
Monthly Leadership Favorites – June 2017 Edition


It's time for the VITAL Physician Executive's Monthly Leadership Favorites – June 2017 Edition. In this feature I share inspiring and enlightening advice from respected leaders, generally from outside of healthcare (but not always). Leadership Favorites – June 2017 Edition This month's favorites follow… How Leaders Kill Trust In 16 Ways Leaders Kill Trust, Skip Prichard provides a guest post by his colleague Bruce Rhoades. Rhoades lists 16 things leaders commonly do that erode trust in team members, including: Micromanage [...]

Monthly Leadership Favorites – June 2017 Edition2017-06-21T04:55:42-05:00

4 Tactics for Building Trust and Inspiring Your Team


It was both exciting and intimidating to participate in weekly operational and strategic meetings as a new member of the team. One of the first things I observed was how the CEO was building trust among the team members at almost every meeting. I was the newly appointed vice president for medical affairs (VPMA). I had convinced our CEO that is was time to add a formal physician leader to the executive team. It was 1999, and most [...]

4 Tactics for Building Trust and Inspiring Your Team2016-12-09T15:56:23-06:00

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