
How to Deploy a Powerful Tool to Identify Goals – 054


Today it’s just me. I thought I’d spend this episode talking about a powerful tool that you can use to set goals for your clinics, surgery centers, divisions, and organizations.  This is in follow-up to Episode #52, in which I talked about the skills and experiences needed to become a physician executive. You’ll recall that there were five major domains, beyond character and medical knowledge, that recruiters and CEOs consider when filling an executive position: Data Management [...]

How to Deploy a Powerful Tool to Identify Goals – 0542021-03-21T23:08:01-05:00

How to Overcome the Inertia in Your Career Search – 042


Welcome to today’s edition of the PNC podcast show notes. This week I'm offering a few suggestions to help you overcome the inertia that often slows your career search. One of the most common questions I hear from physicians considering a new career is “How do I get started? They get stuck right at the very beginning of the process. Today’s episode will be a short one, just hitting on a few issues related to nonclinical career transition. That’s [...]

How to Overcome the Inertia in Your Career Search – 0422021-03-21T10:03:02-05:00

Adopt These 10 Practices of the Meeting Maestro – 037


Welcome back to this week's episode of the PNC Podcast. Taking a really big chance today talking about this subject (10 Practices of the Meeting Maestro). It's rather dull, not very inspirational. But communication is really an important factor, whether you're doing a nonclinical or a clinical job. Obviously when you're working clinically, you need to communicate with patients, as well as with colleagues and other persons. If you're doing a nonclinical job, you'll be doing the same [...]

Adopt These 10 Practices of the Meeting Maestro – 0372021-03-20T21:14:54-05:00

2 Big Things That Get Me Fired Up – 036


Welcome back to this week's episode of the PNC podcast. I really appreciate you for being here. I had a lot of really positive feedback about last week's interview. It was quite popular. If you didn't listen to my conversation with Katrina Ubell, I strongly recommend that you check it out now. She provided some really interesting ideas based on her training for and experience as a life coach for physicians. You can find it on iTunes or [...]

2 Big Things That Get Me Fired Up – 0362021-03-20T21:05:58-05:00

Create a Wildly Effective Annual Management Plan


My practice partner and I had been working together for about a year in our small family practice. A medical equipment salesperson approached us promoting a new device that would surely bring in additional practice revenue. After considering the purchase, we decided to proceed. We signed a loan agreement and purchased the device. It would take 5 years to pay back the loan. We were convinced the device would generate procedures that would easily cover the loan payments. Eighteen months [...]

Create a Wildly Effective Annual Management Plan2017-05-10T04:56:09-05:00

Preparing to Be a Better Physician Leader – Part 2


I started this series by discussing the attitudes or perspectives that physician leaders should understand and adopt. I would like to complete it with a description of some practical skills that you should seek to learn or enhance. If you are early in the journey, you can try to observe these skills in others as you're preparing to be a better physician leader. This is a process. Like any new realm of learning, we follow a path from awareness, to [...]

Preparing to Be a Better Physician Leader – Part 22017-03-31T13:46:59-05:00

How to Evaluate Direct Reports


Julie waited patiently in the small waiting area in the administrative suite. As the Director for Inpatient Nursing Services , it was time for her biweekly meeting with Patricia (Pat), the Chief Nursing Officer. Pat opened the door to her office and motioned for Julie to come in and sit down. As she did, Pat recalled the lecture she attended the previous year about how to evaluate direct reports, and the subsequent adoption of their new process. It was [...]

How to Evaluate Direct Reports2017-03-21T16:03:18-05:00

Why the Hospital Pharmacy Director Should Report to the Senior Physician Executive


Each hospital CEO must determine which departments should logically report to each senior executive. Historically, the vice president for medical affairs or chief medical officer was hired to address the medical staff and its governance, continuing medical education and quality improvement. But there is another department head that should report to the senior physician executive of a hospital: the hospital pharmacy director.   Pharmacy Medication administration is one of the most important functions of a hospital. Safe, effective and [...]

Why the Hospital Pharmacy Director Should Report to the Senior Physician Executive2017-02-06T13:21:12-06:00

4 Crucial Steps to Take Before Choosing a Management Career


I was about 5 years into my medical career. It was a busy and exciting time. I finally felt confident in my clinical skills and I was ready to immerse myself in a new subject matter. I had not yet considered a management career. My partners and I had started a pension plan and we were making regular contributions. But none of us really knew how we should invest our contributions. I realized that I needed to learn [...]

4 Crucial Steps to Take Before Choosing a Management Career2017-01-08T16:25:40-06:00

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