
3 Reasons to Pursue the CPE Qualification – 033


In this episode, we explore the CPE certification offered by the Certifying Commission in Medical Management. I attempt to answer these questions: What is the CPE? How was it established? What are the requirements for completing the CPE? How costly is the CPE to obtain? Is a management degree required? Photo by on Unsplash […]

3 Reasons to Pursue the CPE Qualification – 0332021-03-20T20:43:49-05:00

Follow These 8 Steps to a Career in Quality Improvement – 027


In this episode, I respond to a listener's question about pursuing a career in quality improvement. Her ultimate goal is to become a chief medical officer for a health system. I list the tactics I would use to achieve that career goal. Free Career Transition Guide Before I jump into today’s content, I need to tell you about a new “how-to-guide” I’ve written. It’s a 24-page manual, complete with checklists for 5 nonclinical careers. It outlines the steps [...]

Follow These 8 Steps to a Career in Quality Improvement – 0272021-03-20T19:43:19-05:00

The Ultimate Resource to Spark Your Transformation to Physician Leader with Dian Ginsberg – 024


I joined the American College of Physician Executives in 1994. It was one of the best resources I've ever found for fledgling physician leaders. It is now called the American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL). And it has continued to provide education and support for me and thousands of other physician leaders. I thought it would be helpful to discuss the organization. It is clearly dedicated to promoting physician leadership.  For more than 40 years, the AAPL has [...]

The Ultimate Resource to Spark Your Transformation to Physician Leader with Dian Ginsberg – 0242021-03-20T19:04:31-05:00

10 Reasons Why You Should Pursue a Hospital Management Career – 020


In this episode, I'll be explaining why I think you should pursue a hospital management career. It’s just me today. A new interview will return next week. So, I’m going to take this opportunity to talk about something that's near and dear to my heart. As stated in the opening of my podcast each week, the goal of this podcast is to inspire, inform, and support you as you pivot to a nonclinical career. Since I have not [...]

10 Reasons Why You Should Pursue a Hospital Management Career – 0202021-03-19T20:33:49-05:00

How to Evaluate Direct Reports


Julie waited patiently in the small waiting area in the administrative suite. As the Director for Inpatient Nursing Services , it was time for her biweekly meeting with Patricia (Pat), the Chief Nursing Officer. Pat opened the door to her office and motioned for Julie to come in and sit down. As she did, Pat recalled the lecture she attended the previous year about how to evaluate direct reports, and the subsequent adoption of their new process. It was [...]

How to Evaluate Direct Reports2017-03-21T16:03:18-05:00

Regrets and Nostalgia on Thanksgiving Day


I'm making myself crazy. I'm working on Thanksgiving Day, seeing a trickle of patients (about one per hour). This is to be expected. But I am beating myself up because I am overdue for my next blog post (in my internal schedule it was due to be published a day or two ago). In actual fact, I had about 70% of a post ready to go two days ago. But I decided that it just sucked, so I [...]

Regrets and Nostalgia on Thanksgiving Day2016-11-26T11:31:16-06:00

Resources for the Emerging Physician Leader


Looking back, I may not have taken the most obvious route to becoming Chief Medical Officer.  But the journey was fairly sequential. And there were several resources that helped me to feel confident as a physician leader. There is more need today than ever for skilled physician leaders. There are several specific steps that hopeful executives can take to enhance their competencies. But each physician will need to determine his or her own path based on his or her circumstances. When [...]

Resources for the Emerging Physician Leader2016-11-27T11:54:58-06:00

Five Reasons to Become a Hospital Executive


I was very anxious to hear the results of the election. I was nearing the end of my second year of family medicine residency. I had adjusted to the stress of changing clinical rotations every 4 to 8 weeks. I was starting to feel more confident with the clinical material. But I was drawn to leadership opportunities. At our program, the chief resident was elected by the other residents. I “ran” for the position against one of my good friends in [...]

Five Reasons to Become a Hospital Executive2016-11-13T12:19:24-06:00

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