
Who Can Help When Private Practice Matters? – 174


Interview with Dr. Phil Boucher Today’s guest is the guy you call when you're dealing with challenging private practice matters. Dr. Phil Boucher is a husband, a father of five, and a pediatrician in private practice in Lincoln, Nebraska.  He is very prolific, treating patients, educating parents, and helping his colleagues enjoy their clinical work. […]

Who Can Help When Private Practice Matters? – 1742020-12-14T14:09:40-06:00

Effective Leaders Use Deep Work Wisely


I was becoming really nervous about my lack of preparation for a strategic planning retreat. The CEO, the senior executive team, and several physicians and board members were going to meet in three days to discuss a variety of important issues. One of my assignments was to present a 30 minute review of an important project. This would set the stage for selecting one of several possible approaches to the project. I would need to do some deep [...]

Effective Leaders Use Deep Work Wisely2017-09-17T00:14:43-05:00

Monthly Leadership Favorites – September 2017 Edition


It's time for the VITAL Physician Executive's Monthly Leadership Favorites – September 2017 Edition. In this feature I share inspiring and enlightening advice from respected leaders, generally from outside of healthcare (but not always). The title of this month's post is a misnomer (the Monthly part), given that I did not post a Favorites list in August. That was intentional. Since I reduced my posting frequency from twice-weekly to weekly, I did not feel that it was appropriate to [...]

Monthly Leadership Favorites – September 2017 Edition2017-09-10T07:54:23-05:00

How Being Early Builds Success


In addition to blogging on a regular basis, I am a practicing family physician. I work in an urgent care clinic as medical director and clinician. As I arrived early for my shift this morning, I thought, “you know, there are many advantages to being early.” My commute is rather long (over an hour each way). On 2 or 3 occasions I have been severely delayed due to major accidents on the tollways that I take to work (Quel [...]

How Being Early Builds Success2016-11-02T16:06:20-05:00

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