Six Signs of Lack of Trust in the C-Suite


A primary skill that a new physician executive needs relates to working in teams: to effectively lead teams and to be an able team member. Lack of trust will kill the effectiveness of an executive team. If team members aren't comfortable with expressing their truths, the team will perform poorly. The definition of trust that we used in our executive team followed the definition given by Peter Lencioni in The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable. It basically centered around developing a team [...]

Six Signs of Lack of Trust in the C-Suite2016-10-22T15:53:39-05:00

Being Indispensable


Is being indispensable important to you? Moving from a clinical career into management can result in culture shock. The shock can be lessened by moving gradually. You start as a medical director. You increase your management hours while gradually reducing your clinical hours. But whether you make the move gradually, or simply move into a full-time executive position overnight, there can be a loss of job security. When you're practicing your specialty, and have a following of grateful patients (especially [...]

Being Indispensable2016-08-02T10:26:46-05:00

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