
Advice for an Emerging Physician Leader – 032


Dr. Cindy Wang is a an emerging physician leader seeking advice to help advance her hospital management career. She responded to my offer to provide mentorship in exchange for recording and posting our conversation here on the podcast. First, My Sincere Thanks Before we get into our interview today, I’d like to thank all of you who sent me condolences following last week’s episode. I deviated from my usual topics and posted a tribute to my recently deceased [...]

Advice for an Emerging Physician Leader – 0322021-03-20T20:35:06-05:00

Follow Six Essential Rules to Engage a Mentor – 004


In this podcast episode, I talk about mentors and coaches. My primary focus is on mentors. But I’ll spend a few minutes distinguishing them from coaches. I finish up by listing six rules to follow to find and engage a mentor. Who Needs a Mentor? Anyone thinking about exploring a new career, or just trying to excel at their current one, will benefit from having a knowledgeable and motivated mentor. I suppose if you have the ideal job, [...]

Follow Six Essential Rules to Engage a Mentor – 0042021-03-19T06:47:11-05:00

Why Both a Coach and a Mentor Are Vital to Your Career


Don was about 15 years my senior. He was an awesome mentor. We met while working on projects for the Illinois State Medical Society (ISMS) Committee on CME Accreditation. This committee was responsible for approving intrastate providers of AMA Category 1 CME. A Mentor To Me Don was the chair of the committee prior to my being appointed to it. So he had been involved in CME for many years. I later served as chair myself for five [...]

Why Both a Coach and a Mentor Are Vital to Your Career2016-11-27T17:32:48-06:00

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