
To Pursue Freedom Tomorrow You Must Imagine Your Eulogy Today – 192


Interview with Dr. Francis Yoo In today’s interview, Dr. Francis Yoo explains why we must imagine our eulogy in order to pursue freedom and meaning in our lives. Francis is a born-and-raised New Yorker. He runs a part-time cash-pay, holistic-integrative private practice. And he helps physicians awaken to their potential, do soul-searching, inner work, and profound personal development. His goal is to help them find authentic meaning in their career, relationships, and life. [...]

To Pursue Freedom Tomorrow You Must Imagine Your Eulogy Today – 1922021-04-27T12:18:51-05:00

Physicians: Stop Complaining and Start Leading


I'm intrigued by the number of articles written about the frustrations of medical practice. It makes for good reading, because it resonates with many physicians. From bloggers writing about maintainance of certification and regulations that are destroying medicine, to articles on KevinMD about burnout, physicians are not shy about complaining. But maybe it's time to stop complaining and start leading. If you stop in any hospital doctor's lounge, you will certainly hear a lot more complaining. We complain about [...]

Physicians: Stop Complaining and Start Leading2017-07-18T17:41:56-05:00

Christmas Morning Thoughts and Stories


I remember the old movies depicting the chaos and excitement of children waking up early and rushing to check the Christmas tree for presents, just as the sun comes peeking over the horizon. Then, the parents slowly, but happily, wake up and join the children on Christmas morning. Compared to our house, with 10 (yes, TEN) children, those scenes resembled a solemn funeral procession compared to the cyclone that hit our house at 5:30 AM on Christmas morning. Sometimes our parents [...]

Christmas Morning Thoughts and Stories2016-12-24T15:11:21-06:00

The Calm Physician Leader


During our senior executive retreats, we did an exercise in which we provided feedback to our team members about their admirable traits. On more than one occasion, others commented that they appreciated my ability to remain calm. Apparently, in contrast to some of the other team members, I was pretty unflappable. We live in a world of accelerating change, financial shortfalls, and looming competition. A leader that is calm in distressing situations is definitely an asset. […]

The Calm Physician Leader2016-07-26T12:51:59-05:00

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