
Let’s Dispel These 5 Persistent Myths About Nonclinical Careers – 309


  Begin Your Career Transition in Earnest In today's episode, we revisit the topic of 5 persistent myths that clinicians believe when they begin to contemplate a career transition. This presentation was given at the 2023 Licensed to Live online conference. In today's fast-paced healthcare landscape, many professionals find themselves yearning for a more fulfilling and rewarding career path. To embark on this transformative journey, the first crucial step is recognizing the widely held beliefs or [...]

Let’s Dispel These 5 Persistent Myths About Nonclinical Careers – 3092023-08-29T07:48:42-05:00

Regrets and Nostalgia on Thanksgiving Day


I'm making myself crazy. I'm working on Thanksgiving Day, seeing a trickle of patients (about one per hour). This is to be expected. But I am beating myself up because I am overdue for my next blog post (in my internal schedule it was due to be published a day or two ago). In actual fact, I had about 70% of a post ready to go two days ago. But I decided that it just sucked, so I [...]

Regrets and Nostalgia on Thanksgiving Day2016-11-26T11:31:16-06:00

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