
Get Ready for What Will Happen When You Quit Your Miserable Job – 213


Follow These Steps to Prepare Yourself  Get ready for the financial, legal, and psychosocial consequences of giving notice to your employer or partners. What can you expect, and how should you prepare, when leaving your current position?  […]

Get Ready for What Will Happen When You Quit Your Miserable Job – 2132021-09-13T05:35:34-05:00

How Does Mind Remapping Help with Nonclinical Career Transition? – 212


Interview with Dr. Maiysha Clairborne   Dr. Maiysha Clairborne returns to the podcast to discuss mind remapping. Maiysha is an amazing coach. She has worked with hundreds of physicians to improve their careers and their lives. And she has a new program to share with you. As a quick reminder, Maiysha is a Board Certified Family Physician, Integrative Medicine Practitioner, Master NLP and Hypnotherapist Trainer, Successful Entrepreneur and Author of The Wellness Blueprint and Eat Your Disease [...]

How Does Mind Remapping Help with Nonclinical Career Transition? – 2122021-09-06T07:52:09-05:00

PNC Podcast Blast from the Past – No Residency Is No Problem – 211


Options for Those Without Postgraduate Medical Training  Today we revisit six jobs in which no residency is no problem. With the right experience and preparation, physicians have successfully landed all of these jobs. And for many, residency and not board certification are not required. This discussion was first presented in June of 2019. It was in response to one of the most common questions in the Physician Nonclinical Career Hunters Facebook Group. […]

PNC Podcast Blast from the Past – No Residency Is No Problem – 2112021-08-30T15:27:39-05:00

Want to Establish a Concierge Practice Before Finishing Your Fellowship? – 210


Interview with Dr. Brook Choulet Is it possible to establish a concierge practice while still in training? Dr. Brook Choulet is still in her child and adolescent psychiatry fellowship and runs a growing practice in Scottsdale Arizona. Brook is the founder of Choulet Wellness. She completed her medical degree at the University of Missouri Kansas City’s rigorous six-year BA/MD program. Then she pursued training in General Psychiatry at the University of Arizona College of Medicine at [...]

Want to Establish a Concierge Practice Before Finishing Your Fellowship? – 2102021-08-23T12:03:38-05:00

Use These Simple Tactics to Land a Fantastic First Pharma Job – 209


Interview with Dr. Marsha Caton Our guest today shares tested strategies to enable physicians to find their first pharma job.  Dr. Marsha Caton obtained her M.S. in Biology and Ph.D. in Human and Molecular Genetics at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine. She has worked in the pharmaceutical industry for many years. She is an expert in managing NDA submission teams and delivery of regulatory documents for drug approval. […]

Use These Simple Tactics to Land a Fantastic First Pharma Job – 2092021-08-20T13:55:59-05:00

How Do I Choose the Best Coaches Mentors and Masterminds for Me? – 208


Essential Tools for Career Transition In today's episode, I describe how coaches mentors and masterminds can support your career transition. My first mentor was an internist I met through my volunteer work in continuing medical education at my hospital and state medical society. He encouraged me to pursue a career in hospital management. […]

How Do I Choose the Best Coaches Mentors and Masterminds for Me? – 2082021-08-11T09:10:17-05:00

PNC Podcast Blast from the Past Medical Communications Revisited – 207


Interview with Dr. Dana Carpenter It is time to present a Blast from the Past Medical Communications Revisited. As I mentioned last week, I decided to bring back some of the classic episodes during this summer of 2021. Many are my most popular episodes. And they are as inspiring and informative today as they were when I first posted them (in my humble opinion). Today I am revisiting my conversation with Dr. Dana Carpenter. She joined [...]

PNC Podcast Blast from the Past Medical Communications Revisited – 2072021-08-02T17:12:53-05:00

PNC Podcast Blast from the Past: Clinical Documentation Improvement – 206


Interview with Dr. Cesar Limjoco Nonclinical Nation, it has been a long time since we have heard about clinical documentation improvement as a nonclinical career. And I thought it was time to revisit this topic. With over 200 episodes under our belt, the PNC Podcast has covered a lot of territory. And it can be very easy for new listeners to miss the classic interviews on important nonclinical careers. Not everyone goes back to early episodes. [...]

PNC Podcast Blast from the Past: Clinical Documentation Improvement – 2062021-07-27T15:26:34-05:00

How Revenue Cycle AI Can Save Small Group Practices – 205


Interview with Dr. Fisayo Ositelu In this week's interview, Dr. Fisayo Ositelu explains how technology, including artificial intelligence (A.I.), can help save small group practices. Dr. Ositelu completed an MD and MBA, graduating from Stanford University with both degrees in 2013. Rather than attend a clinical residency, he chose to leverage his education by working in Silicon Valley. Using his medical and business training, he helped his first employer develop and sell products to healthcare organizations [...]

How Revenue Cycle AI Can Save Small Group Practices – 2052021-07-21T12:39:06-05:00

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