The Challenge
When attempting to pivot from a clinical career to one in hospital or medical group management, you’ll reach a point where you’ll send out your resume. And on the resume will be a list of jobs you’ve held, courses you’ve taken, activities you’ve participated in, and accomplishments you’ve achieved, that an employer will consider when assessing your ability to meet its needs.
Each employer will be looking for a unique set of skills for its chief medical officer (CMO). However, there are certain skills that every CEO is looking for in a CMO. And to be competitive, you’ll need to demonstrate most of the desired skills, and the ability to quickly acquire the others.
You’ve already mastered some of those skills by virtue of successfully completing medical school, residency and several years of medical practice. Those experiences serve as the foundation for becoming an effective physician leader.

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But there are additional skills that must be developed and added to those already acquired. Here are the major domains that physician executives will need to develop and demonstrate to be an effective CMO:
Data Management
You should be able to demonstrate the ability to analyze a variety of data, simplify and explain it to others, and create action plans to address underperformance. The type of data typically analyzed includes:
- Quality and patient safety metrics, including medication safety, readmission rates, infection control measures,
- Utilization review, including length of stay and resource utilization,
- Patient and physician satisfaction data,
- Process measures, including turnaround times,
- Designing balanced scorecards and dashboards, and,
- Understanding Lean Process Improvement and Six Sigma
Financial Management
This includes understanding health system financial reports, departmental revenues and expenses, and creating and managing to an annual budget.
Business Practices
This includes:
- Running effective meetings,
- Participating in and running a SWOT Analysis,
- Writing reports and preparing and delivering presentations,
- Identifying and clearly writing management goals, and,
- Completing complex projects.
Leadership Skills
In order to effectively lead a division that includes multiple departments, you will need the following skills:
- Negotiation,
- Health law, including contracting, and fraud and abuse,
- Team building and coaching skills,
- Strategic planning, and,
- Working effectively in an executive team.
Talent Management
This goes beyond simply hiring, firing and supervision of employees. A seasoned CMO will need to demonstrate an ability to:
- attract and recruit good managers and directors,
- maintain accountability,
- build loyalty,
- develop future leaders,
- communicate with clarity,
- delegate appropriately,
- create succession plans, and,
- avoid micromanagement.
But your resources are limited. You’re still working clinically and you don’t have infinite time and money to devote to acquiring advanced degrees and shadowing successful physician executives to learn new skills. You could spend years trying to slowly acquire the necessary skill sets to satisfy prospective recruiters and CEOs looking to hire you.
The Dream
You see yourself in the CMO role:
- Working on meaningful projects that improve patient outcomes and access,
- Having a much bigger impact on your community,
- Using all of your talents, clinical experience and training, and,
- Serving as a senior executive, responsible for leading a division that provides outstanding care, excellent employment opportunities, and profitability for your organization.
What You Need
You can get there, for sure. You’ve got the drive, the dedication, the intelligence and the vision to become great physician leader. You simply need advice and mentoring that will expedite your efforts, and prevent the pitfalls and dead ends that might slow your transition.
Why I Can Help
I understand what you’re feeling. I was a very good and popular clinician. But I desired more. I wanted to contribute to my community by leading teams and creating measurable improvements in quality and satisfaction for my patients.
I tried different volunteer positions on committees and nonprofit organizations. And I worked part-time side jobs while practicing full-time family medicine. I initially believed that I could best contribute by focusing on occupational medicine, obtaining a master’s degree in public health, and working as medical director in an occ-med clinic.
Missteps and Dead-ends
But that was a dead-end. It was not fulfilling. I had other false starts and distractions along the way. It wasn’t until I realized that I could best serve my colleagues, my patients, and the community by pursuing a leadership position at my hospital that I found my true passion.
So, I networked, found mentors, joined a leadership association, took courses and worked with my CEO to prepare myself for my first executive position. I later became a certified physician executive. As I progressed to senior VP and CMO, I was able to fully actualize my leadership abilities.
Along the way, I led my hospital to top honors in quality and patient safety, and reduced our mortality rates to near the lowest in the country. I drove our efforts to implement outstanding infection control and medication safety programs, saving hundreds of lives. The reduced complications and length of say, combined with improved documentation and coding, resulted in outstanding financial performance. This was demonstrated by five years as a Top 100 Hospital (Truven) during my tenure.
The Solution
You have many of the required skills, and the potential to become an excellent physician executive and leader. I want to help guide you by
- showing you how to optimize your transition,
- pointing you in the right direction,
- showing you tools that you may not even know exist,
- suggesting simple, readily available opportunities where you can acquire the new skills that you need.
I’ll do this using a simple, 3-step approach:
- First, I’ll assess what skills you’ve already acquired, and are currently able to demonstrate to prospective employers,
- Second, I'll identify your gaps in the five skill sets, and
- Finally, I'll mentor you with specific, practical ways to address the gaps in your skills and experience.
I will describe what hospital, health system and medical groups are looking for in physician leaders. There are distinct skill sets that you should be developing through a combination of mentorship, coaching, formal education, volunteer positions on nonprofits and governmental agencies, participation in committees and teams, certifications, degrees and paid positions.
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Your Transformation
- By reviewing your past education and training, post-residency experiences, and part-time paid and volunteer activities, and comparing those to what employers are seeking, I can provide you a clear understanding of the gaps in your resume that you should fill with meaningful experiences.
- I will explain how various volunteer and paid positions will help you to learn certain skills, which can be demonstrated to prospective employers.
- I’ll provide strategies for you to obtain certifications and begin work on advanced degrees, but only if necessary, that will further eliminate your skills gap. In fact, I'll show you a strategy that will greatly expedite your ability to achieve certification and an MMM or MBA, while reducing the costs significantly.
By following the steps outlined in this process, you will achieve three primary outcomes:
- Identify your skill and experience gaps,
- Create a plan to address and eliminate those gaps, and,
- Make yourself irresistible to health care organizations looking for a qualified chief medical officer!
My Offer to You
- By reviewing your current CV / resume, and collecting other detailed information about your training and work experiences, I will develop a clear understanding of the potential gaps that will keep you from effectively pursuing an executive position.
- After reviewing that information, within 14 days you will receive a detailed analysis of your gaps and of ways in which to address them. There will be multiple examples of opportunities to address each gap and eliminate it.
- I will provide specific recommendations that will include steps to take, classes to pursue, associations to join, and an often-unrecognized source of nonprofit organizations to consider. You will also receive a written transcript of the analysis and recommendations.
- I will also explain why some of your experiences will NOT demonstrate the needed skills and how to transform those into experiences that will.
- After you’ve had a chance to fully digest and analyze the steps I've outlined for you, we will schedule a one-hour coaching session to review the materials, answer any specific questions and further brain-storm ways to expedite your path to a CMO position.
- We'll follow that with another live session to rreview the steps you've taken and discuss additional options to pursue.
The goal is to allow you to demonstrate experience in at least 90% of the skills in the five major areas of expertise that you need to get your first job.
What's Included
You want to get from where you are, to a new high-paying, fulfilling, challenging position as a senior hospital or medical group executive. And you want to do it as quickly and as efficiently as possible. While everyone’s path is different, you want to approach your transition intentionally, so you need coaching advice that will allow you to select from:
- Best free and paid educational resources,
- Appropriate associations to join,
- Helpful volunteer positions to pursue,
- Entry level jobs to take,
- Committees and teams to join,
- How to find informal mentors and coaches,
- The best entry-level jobs to pursue, and,
- A great tool to help you find nonprofit opportunities and check salaries of other CMOs.
What This is NOT
This is not a resume writing service. I am NOT just taking your resume and advising you how to present it in a better way.
Not at all!
Rather, I will explain to you the gaps in your resume that MUST be eliminated in order to make you a viable CMO candidate. Then, I’m teaching you where you can go to get the experience you need to fill those gaps. And I‘m offering multiple options for each major domain, so you can choose the most efficient way FOR YOU to use to fill those gaps.
The Value
With my input, recommendations, and mentoring specific to this one goal – to successfully pursue a career as a hospital or medical group CMO – you'll save thousands of dollars, and hundreds of hours of time, pursuing unnecessary activities, and advanced degrees that will ultimately not help you to meet this career goal.
The information that I’ve spent decades learning and applying, and the hours I’ve spent mentoring young physicians, would take you years to duplicate. And a mentoring service like this would normally cost thousands of dollars to replicate.
But I’ve been able to streamline the process and focus specifically on those skill sets employers are looking for, and how to develop them through a very specific set of experiences that can be assessed and outlined for you in a matter of 4 to 5 hours. As a result, instead of charging $2,000 to $3,000 to achieve the results I’m offering, I’m able to offer this service for only $459.00.
Purchase Become CMO in a Year
The Process
To be clear, here's the process:
- You go to my sales page and purchase the Become CMO in a Year Mentoring Service,
- You'll receive a confirmation email that will outline the information I need to proceed with our mentoring.
- You send me your CV/resume and schedule a 90 minute Zoom video or audio call using my online scheduler.
- We'll connect and discuss all your past and current education, experiences and certifications that might demonstrate skills in the five domains discussed above.
- I'll analyze and review the material and speak directly to you about your strengths, weaknesses, and gaps I’ve identified in the five major skill and experience areas mentioned above. These are the areas that recruiters and employers focus on when deciding whether to interview candidates.
- You'll receive specific practical action steps you can take to get the necessary experience to fill those gaps.
- I'll also explain how to determine compensation levels for physician executives working at similar nonprofit facilities in your geographical area.
- We will schedule a second one-hour mentoring session (via Zoom or Skype conference call) to answer questions about your report and further discuss options for pursuing a hospital management position.
- Following the second session, we'll schedule a third 2 to 3 months later adn review progress and identify new gaols.
Money-Back Guarantee
I offer a 100% money back guarantee on the content being provided. If you contact me via email before our second phone consultation and request a refund – it will be provided without any question.
Professional coaching typically runs $200 to $500 per hour, and might continue for 6 to 12 months in anticipation of career change. By streamlining this process and focusing on one high-paying executive career for physicians, I'm able to offer this mentoring service for only $789.00.
I make no guarantee that following this plan will get you that high-paying job, or that you will be fully prepared to apply to the first job in one year. I have no idea how aggressively you will follow my mentoring advice, nor if you will implement these recommendations at all.
I'm providing information based on years in this field. I firmly believe it is possible to expedite your pivot to a new career, if you follow my suggestions. If you review and implement the suggestions I make in a timely manner, within 12 to 18 months, you should be ready to start applying, but it depends on your effort and your starting point. The mentoring is being sold as information, and is educational in nature only.
Also, I am not an accountant or an attorney, so a complete analysis of your financial situation and a review of any employment contracts that you receive should be obtained by your own personal accountant and attorney.