
Effective Leaders Use Deep Work Wisely


I was becoming really nervous about my lack of preparation for a strategic planning retreat. The CEO, the senior executive team, and several physicians and board members were going to meet in three days to discuss a variety of important issues. One of my assignments was to present a 30 minute review of an important project. This would set the stage for selecting one of several possible approaches to the project. I would need to do some deep [...]

Effective Leaders Use Deep Work Wisely2017-09-17T00:14:43-05:00

Not All Leadership Dyads Are Created Equal


Leadership Dyads have been touted as the solution to the challenge of executing complex initiatives in hospitals and health systems. Meaningful physician leadership has been found to be the missing component in some of these implementations. The thinking goes that partnering a strong executive with an engaged physician can overcome physician resistance to such new programs. But not all leadership dyads are created equal. What Is Dyad Leadership? As described in a 2015 Advisory Board Article, dyad leadership is “…a [...]

Not All Leadership Dyads Are Created Equal2017-09-04T07:54:58-05:00

Effective But Unorthodox Career Advice


When considering a career pivot, mentors and advisors often include an admonition to follow your passion as a key piece of advice. After all, following one’s passion means that you will stick with it. You won’t easily be swayed from working on something you're passionate about, so you'll see it through, even when there are big challenges. To do otherwise would seem to be unorthodox career advice. Besides, numerous surveys of, and interviews with, successful business leaders and [...]

Effective But Unorthodox Career Advice2017-08-16T04:47:24-05:00

Use This Proven 6-Step Process to Deliver Bad News


To make some extra money, I worked as an internal medicine intern for a short while after graduating early from medical school, while waiting to start my family medicine residency. While covering the medical floors and ICU, one of the duties that I felt very unsure about was to deliver bad news to patients and their families. On several occasions, I recall feeling totally unprepared to inform an elderly woman that her spouse did not survive the cardiopulmonary arrest that [...]

Use This Proven 6-Step Process to Deliver Bad News2017-08-02T07:26:05-05:00

My Greatest Shortcoming as a Senior Hospital Leader


As I think back to my early experiences as a hospital executive, I recall a fairly steep learning curve. The AAPL management courses I attended helped. But it wasn't until I saw the principles taught in those courses applied in the real world that they started to sink in. And that's also when I began to see my greatest shortcoming as a leader. Most financial, human resource and management concepts eventually became second-hand. With mentoring and experience, I became comfortable [...]

My Greatest Shortcoming as a Senior Hospital Leader2017-07-20T08:39:22-05:00

How to Stop Your Boss’ Micromanagement Today


Micromanagement can be defined as a management style that involves closely monitoring and/or controlling how employees do their jobs. It's a poor management technique that wastes time, fails to utilize our staff’s full potential, and causes resentment and frustration in those being controlled. … the highway! It is one of the 4 things that drive employees crazy, according to Dan Rockwell. […]

How to Stop Your Boss’ Micromanagement Today2017-06-14T09:28:06-05:00

Unlock Leadership Through Coaching


Before describing how to unlock leadership through coaching, I want to mention that Vital Physician Executive was featured on Future Proof MD. Please check out Future Proof Docs – The Vital Physician Executive and let me know what you think. How to Unlock Leadership Through Coaching My thinking about coaching has been evolving. The Death of Socrates – by Jacques-Louis David As I described in my post comparing coaching and mentoring, coaching can be defined as the process [...]

Unlock Leadership Through Coaching2017-05-01T10:26:59-05:00

Pursuing Resilient Physician Leadership


My practice had become a burden. My patients seemed annoying and overly demanding. I was living alone in a small duplex, feeling isolated. I was sleeping more than usual, yet fatigued most of the time. Any resiliency had been stretched and tested and was wearing thin. My usual optimism was gone. I did not become overtly suicidal, but I began to have thoughts about what it would be like if I was no longer “around.” […]

Pursuing Resilient Physician Leadership2017-05-02T16:25:49-05:00

Preparing to Be a Better Physician Leader – Part 2


I started this series by discussing the attitudes or perspectives that physician leaders should understand and adopt. I would like to complete it with a description of some practical skills that you should seek to learn or enhance. If you are early in the journey, you can try to observe these skills in others as you're preparing to be a better physician leader. This is a process. Like any new realm of learning, we follow a path from awareness, to [...]

Preparing to Be a Better Physician Leader – Part 22017-03-31T13:46:59-05:00

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