. It's scary and embarrassing. But there is more to achieving a low mortality rate than just hiring good staff and implementing evidence-based care. Hospital mortality rankings are heavily dependent on rating agency rules and documentation practices. Rules Matter I was nine years old and obsessed with bowling. Maybe it was because [...]

How to Slash Your Hospital Mortality Rate2016-08-05T13:08:16-05:00

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