
Follow Six Essential Rules to Engage a Mentor – 004


In this podcast episode, I talk about mentors and coaches. My primary focus is on mentors. But I’ll spend a few minutes distinguishing them from coaches. I finish up by listing six rules to follow to find and engage a mentor. Who Needs a Mentor? Anyone thinking about exploring a new career, or just trying to excel at their current one, will benefit from having a knowledgeable and motivated mentor. I suppose if you have the ideal job, [...]

Follow Six Essential Rules to Engage a Mentor – 0042021-03-19T06:47:11-05:00

Seeking an MBA – Interview with Atish Jaiswal – 003


Today I’m bringing you my first interview. It involves a colleague who is seeking an MBA. The topic was mentioned on my blog at Top 10 Reasons to Pursue a Business Degree. This interview should provide additional insights in to the issue. You may have been expecting an episode addressing mentors, but I decided that I wanted to present this conversation first. The episode about mentors will follow this one. Today’s episode is a little bit different from those [...]

Seeking an MBA – Interview with Atish Jaiswal – 0032021-03-20T18:53:17-05:00

Top Clues Reveal the Victim Mentality


Did I reveal the victim mentality in myself in a recent blog post? I think I did. In an article for my blog a few months ago, what I wrote was perceived as critical of certain physician leaders. I linked to examples of their writing that were popular with physician readers. They pertained to issues that physicians find very intrusive, that promote burnout, and often interfere with the practice of medicine.  In quoting their articles, I made it look [...]

Top Clues Reveal the Victim Mentality2020-03-02T09:10:12-06:00

Not All Leadership Dyads Are Created Equal


Leadership Dyads have been touted as the solution to the challenge of executing complex initiatives in hospitals and health systems. Meaningful physician leadership has been found to be the missing component in some of these implementations. The thinking goes that partnering a strong executive with an engaged physician can overcome physician resistance to such new programs. But not all leadership dyads are created equal. What Is Dyad Leadership? As described in a 2015 Advisory Board Article, dyad leadership is “…a [...]

Not All Leadership Dyads Are Created Equal2017-09-04T07:54:58-05:00

Monthly Leadership Favorites – July 2017 Edition


It's time for the VITAL Physician Executive's Monthly Leadership Favorites – July 2017 Edition. In this feature I share inspiring and enlightening advice from respected leaders, generally from outside of healthcare (but not always). Leadership Favorites – July 2017 Edition This month's favorites follow… Accumulate More Wealth as an Administrator Medscape recently presented the findings from its most recent salary survey. It included a list of factors that correlate with higher levels of accumulated wealth. The authors identified ten [...]

Monthly Leadership Favorites – July 2017 Edition2017-07-25T19:03:17-05:00

My Greatest Shortcoming as a Senior Hospital Leader


As I think back to my early experiences as a hospital executive, I recall a fairly steep learning curve. The AAPL management courses I attended helped. But it wasn't until I saw the principles taught in those courses applied in the real world that they started to sink in. And that's also when I began to see my greatest shortcoming as a leader. Most financial, human resource and management concepts eventually became second-hand. With mentoring and experience, I became comfortable [...]

My Greatest Shortcoming as a Senior Hospital Leader2017-07-20T08:39:22-05:00

Physician Leaders: Top 10 Reasons to Pursue a Business Degree


About a year ago, I wrote about the need for a business degree. In my post, I listed Four Reasons to Seek a Business Degree. Since then, I have witnessed some of my colleagues enroll in MBA programs. All healthcare organizations benefit from owners or leaders with knowledge of business principles, including private practices. Is it time for you to pursue a business degree? I am re-posting the material from my previous article. However, I am adding 6 additional benefits completing [...]

Physician Leaders: Top 10 Reasons to Pursue a Business Degree2017-07-12T10:19:05-05:00

What You Need to Know About Physician Recruiting Incentives


If you work for a large medical group or hospital system, you may be involved with recruiting physicians or negotiating employment agreements. It’s a set of skills worth learning because so many systems are on a recruiting binge. Salary levels have consistently grown at single digit rates for years. But the type and size of physician recruiting incentives have been more variable. With the recent release of the Merritt Hawkins 2017 Review of Physicians and Advanced Practitioner Recruiting Incentives, [...]

What You Need to Know About Physician Recruiting Incentives2017-06-28T11:40:59-05:00

Inflated Physician Compensation Prompts OIG Scrutiny


Modern Healthcare recently reported that Mercy Hospital Springfield and its affiliate clinic settled a case with the Department of Justice for allegedly submitting false claims to Medicare (Mercy pays $34 million to settle fraud, physician compensation claims). The case involved allegations of inflated physician compensation at an infusion center. Modern Healthcare quoted the DOJ: “When physicians are rewarded financially for referring patients to hospitals or other healthcare providers, it can affect their medical judgment, resulting in a overutilization [...]

Inflated Physician Compensation Prompts OIG Scrutiny2017-06-17T12:26:34-05:00

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