
Physician Salaries and OIG Risk


I have been following news reports about recent OIG (Office of Inspector General) investigations related to physician compensation. These investigations have resulted in fines related to alleged Stark Law and FCA (False Claims Act) violations. There seems to be more activity recently, including investigations in response to whistle-blower lawsuits. Here is my take: Hospitals and health systems that use survey data (such as MGMA and AMGA) to set compensation levels for newly employed physicians are under intense scrutiny. This scrutiny results [...]

Physician Salaries and OIG Risk2016-09-15T04:27:22-05:00

Options for a Non-Clinical Career


  You've done some soul-searching. You're thinking about a non-clinical career choice. You've tried to address overwhelm and burnout, perhaps utilizing resources such as: Dike Drummond at The Happy MD American Academy of Family Physicians Physicians Helping Physicians Starla Fitch at Starla Fitch, MD Heather Fork at Doctor's Crossing You've come to the conclusion that you want to remain in healthcare, but not in direct patient care. What are your options? There are numerous alternatives for physicians like us seeking a non-clinical career. We don't [...]

Options for a Non-Clinical Career2017-08-23T04:54:26-05:00

Is it Time for a Non-Clinical Career?


Those of us that elect to pursue a non-clinical career usually do so because we are pulled by the of excitement of doing something new AND pushed towards it by the pain of our current situation. The push often comes from the frustration with practicing clinical medicine: Endless paperwork Fear of litigation EMRs that add more expense and more waiting with little to show for it Non-compliant, entitled patients that blame us for the results of their self-destructive behaviors Unreliable employees Declining pay “Burnout” [...]

Is it Time for a Non-Clinical Career?2017-08-23T04:57:42-05:00


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