
Failure Promotes Discovery and Breeds Character


I was awakened at 2:30 AM by the ringing of my home telephone not two feet away. It was startling and disorienting. My “land-line” never rang at night. And my wife and I rarely answer it because only telemarketers call us on that phone. But my wife answered. She determined that the caller wanted to speak to me. After clearing my head for a few seconds and focusing on what the caller was trying to tell me, I [...]

Failure Promotes Discovery and Breeds Character2017-04-15T07:23:14-05:00

The Looming American Association for Physician Leadership Annual Conference


I really miss attending the physician leadership annual conference of the AAPL. For the past 2 ½ years, I have been consumed with starting a new urgent care center north of Chicago. In addition to interviewing, hiring, writing policies and procedures, and training staff, this required that I study for the American Board of Family Medicine exam (thankfully, I passed!). It also required a thorough review of workers compensation and occupational medicine. And I needed to take a mandatory course [...]

The Looming American Association for Physician Leadership Annual Conference2017-04-11T10:30:49-05:00

Preparing to Be a Better Physician Leader – Part 2


I started this series by discussing the attitudes or perspectives that physician leaders should understand and adopt. I would like to complete it with a description of some practical skills that you should seek to learn or enhance. If you are early in the journey, you can try to observe these skills in others as you're preparing to be a better physician leader. This is a process. Like any new realm of learning, we follow a path from awareness, to [...]

Preparing to Be a Better Physician Leader – Part 22017-03-31T13:46:59-05:00

Preparing to Be a Better Physician Leader – Part 1


Several events this week inspired me to think about preparing to be a better physician leader. A colleague reminded me about the upcoming Spring Institute and Annual Meeting of the American Association for Physician Leadership. I had just completed registering myself. And I volunteered to act as an ambassador, assisting with introducing speakers and helping to support the meeting. Networking with colleagues and old friends will be fun. And I look forward to spending time in New York City with my wife, [...]

Preparing to Be a Better Physician Leader – Part 12017-03-30T04:54:11-05:00

Monthly Leadership Favorites – March 2017 Edition


It's time for the VITAL Physician Executive's Monthly Leadership Favorites – March 2017 Edition. In this feature I share inspiring and enlightening advice from respected leaders, generally from outside of healthcare (but not always). March Favorites This month's favorites follow… Productivity Pointers Create a Personal Mission Statement for the Life YOU Want by the Productive Physician should inspire us to become more intentional This is the first time I am offering content from The Productive Physician. I have been following him [...]

Monthly Leadership Favorites – March 2017 Edition2017-03-14T12:34:50-05:00

Today I Try to Use A Leader’s Two Most Important Skills


The Chief Operating Officer and I were meeting one day, and the Director of the Laboratory was asked to join us to discuss a staff challenge she had been having.  As the director for the laboratory, she reported to me. We met regularly to discuss progress on her goals, any issues with the medical staff, and the other usual challenges that might arise. I was hoping to learn more about using a leader's two most important skills by observing my [...]

Today I Try to Use A Leader’s Two Most Important Skills2017-03-03T11:23:47-06:00

5 Benefits To Healthcare Executive Blogging Guaranteed To Deepen Your Influence


As healthcare executives, we must communicate clearly and effectively. This can be difficult at times. One-on-one communication is fairly straightforward. But how do we communicate regularly with dozens of physicians, hundreds of constituents, or thousands of patients? And how can it be done in a way that encourages a two-way dialogue? Perhaps healthcare executive blogging is the answer. As chief medical officer, one of my primary challenges was connecting with the members of the medical staff. I regularly [...]

5 Benefits To Healthcare Executive Blogging Guaranteed To Deepen Your Influence2017-02-27T11:31:36-06:00

Monthly Leadership Favorites February 2017 Edition


OK – it's time for another edition of VITAL Physician Executive's Monthly Leadership Favorites. In this feature I share inspiring and enlightening advice from respected leaders, generally outside of the healthcare field. This month's favorites follow… […]

Monthly Leadership Favorites February 2017 Edition2017-02-16T08:02:06-06:00

Interview With Lawrence Earl, MD, of UrgentCareMentor


Welcome to my second interview with a successful physician executive and leader. This time, I interview Lawrence Earl, MD. Larry made the transition early in his career from practicing clinician to medical director and then owner/CEO of his own urgent care company. He later sold his practice to Concentra, a large provider of urgent care and occupational medicine services that is very well-known in the urgent care arena. I know the company because when I was looking to [...]

Interview With Lawrence Earl, MD, of UrgentCareMentor2017-05-30T13:04:08-05:00

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