
Options for a Non-Clinical Career


  You've done some soul-searching. You're thinking about a non-clinical career choice. You've tried to address overwhelm and burnout, perhaps utilizing resources such as: Dike Drummond at The Happy MD American Academy of Family Physicians Physicians Helping Physicians Starla Fitch at Starla Fitch, MD Heather Fork at Doctor's Crossing You've come to the conclusion that you want to remain in healthcare, but not in direct patient care. What are your options? There are numerous alternatives for physicians like us seeking a non-clinical career. We don't [...]

Options for a Non-Clinical Career2017-08-23T04:54:26-05:00

Is it Time for a Non-Clinical Career?


Those of us that elect to pursue a non-clinical career usually do so because we are pulled by the of excitement of doing something new AND pushed towards it by the pain of our current situation. The push often comes from the frustration with practicing clinical medicine: Endless paperwork Fear of litigation EMRs that add more expense and more waiting with little to show for it Non-compliant, entitled patients that blame us for the results of their self-destructive behaviors Unreliable employees Declining pay “Burnout” [...]

Is it Time for a Non-Clinical Career?2017-08-23T04:57:42-05:00

When to Use a SWOT Analysis


As a physician executive, you will participate in strategic planning, goal setting, and project management. As a business leader, you will need to assess the risks and benefits of pursuing various new initiatives. One of the tools used by business leaders to do such an assessment is a SWOT analysis. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The  development of the SWOT Analysis (or Matrix) has been attributed to Albert S. Humphrey, although he disavowed having invented [...]

When to Use a SWOT Analysis2016-08-09T05:47:43-05:00

Being Indispensable


Is being indispensable important to you? Moving from a clinical career into management can result in culture shock. The shock can be lessened by moving gradually. You start as a medical director. You increase your management hours while gradually reducing your clinical hours. But whether you make the move gradually, or simply move into a full-time executive position overnight, there can be a loss of job security. When you're practicing your specialty, and have a following of grateful patients (especially [...]

Being Indispensable2016-08-02T10:26:46-05:00

Five Tactics for a Powerful Interview


You’ve worked part-time as a medical director, possibly completed a new masters degree and attended countless conferences produced by the American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL). You’ve sent your CV to several recruiters and now it's time for an interview. This is a very exciting time. You want to make a great impression. If we were sitting down for a cup of coffee, here are a few suggestions I would make as you prepare for your first interviews. […]

Five Tactics for a Powerful Interview2016-11-26T11:49:47-06:00

The Three Domains of the Physician Executive


In mid-1999, I was hired as  a novice VPMA (vice president for medical affairs) for my new employer, a regional medical center outside of Chicago, Illinois. I had attended many conferences devoted to management and leadership. I had worked as medical director for several different clinics. And, I consistently read the journal produced by the American College of Physician Executives (now called the American Association for Physician Leadership). I felt modestly ready to assume my new role as a hospital physician executive. My [...]

The Three Domains of the Physician Executive2016-11-26T12:09:15-06:00

Nine Maxims for Masterful Meetings


Not a Good Start I showed up in the small conference room at 1:00 PM as instructed. I had been assigned by the CEO to this multidisciplinary committee. I was the physician representative and liaison to the executive team. The chair had been assigned in a similar fashion and had added this responsibility to her many other duties as a director in the Patient Care Division. When I arrived, there was only one other member present. The chair had [...]

Nine Maxims for Masterful Meetings2016-11-30T07:34:19-06:00

Four New Skills Physician Executives Must Learn


As I grew into my role as physician executive, it became apparent that there were several new sets that I needed to learn that were not part of my medical training. As a physician, I was trained to obtain a thorough history and perform a physical exam, to formulate a problem list and differential diagnosis, and develop a treatment plan. In so doing, like other physicians, I learned to: Communicate clearly with the patient and/or her family Quickly [...]

Four New Skills Physician Executives Must Learn2017-01-19T11:02:56-06:00

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