
How to Survive the 5 Stages of Career Transformation with Michelle Mudge-Riley – 055


Dr. Michelle Mudge-Riley joins us for her second visit to the PNC Podcast to explain the 5 Stages of Career Transformation. She has identified these stages during the course of her long career as a physician career coach. Before we get to the interview, I must mention that my NEW focused mentoring program, called Become CMO in a Year, is the sponsor for today's episode. In this program, you’ll launch your career as a hospital or medical group Chief [...]

How to Survive the 5 Stages of Career Transformation with Michelle Mudge-Riley – 0552021-03-21T23:16:16-05:00

How to Overcome the Inertia in Your Career Search – 042


Welcome to today’s edition of the PNC podcast show notes. This week I'm offering a few suggestions to help you overcome the inertia that often slows your career search. One of the most common questions I hear from physicians considering a new career is “How do I get started? They get stuck right at the very beginning of the process. Today’s episode will be a short one, just hitting on a few issues related to nonclinical career transition. That’s [...]

How to Overcome the Inertia in Your Career Search – 0422021-03-21T10:03:02-05:00

Boost Your Career Trajectory by Completing an Executive MBA with Dr. Kate Atchley – 025


I was very interested in hearing more about physician executive MBA programs.  It's something that commonly comes up when speaking about nontraditional careers for physicians. As I talk with physicians who are early in the process of career transition, one of the bits of advice they often receive from friends and family is to “get an MBA, it will help open doors.” However, committing to an MBA is a serious decision, not to be taken lightly. Sure, there are some [...]

Boost Your Career Trajectory by Completing an Executive MBA with Dr. Kate Atchley – 0252021-03-20T19:10:34-05:00

The Journey From Career Loss to Physician Advocate with Dr. Stephanie Pearson – 023


In this podcast episode, I speak with Dr. Stephanie Pearson, a disability expert and physician advocate. A work-related injury forced Stephanie to leave her specialty of obstetrics and gynecology. Next, she found her disability insurance carrier unwilling to cover her injury. This put her family at risk. Yet, she overcame these challenges, becoming a disability expert and physician advocate along the way. Not every physician who is struggling to find a new career leaves medicine because of burnout, [...]

The Journey From Career Loss to Physician Advocate with Dr. Stephanie Pearson – 0232023-08-07T11:27:33-05:00

How to Become a Medical Writer with Dr. Mandy Armitage – 022


In this podcast episode, I speak with Dr. Mandy Armitage about her career as a medical writer. She was trained and board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation, and sports medicine. After working clinically, she transitioned to working full-time in medical writing. She has experience as a freelancer and a full-time employed writer. She currently serves as a Medical Director for HealthLoop and continues freelance medical writing at Armitage Medical. I've been interested in writing myself. It's one of  [...]

How to Become a Medical Writer with Dr. Mandy Armitage – 0222021-10-27T09:59:17-05:00

Effective But Unorthodox Career Advice


When considering a career pivot, mentors and advisors often include an admonition to follow your passion as a key piece of advice. After all, following one’s passion means that you will stick with it. You won’t easily be swayed from working on something you're passionate about, so you'll see it through, even when there are big challenges. To do otherwise would seem to be unorthodox career advice. Besides, numerous surveys of, and interviews with, successful business leaders and [...]

Effective But Unorthodox Career Advice2017-08-16T04:47:24-05:00

Use This Proven 6-Step Process to Deliver Bad News


To make some extra money, I worked as an internal medicine intern for a short while after graduating early from medical school, while waiting to start my family medicine residency. While covering the medical floors and ICU, one of the duties that I felt very unsure about was to deliver bad news to patients and their families. On several occasions, I recall feeling totally unprepared to inform an elderly woman that her spouse did not survive the cardiopulmonary arrest that [...]

Use This Proven 6-Step Process to Deliver Bad News2017-08-02T07:26:05-05:00

Physician Leaders: Top 10 Reasons to Pursue a Business Degree


About a year ago, I wrote about the need for a business degree. In my post, I listed Four Reasons to Seek a Business Degree. Since then, I have witnessed some of my colleagues enroll in MBA programs. All healthcare organizations benefit from owners or leaders with knowledge of business principles, including private practices. Is it time for you to pursue a business degree? I am re-posting the material from my previous article. However, I am adding 6 additional benefits completing [...]

Physician Leaders: Top 10 Reasons to Pursue a Business Degree2017-07-12T10:19:05-05:00

Building a Great Hospital Quality Improvement Program


“How would you design a great hospital quality improvement program?” A distinguished gentleman who looks to be in his 60s is asking the question. He and I are sitting across from each other at the end of a long, dark mahogany conference table. I don’t remember how I came to be here. I probably look a bit confused. “John. Tell me… How would you do that?” […]

Building a Great Hospital Quality Improvement Program2017-06-15T07:13:57-05:00

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