Outstanding Professional Societies and Associations You Must Know – 221


Another Piece of the Career Success Puzzle Today’s topic is one I’ve been dying to talk about. It has to do with professional societies and associations. They have an important role to play in physician career transition. Today I will introduce you to important professional societies and associations. I will visit each society’s site and provide you with specific information on each one. […]

Outstanding Professional Societies and Associations You Must Know – 2212021-11-09T07:57:55-06:00

Are You Ready to Become a Certified Physician Executive? – 219


Factors to Consider Today I will present factors affecting your decision to become a Certified Physician Executive. To set this up, I wish to mention an article on KevinMD by Patty Fahy, MD that talks about the Business School Mindset, or BSM. […]

Are You Ready to Become a Certified Physician Executive? – 2192021-10-29T08:48:08-05:00

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