
Why Should I Invest in a Passive Private Real Estate Deal? – 154


Interview with Dr. Peter Kim In this week's PNC Podcast episode, we learn why private real estate deals are a great way to diversify income. And investing in real estate makes a very nice part-time side hustle. Earlier this year, I was a participant in the Leverage & Growth Virtual Summit, organized by Dr. Peter Kim from Passive Income MD. It was a unique experience with about 50 experts providing valuable teaching over 2 weeks. I had a [...]

Why Should I Invest in a Passive Private Real Estate Deal? – 1542021-04-08T08:23:14-05:00

9 Excellent Books That Will Help Launch Your New Career – 153


Getting Back to Basics In this episode of the PNC podcast, John describes nine excellent books that will help educate you as you begin your career journey. The first two books will get you in the right frame of mind. And they provide tools to help you to overcome the self-limiting beliefs that might hold you back. Then John presents four books written to assist you in your selection of a nonclinical career. The last three of these excellent [...]

9 Excellent Books That Will Help Launch Your New Career – 1532021-04-08T08:12:21-05:00

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