Non-clinical Career

Embracing a Fulfilling Transition: The Ideal Job for a Pre-Retirement Physician


As physicians, we embark on a lifelong journey dedicated to healing and caring for others. After years of practicing medicine, it is natural for Pre-Retirement Physicians to ponder the idea of slowing down as retirement approaches.  While the thought of stepping away from a career that defines us may be daunting, there exists a perfect opportunity for physicians in pre-retirement to embrace a role that allows for a more relaxed pace without sacrificing fulfillment. Let us explore the [...]

Embracing a Fulfilling Transition: The Ideal Job for a Pre-Retirement Physician2023-10-24T06:36:32-05:00

Growth And Discomfort for the Vital Physician Executive


The title of this post is intended to have two meanings. Any manager, leader, or executive generally finds that there is rarely growth without discomfort. Growth and discomfort (sometimes outright pain) are usually linked. It also indicates that this blog itself is due for some growth. When I jumped in and took my first executive position as vice president for medical affairs, it began a period of growth that I had not experienced since medical school and residency. [...]

Growth And Discomfort for the Vital Physician Executive2017-08-23T04:59:28-05:00

Effective But Unorthodox Career Advice


When considering a career pivot, mentors and advisors often include an admonition to follow your passion as a key piece of advice. After all, following one’s passion means that you will stick with it. You won’t easily be swayed from working on something you're passionate about, so you'll see it through, even when there are big challenges. To do otherwise would seem to be unorthodox career advice. Besides, numerous surveys of, and interviews with, successful business leaders and [...]

Effective But Unorthodox Career Advice2017-08-16T04:47:24-05:00

Physician Leaders: Top 10 Reasons to Pursue a Business Degree


About a year ago, I wrote about the need for a business degree. In my post, I listed Four Reasons to Seek a Business Degree. Since then, I have witnessed some of my colleagues enroll in MBA programs. All healthcare organizations benefit from owners or leaders with knowledge of business principles, including private practices. Is it time for you to pursue a business degree? I am re-posting the material from my previous article. However, I am adding 6 additional benefits completing [...]

Physician Leaders: Top 10 Reasons to Pursue a Business Degree2017-07-12T10:19:05-05:00

The Eight Essential Abilities The CEO Wants In A Chief Medical Officer


I am sometimes asked: what does a CEO look for in a CMO? I've heard this discussed at the American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL) meetings and American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) meetings, and it was a topic of discussion during the week-long tutorial for the Certified Physician Executive (CPE) qualification. I've looked at dozens of job descriptions which also provides insight into identifying the essential abilities the CEO wants in a Chief Medical Officer. There is no one [...]

The Eight Essential Abilities The CEO Wants In A Chief Medical Officer2020-08-03T13:48:37-05:00

How to Pivot and Launch A New Career: A Book Review


I recently read the book Pivot: The Only Move That Matters Is Your Next One, by Jenny Blake. It presented a model for career transformation that can be applied by clinicians seeking to move from patient care to an executive position. In the paragraphs that follow, I am going to explain how her pivot method can help you launch a new career as a healthcare executive. What is a Career Pivot? The author defines a career pivot as “Doubling [...]

How to Pivot and Launch A New Career: A Book Review2017-03-27T08:10:05-05:00

4 Crucial Steps to Take Before Choosing a Management Career


I was about 5 years into my medical career. It was a busy and exciting time. I finally felt confident in my clinical skills and I was ready to immerse myself in a new subject matter. I had not yet considered a management career. My partners and I had started a pension plan and we were making regular contributions. But none of us really knew how we should invest our contributions. I realized that I needed to learn [...]

4 Crucial Steps to Take Before Choosing a Management Career2017-01-08T16:25:40-06:00

Physician Leaders: Four Reasons to Seek a Business Degree


A common question arises when considering a career change to a non-clinical position. If you're seeking work as an administrator, you may be thinking: “Will I need a business degree?”. It seems that more physician leaders have an MBA, MHA, MMM or MPH (an MPH is not actually a business degree, but a significant number of physician executives seem to have one). A business or management degree is definitely not a requirement for a career as a physician executive. There are many very [...]

Physician Leaders: Four Reasons to Seek a Business Degree2016-11-17T11:38:48-06:00

Five Reasons to Become a Hospital Executive


I was very anxious to hear the results of the election. I was nearing the end of my second year of family medicine residency. I had adjusted to the stress of changing clinical rotations every 4 to 8 weeks. I was starting to feel more confident with the clinical material. But I was drawn to leadership opportunities. At our program, the chief resident was elected by the other residents. I “ran” for the position against one of my good friends in [...]

Five Reasons to Become a Hospital Executive2016-11-13T12:19:24-06:00

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