
How to Be a Leader and Humanitarian Improving Maternal-Fetal Health – 204


Interview with Dr. Luissa Kiprono Dr. Luissa Kiprono is a perinatologist, leader and humanitarian. She is the Corporate Medical Director and Consultant in Maternal & Fetal Medicine at the Texas Perinatal Group (part of Mednax). She attended the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine. Then she completed her residency at Wright State University/Wright Patterson Medical Center (OB-GYN) and perinatology fellowship at the University of Mississippi Medical Center (MFM). […]

How to Be a Leader and Humanitarian Improving Maternal-Fetal Health – 2042021-07-13T07:18:50-05:00

Why This Critical Care Specialist Launched a Healthcare Technology Company – 203


Interview with Dr. Jonathan Baktari Today's guest is a fascinating healthcare technology company CEO. Dr. Jonathan Baktari received his medical degree at Ohio State. He then completed his internal medicine residency at Northwestern University and Pulmonary/Critical Care Fellowship at UCLA.  He was at the peak of his medical career when he saw a new opportunity. […]

Why This Critical Care Specialist Launched a Healthcare Technology Company – 2032021-07-09T05:54:55-05:00

Why Locum Tenens Is the Best Way to Practice on Your Own Terms – 202


Interview with Dr. Stephanie Freeman Today, my guest explains why locum tenens is the best way to practice on your own terms. This is especially true when starting your career following residency or fellowship. Dr. Stephanie E. Freeman is a board-certified critical care specialist, best-selling author, speaker, and consultant. In addition, she is the expert in helping doctors discover alternative careers in medicine. […]

Why Locum Tenens Is the Best Way to Practice on Your Own Terms – 2022021-06-28T19:21:14-05:00

Why Being Health System Chief Value Officer is More Fun Than Being CMO – 201


Interview with Dr. Leelee Thames This week, Dr. Leelee Thames, the Chief Value Officer at Novant Health, is our guest. She is the third University of Tennessee physician executive MBA graduate to join us. During our interview, she will explain why she loves her job. Leelee completed her medical degree at Texas A& M College of Medicine and her anesthesiology residency at the University of Oregon Health and Science University. […]

Why Being Health System Chief Value Officer is More Fun Than Being CMO – 2012021-06-21T08:51:09-05:00

Discover Your First Nonclinical Job Even If You Don’t Know Where to Start – 200


Here Is the “Readers Digest” Version In honor of my 200th episode, I want to tell you how to discover your first nonclinical job. But first, I will play a recent audio review from one of my listeners. Then the rest of oday's episode is an abbreviated version of the webinar I presented last week. […]

Discover Your First Nonclinical Job Even If You Don’t Know Where to Start – 2002021-06-14T14:47:38-05:00

How Did This Clever Physician Build an Indispensable SmartPhone App? – 199


Interview with Dr. Kirsten Limmer In today's interview, Dr. Kirsten Limmer describes how she built an indispensable smartphone app. Kirsten addresses one of my favorite topics: building a business using an online platform. In this case, it's a smartphone app that supports her real estate business and meets the needs of other real estate investors. […]

How Did This Clever Physician Build an Indispensable SmartPhone App? – 1992021-06-06T21:04:04-05:00

How a Great Physician Executive Combines QI Expertise with Strategic and Operational Skills – 198


Interview with Dr. Rachel George In today’s interview, we'll hear from another great physician executive who graduated from the University of Tennessee Physician Executive MBA program. Dr. Rachel George explains how she was able to apply her expertise in quality improvement, and strategic and operational skills as a physician leader. Dr. Rachel George obtained her medical degree from  J. J. M. Medical College in Davangere, India. And she completed an internal medicine residency at Mercy Hospital [...]

How a Great Physician Executive Combines QI Expertise with Strategic and Operational Skills – 1982021-05-31T15:51:00-05:00

Top Reasons Why Coaching Is So Essential for Healthcare Leaders – 197


Interview with Dr. Randall (Randy) Cook Dr. Randall (Randy) Cook explains to us why coaching is so essential for health care leaders. His father was a coach. He has been coached. And now he is coaching others. Randy is a respected clinician, educator, and organizational leader. He holds board certifications from the American Board of Surgery and the American Board of Preventive Medicine. He is certified by the American Professional Wound Care Association and the American [...]

Top Reasons Why Coaching Is So Essential for Healthcare Leaders – 1972021-05-24T13:23:42-05:00

The Best Healthcare Leaders Never Give Up and Never Stop Learning – 196


Interview with Dr. Harvey Castro This week, I present my interview with Dr. Harvey Castro in which we discuss the attributes of the best healthcare leaders.  Harvey is an emergency room physician and leader. He thrives on motivating teams by providing the most technologically advanced healthcare services to communities throughout the state of Texas. He believes in building sincere trust with patients, doctors, staff, and community leaders. And Harvey does this by consistently displaying compassion, care, [...]

The Best Healthcare Leaders Never Give Up and Never Stop Learning – 1962021-05-17T19:45:49-05:00

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