
When to Use a SWOT Analysis


As a physician executive, you will participate in strategic planning, goal setting, and project management. As a business leader, you will need to assess the risks and benefits of pursuing various new initiatives. One of the tools used by business leaders to do such an assessment is a SWOT analysis. SWOT is an acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. The  development of the SWOT Analysis (or Matrix) has been attributed to Albert S. Humphrey, although he disavowed having invented [...]

When to Use a SWOT Analysis2016-08-09T05:47:43-05:00

Being Indispensable


Is being indispensable important to you? Moving from a clinical career into management can result in culture shock. The shock can be lessened by moving gradually. You start as a medical director. You increase your management hours while gradually reducing your clinical hours. But whether you make the move gradually, or simply move into a full-time executive position overnight, there can be a loss of job security. When you're practicing your specialty, and have a following of grateful patients (especially [...]

Being Indispensable2016-08-02T10:26:46-05:00

The Calm Physician Leader


During our senior executive retreats, we did an exercise in which we provided feedback to our team members about their admirable traits. On more than one occasion, others commented that they appreciated my ability to remain calm. Apparently, in contrast to some of the other team members, I was pretty unflappable. We live in a world of accelerating change, financial shortfalls, and looming competition. A leader that is calm in distressing situations is definitely an asset. […]

The Calm Physician Leader2016-07-26T12:51:59-05:00

4 Benefits of CME/QI Integration


CME Conference Most hospital physician executives are involved with continuing medical education (CME). You are also involved in quality improvement activities. You should consider being a champion of CME/QI integration. For physicians not actively involved in planning CME, it often seems straightforward: select a topic, identify a speaker, present a lecture and use a satisfaction survey to determine if the lecture was successful. As anyone involved in producing CME for AMA Category 1 Credit understands, creating such activities should use adult [...]

4 Benefits of CME/QI Integration2016-07-19T18:58:58-05:00

The Three Disappointments of a Lack of Clarity


Let’s define clarity as the quality of being understood in an exact way. No issue is more important for the physician executive than achieving and maintaining clarity. Whether with your direct reports, colleagues, or CEO, clarity is needed at every level. Remodeling Fiasco I promised my wife I would arrange to have the wallpaper in our kitchen and laundry room removed. Then those areas would be repainted. I contacted a painter referred to me by a colleague and [...]

The Three Disappointments of a Lack of Clarity2016-10-21T11:09:28-05:00

How to Lead a Top 100 Hospital


We all want to be part of an organization that embodies excellence. And as a physician leader, you are a key to achieving that outcome. Nothing satisfies a board more than recognition as a Top 100 Hospital. A few years into my tenure as VPMA, our CEO left to take a new position, and the COO, after a search that included internal and external interviews, was chosen to lead the organization. Shortly after his appointment, he and the board made [...]

How to Lead a Top 100 Hospital2016-11-26T11:56:04-06:00

The Three Domains of the Physician Executive


In mid-1999, I was hired as  a novice VPMA (vice president for medical affairs) for my new employer, a regional medical center outside of Chicago, Illinois. I had attended many conferences devoted to management and leadership. I had worked as medical director for several different clinics. And, I consistently read the journal produced by the American College of Physician Executives (now called the American Association for Physician Leadership). I felt modestly ready to assume my new role as a hospital physician executive. My [...]

The Three Domains of the Physician Executive2016-11-26T12:09:15-06:00

Four New Skills Physician Executives Must Learn


As I grew into my role as physician executive, it became apparent that there were several new sets that I needed to learn that were not part of my medical training. As a physician, I was trained to obtain a thorough history and perform a physical exam, to formulate a problem list and differential diagnosis, and develop a treatment plan. In so doing, like other physicians, I learned to: Communicate clearly with the patient and/or her family Quickly [...]

Four New Skills Physician Executives Must Learn2017-01-19T11:02:56-06:00

Five Steps for the Budding Physician Executive


Five Steps for the Physician Executve It always seemed to me that my classmates in medical school and residency were more intentional than me regarding their life choices. I generally just rode the wave of the “path of least resistance.” During my first year of medical school, many of my classmates were enrolled in the “Med Scholars” program, which meant they were simultaneously working on their M.D. degrees AND a Ph.D., M.B.A. or J.D. They obviously had [...]

Five Steps for the Budding Physician Executive2016-12-09T15:59:14-06:00

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