
4 Tactics for Building Trust and Inspiring Your Team


It was both exciting and intimidating to participate in weekly operational and strategic meetings as a new member of the team. One of the first things I observed was how the CEO was building trust among the team members at almost every meeting. I was the newly appointed vice president for medical affairs (VPMA). I had convinced our CEO that is was time to add a formal physician leader to the executive team. It was 1999, and most [...]

4 Tactics for Building Trust and Inspiring Your Team2016-12-09T15:56:23-06:00

Why Hospital Leaders Need to Prepare for Workplace Violence


I didn't consider workplace violence to be a top priority at my hospital. I'd hear about staff injuries from patients in the emergency room and intensive care unit, but they seemed sporadic and isolated. Later, I began to hear about the fears that the nursing staff was expressing about the aggressive behavior of visitors and patients in those locations. Then my daughter started working as a social worker at a large medical center in the Chicago area. One day, [...]

Why Hospital Leaders Need to Prepare for Workplace Violence2016-12-07T08:14:30-06:00

Shape Your Hospital Performance Measures and Boost Your Reputation


I remember the first time our CEO announced to our board of directors that we had received the Top 100 Hospital designation. I believe the award was “owned” by Solucient at the time. It actually came as a shock because we were not expecting it. I was VPMA back then. We were just vaguely aware of the hospital performance measures it used. The CEO and board were very proud of the designation. We all were. It was a welcome [...]

Shape Your Hospital Performance Measures and Boost Your Reputation2016-11-29T16:44:16-06:00

Why Both a Coach and a Mentor Are Vital to Your Career


Don was about 15 years my senior. He was an awesome mentor. We met while working on projects for the Illinois State Medical Society (ISMS) Committee on CME Accreditation. This committee was responsible for approving intrastate providers of AMA Category 1 CME. A Mentor To Me Don was the chair of the committee prior to my being appointed to it. So he had been involved in CME for many years. I later served as chair myself for five [...]

Why Both a Coach and a Mentor Are Vital to Your Career2016-11-27T17:32:48-06:00

How I’m Using SMART Goals for 2017 and You Can Too


For this post, I thought I would discuss SMART goals and use them for my blog for 2017. It is quite common for each executive in a healthcare organization to create management goals for the coming year. Then the CEO and the senior executive team discusses and approves them. All of the divisional goals are ultimately presented to the Board of Directors. Your directors will create their goals as well, as we discussed in SWOT Analysis and Goal Setting. You will [...]

How I’m Using SMART Goals for 2017 and You Can Too2016-11-20T17:18:49-06:00

Become a Physician Leader and Save the Medical Profession


In the 1950’s, one-third of hospitals were run by a physician leader. By 1982, less than 3% were physician-led. That number is running about 6% now. And the healthcare industry has been in the throes of major changes. One of the consequences has been the growing employment of physicians. The expansion of this employment model is having serious negative effects on our profession. Physicians have become commoditized. Today, we seem to be treated more like run of the [...]

Become a Physician Leader and Save the Medical Profession2016-11-17T08:23:27-06:00

Resources for the Emerging Physician Leader


Looking back, I may not have taken the most obvious route to becoming Chief Medical Officer.  But the journey was fairly sequential. And there were several resources that helped me to feel confident as a physician leader. There is more need today than ever for skilled physician leaders. There are several specific steps that hopeful executives can take to enhance their competencies. But each physician will need to determine his or her own path based on his or her circumstances. When [...]

Resources for the Emerging Physician Leader2016-11-27T11:54:58-06:00

Use Root Cause Analysis Approach to Fine-Tune the Job Interview


Recruiting new staff is a big challenge. I have found the job interview to be especially unrewarding. It is time-consuming. And the results are often disappointing, in terms of finding the best team members. I am no HR guru, and no expert on the use of screening programs for hiring. But I have been involved in interviewing and recruiting many new employees for my practice and the hospital where I worked as CMO. Based on discussion with administrators at other hospitals, [...]

Use Root Cause Analysis Approach to Fine-Tune the Job Interview2016-11-05T13:17:42-05:00

How Being Early Builds Success


In addition to blogging on a regular basis, I am a practicing family physician. I work in an urgent care clinic as medical director and clinician. As I arrived early for my shift this morning, I thought, “you know, there are many advantages to being early.” My commute is rather long (over an hour each way). On 2 or 3 occasions I have been severely delayed due to major accidents on the tollways that I take to work (Quel [...]

How Being Early Builds Success2016-11-02T16:06:20-05:00

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