memberclub Archives - NonClinical Physicians Helping Hospital and Medical Group Executives Lead and Manage With Confidence Fri, 21 Jun 2024 10:58:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 memberclub Archives - NonClinical Physicians 32 32 112612397 How to Exploit the Surprising Nonclinical Career Academy Tue, 18 Jun 2024 13:37:10 +0000   Presentation by John Jurica - 357 In today's show, John introduces and describes the Nonclinical Career Academy and MemberClub, emphasizing their extensive resources for physicians seeking nonclinical careers.  He explains the various courses and bundles available, including options for monthly or lifetime memberships. John also mentions a special discount code, RELAUNCH2024, for [...]

The post How to Exploit the Surprising Nonclinical Career Academy appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.


Presentation by John Jurica – 357

In today's show, John introduces and describes the Nonclinical Career Academy and MemberClub, emphasizing their extensive resources for physicians seeking nonclinical careers. 

He explains the various courses and bundles available, including options for monthly or lifetime memberships. John also mentions a special discount code, RELAUNCH2024, for a significant reduction on lifetime membership during the relaunch week.

Our Show Sponsor

We're proud to have the University of Tennessee Physician Executive MBA Program, offered by the Haslam College of Business, as the sponsor of this podcast. The UT PEMBA is the longest-running, and most highly respected physician-only MBA in the country. It has over 700 graduates. And, the program only takes one year to complete. By joining the UT Physician Executive MBA, you will develop the business and management skills you need to find a career that you love. To find out more, contact Dr. Kate Atchley’s office at (865) 974-6526 or go to

For Podcast Listeners

  • John hosts a short Weekly Q&A Session addressing any topic related to physician careers and leadership. Each discussion is now posted for you to review and apply. Sometimes all it takes is one insight to take you to the next level of your career. Check out the Weekly Q&A and join us for only $5.00 per month.
  • If you want access to dozens of lessons dedicated to nonclinical and unconventional clinical careers, you should join the Nonclinical Career Academy MemberClub. For a small monthly fee, you can access the Weekly Q&A Sessions AND as many lessons and courses as you wish. Click the link to check it out, and use the Coupon CodeFIRSTMONTHFIVE” to get your first month for only $5.00.
  • The 2024 Nonclinical Summit is over. But you can access all the fantastic lectures from our nationally recognized speakers, including Dr. Dike Drummond, Dr. Nneka Unachukwu, Dr. Gretchen Green, and Dr. Mike Woo-Ming. Go to Nonclinical Summit and enter Coupon Code “30-OFF” for a $30 discount.

Discovering Nonclinical Career Options for Physicians

In this segment, John discusses the genesis of his podcast and the pressing need for resources to assist clinicians in exploring nontraditional career paths. The podcast initially served as a platform for John to delve into the world of unconventional careers for physicians. That enabled him to learn while sharing insights and learnings from his guests.

Over time, the podcast evolved into a vital resource for clinicians seeking to leverage their medical training and experience in new and innovative ways, helping them regain autonomy, reduce overwhelm, and achieve a stable income.

The Evolution of the Nonclinical Career Academy

John explains how his journey led to the creation of the Nonclinical Career Academy, an educational platform designed to support physicians in transitioning to nonclinical roles. Initially starting with a few courses, the academy has grown to include a variety of resources. These include detailed lectures on becoming a Chief Medical Officer (CMO), transitioning into medical science liaison (MSL) roles, and exploring dozens of other nontraditional careers.

The Academy now offers a comprehensive membership model, providing unlimited access to 28 courses and ongoing updates. It has become a valuable tool for those committed to long-term career development.

Exclusive Benefits of Joining the NonClinical Career Academy

John highlights the benefits of joining the Nonclinical Career Academy, especially during the relaunch period. Members who join this week receive exclusive bonuses and a discounted rate, which will not be available after Saturday, June 22, 2024. The academy offers flexible membership options, including monthly subscriptions and a one-time fee for lifetime access so members can choose a plan that best fits their needs. The platform is continuously updated with new content including regular Q&A sessions, providing a rich and evolving resource for physicians exploring nonclinical careers.


John highlights the Nonclinical Career Academy this week. As part of this week's relaunch physicians can receive a sizeable discount for the lifetime membership, by using the code RELAUNCH2024 when registering for the membership HERE.

You can get a one-month MemberClub TRIAL for only $1.00 by choosing the monthly subscription and entering the Coupon Code TRIAL at checkout. After the first month, the $57 monthly membership fee will apply until you withdraw from the MemberClub. 

NOTE: Look below for a transcript of today's episode. 

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Podcast Editing & Production Services are provided by Oscar Hamilton

Transcription PNC Podcast Episode 357

How to Exploit the Surprising Nonclinical Career Academy

John: Okay folks, today it's just me. I decided to take one show to tell you all about one of the projects I've been working on for several years. When I started in the world of nonclinical and non-traditional careers, it was pretty much a hobby. I had worked several nonclinical careers during my career and I wanted to learn more about what was available. So 70 years ago, I started the podcast and the reason I did that was I could learn more about unconventional careers for physicians from my guests.

And as I was doing that, I recognized that there is really a huge demand for services to help clinicians to figure out how to leverage their training and experience in unconventional ways to regain their autonomy, reduce overwhelm, and make a decent income. Early on, there weren't that many resources and there were a few coaches that I met early on like Heather Fork and Michelle Modriely and Starla Fitch and others. And over time, they started producing other products as well. Some of them started doing group coaching, some went into speaking and lecturing on the topic.

And then there were a couple of podcasts at the time. Then people began to create online courses. And even some people started writing books. For example, I have 50 NonClinical Careers by Sylvie Stacey and my friend wrote a book about locum tenens that was Andrew Willner. And there've been other books along the way, which I often refer to.

Now, I never became a coach per se, but I've done other things to try and help my colleagues. I've had at least two or three mastermind groups and I've helped produce and host two live online summits so far. And about four or five years ago, I started something I called the NonClinical Career Academy. And I have promoted that off and on over the years and I've started to accumulate some students in the academy, but I've never spent an entire show telling you what it is, how it's morphed over the years and what it can do for you. So I thought that I would do that today.

Now, before I get started, let me ask you to do something for me and for your colleagues. Some of you have been with me for years and years, and you've already heard about the NonClinical Career Academy. Some of you may even be members of it as I'm speaking. I assume that maybe you'll drop off today's show, but if you have a colleague who is fed up and burned out or just becoming curious about alternative, nonclinical careers, unconventional careers for physicians or even PAs and NPs, and they don't know where to find good information about it, then you should definitely refer this podcast episode and this show to them today.

And the reason I say today is because on the day that this is being released, which usually is on a Tuesday, I suppose I could release it maybe a day early just to get a little more exposure, but I'm in the middle of a relaunch of the NonClinical Career Academy and its associated member club, and there are definitely some benefits to joining this week.

And I'll give you more information at the end of today's episode, but definitely if you join this week, you're going to have some benefits that will expire on Saturday. You'll still be able to get in after Saturday, but you'll end up paying more and not getting some additional bonuses. So before I get any further, let me share a couple of important messages.

First, I want to remind you that this podcast is sponsored by the Physician Executive MBA Program at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville's Haslam College of Business. In less than one calendar year, this program will equip you with the valuable business acumen and leadership development not found in the traditional medical school curriculum. Are you ready to join the longest running physician-only MBA program in the country and a network of nearly a thousand PEMBA graduates? Contact Dr. Kate Atchley's office at 865-974-6526 to do that, or go to

They've been a long sponsor. I just talked to Kate Atchley about a week or so ago, and they've definitely had some of you inquire and actually join their program. I've heard nothing but good things about the PEMBA. And like I mentioned in the past, joining one of the benefits is really to become part of that large group of graduates who then you can network with for jobs and projects. So I really encourage you to go to nonclinical and check it out.

The next sponsorship is for myself in a way, and it's about sponsoring this show, the Physician Nonclinical Careers podcast. Why would you want to do that? Well, because as a sponsor, you'll reach thousands of physicians. So you can sell your products and services or build your following. Your message will be heard on the podcast, seen on our website, in our newsletters and emails and in social media posts. So if you want to learn more about being a sponsor, then go to

All right, now let me move into today's important topic. And I'm calling it how to exploit the surprising nonclinical career academy. So this is a somewhat spontaneous and informal episode, and I'm kind of winging it here today. But I get a lot of questions. As I've been doing a weekly Q&A. I think I'm up to about the 35th or 36th iteration of that. And it's just common questions I get over and over again. How do I get started? How do I get into telehealth? How do I get into AI? How do I become a physician advisor? How do I become a physician leader or executive?

And so in addition to producing the podcast about five years ago, I started working on the nonclinical career academy. And basically, I created courses. Some of those are courses with multiple lectures that you can do over a period of weeks, really. Some of them are individual lectures that I've given elsewhere, or that I've created specifically for the academy. And at the beginning, I think I loaded initial six or eight courses. And this is hosted on Teachable.

Teachable is a platform that allows me to go in there, edit things, update things, and add new courses all the time. And so I've been doing that over the last four or five years. And what I did was I just started compiling these courses, tried to cover everything that I felt I was well versed enough and expert enough in talking about.

So there's multiple courses on becoming a hospital CMO. And there's courses on things like work, other work in the hospital as a medical director, work as a physician advisor, or what they call, they do call it a medical director when you're doing, let's say, insurance company, benefits management, and utilization management on the hospital side, they call you a physician advisor. So because of that, I started creating those courses.

I also have posted two or three interviews to help expand what I can cover using the expertise of others. And basically, I'm up to now 28 individual courses. And I'm going to show you this for those that are going to be looking at the video. I'm going to switch over to a video of the actual academy in a moment. So I have a bundle on hospital management, which means I have 11 courses put together as one entity that you can purchase it separately. I've got eight courses into an overview of nonclinical careers. Again, in Teachable, they call that a bundle. So you can purchase those eight.

And then about three years ago, I decided to add a membership version of this. The membership is different in the sense that instead of paying for each individual lecture or course, you can just become a member. And you can come and stay as long as you like. And as long as you're a member, you can access everything that's in there, which now includes the 28 individual courses plus the 30-some Q&A episodes that I've already recorded and anything new that comes in the future. And I even expanded the membership to be either an ongoing membership that you can purchase and then drop off. If you think you're only going to be in there for a few months, it's a less costly option.

The other thing is I made available an option to get a lifetime membership. For one fee, you can be in there forever. And as new things are added, you continue to have access to those. So if this for you is more of a long-term commitment that you know is going to take more than a year, year and a half, two years, whatever, you can pay one price and get lifetime access. And then you can even interact with me and ask me for additional resources. And then I can actually work on those. I created it because I knew there was a demand and it was a way to, rather than do one-on-one coaching, share this with a lot of people.

The member club is a part that I call the membership. So I'll talk a little bit as I present this final 10 or 15 minutes of the presentation today. And I think it can be very helpful to you and others who might be looking for a quick way to learn as much and be as selective in what you want to learn, go right to the things that are most interesting to you without searching over the entire internet, buying a bunch of books and so forth.

I put together as much information and inspiration as I can for beginners and for those who are early in their journey. Like I said, I've condensed thousands of hours of research into a fraction of that. I cover things like how to overcome limiting beliefs and common myths about job transition.

I've included almost every type of common job in the major industries that hire physicians, including biopharma, hospital management, home-based jobs, locum tenants, medical writing, consulting, and even more talk. I've got information there about how to convert your CV to a resume, how to prepare for your interviews, common mistakes to avoid, which, many of us have coaches and consultants have recognized and a lot of specific details about landing a job as a hospital CMO and as a medical science liaison. And new content is being added all the time.

So let's see. I think I'll walk you through this next part by going live into the site. Let me share my screen and we're going to go right from the very beginning about how to sign up here or how to find it. I'm going to go into the site as though I'm not a member yet, just to show you what that looks like. I'm going to go So if you've never been on this site and you're not a member, this is what comes up when you go to

And you'll see that there's all these images for either courses, bundles of courses, lectures, and so forth. Let me then kind of go through, I guess I don't really need to show you how to sign in at this point, but let me just talk about what's in there. And I'll try to explain everything for those that are listening to the podcast.

Well, at the top are something that are not individual courses. At the top left is something called Nonclinical Career Academy Member Club. I call it a member club because it's a membership, it's ongoing, and it's almost like being part of, let's say, a club, a business club, a golf club, something like that.

And you join based on a monthly fee or a one-time fee for lifetime access, and you get access to everything that's in here. Now, what I did too is as I was making courses, the first major course that I put together, some of these are lectures, but there's something called Build a Rewarding, Lucrative Career as a Medical Science Liaison. That's been in there for a long time.

It's six lectures plus an introduction and a summary that walks you through all the steps you need to go through to become a medical science liaison. I've interviewed at least, eight MSLs. I know other MSLs who I've not interviewed. And so I have a lot of information on that. So that was one of my first ones, and it's listed separately. You can purchase that separately because I have a background as a physician executive in the hospital setting as a CMO for 15 years.

I have a lot of individual courses in here that pertain to becoming a CMO. So let's see, Essential Skills and the Chief Medical Officer. And there is one in whether you need a business degree to land a NonClinical Career. And then there's also one on a Quick Guide to a Hospital Executive that gives you the 12-month roadmap.

Anyway, at the top is where you find these bundles, these so-called bundles. So it says Hospital Management Career Bundle. There are 11 courses in there, and those are all available for access at any time on your own schedule for one fee. Then the Introduction to the World of Nonclinical careers is also up here. And it has eight courses that have mostly introductory courses that cover a wide variety of home-based jobs, options for NonClinical Career, so forth and so on.

And then there's the Member Club, which is really the most comprehensive and really the best value because you get access to everything forever for one lifetime membership. So now if you do want to do the membership, then you click on the top left here, and that will bring you to some information about the Member Club itself, which does go in a lot more detail about everything that is included. And so there's a lot of scrolling here.

I'm sorry, I'm going through this, but it gives you the information. And now at the bottom, it does again go through all of those courses that are included in the Member Club. And again, it shows that when you go to enroll, you have an option of the monthly membership.

And this price is currently accurate at $57 per month, but it does change from time to time. And then the one-time purchase price up here. If I log in here real quickly, I'll just show you what a course looks like inside. So when you go in, now it'll say here that the Academy, the Member Club has four courses. These are not actually courses. These are designed to help you navigate through the Member Club, which has the 28 courses and lectures I mentioned earlier.

And so what that does is it kind of gives you some introduction, and then it gets into what to expect. And then there's also a suggested learning path. And I go through that actually in a video. And then when we're done with that, we can get a disclaimer and continue back. And then you will see that on the left-hand side here that the bundle, the included courses are on the left panel. And if you click that, it brings you to that entire list of available resources.

And then you pick and choose. Although again, depending on what your interests are, then you can go and they're all accessible. It will keep track of your progress. So let's say I wanted to look at the best resources for finding a NonClinical Career. I might click on that. You'll see that there's an introduction, kind of gets you oriented to this course. Again, most of these are me on video. And then on this one, we go through an actual presentation. And it keeps track on what you've done so that you can always come and go.

A lot of the courses do have additional resources, things you can download, sometimes podcast episodes. In this particular one, because we're talking about a lot of resources that it actually lists the resources that I talk about, and then you can link to each of those. So there's thousands and thousands of hours worth of information here. I'm not saying there's thousands and thousands of hours of video, but there are hundreds of hours of video, plus all the information that I add to each resource that also includes additional resources that you can access if it's of value to you. I think I will close at that point and stop sharing my screen. As I mentioned earlier, new content is added fairly frequently.

And I'm doing the weekly Q&A, which adds more content every week. Sometimes I skip a week if I'm off out of town or something. Again, if this interests you, you want to learn more about it, go to Look at the complete list of options. Try a single course if you like. Try a bundle for a broad overview of nonclinical careers or a deep dive in the hospital CMO courses.

There's a complete six-course or six-lecture course on becoming an MSL. And the best value is to either get the monthly membership or the lifetime membership, and you can access everything for as long as you would like. If you do the lifetime and use RELAUNCH2024, you'll have lifetime access and you'll get a significant discount. That's RELAUNCH2024 as the coupon code.

That's it for today's presentation. Everything I've created over the years has been designed the best way that I can to help you find fulfillment in your career as a physician. The podcast, the academy, the summits, the website are all designed to meet your needs. Much of it is free and some requires payment to help keep me doing what I'm doing. But it's still small enough that you can always contact me directly if you have a question or you notice a mistake or you'd like to request a particular topic or guest or course you'd like created.


Many of the links that I refer you to are affiliate links. That means I receive a payment from the seller if you purchase the affiliate item using my link. Doing so does not affect the price you are charged. I only promote high-quality products and services that I believe will be useful to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.

The opinions expressed here are mine and my guest’s. While the information provided on the podcast is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge, there is no express or implied guarantee that using the methods discussed here will lead to success in your career, life, or business.

The information presented on this blog and related podcast is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. I do not provide medical, legal, tax, or emotional advice. If you take action on the information provided on the blog or podcast, it is at your own risk. Always consult an attorney, accountant, career counselor, or other professional before making any major decisions about your career. 


The post How to Exploit the Surprising Nonclinical Career Academy appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

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