If you’re like most of my readers, you’re a successful, well-trained, and capable clinician. You're committed to being an excellent physician. You strive to keep up with the literature and maintain your clinical skills while meeting all of the regulatory hurdles. And you want to leave a lasting impact on your patients and your community.

But you have a desire for something more. You feel you could help more patients by solving problems at the hospital or community level. You think it might be time to explore the possibility of becoming a leader in a broader sense, and maybe even eventually lead a large healthcare organization. Perhaps you have already taken steps to do so. Maybe you feel like one of my colleagues still practicing medicine, but also working as a part-time medical director:

“I enjoy taking care of patients, but I would really like to move into non-clinical work, where I can lead teams to improve quality and enhance the health of a larger group of people. But I need to learn more about the business and management side of healthcare. I need new skills to be an effective leader.”

Does That Sound Like You?

  • Are you struggling with the idea of moving into an administrative career?
  • Are you unsure how to make the transition and where to start?
  • Does it seem overwhelming to learn the new skills you might need in this new role?
  • Have you already made the switch to management and would like to learn how your colleagues in other organizations are getting the job done?

I Know How You Feel

I know what it feels like to be in this position – to be expected to have all of the skills needed to manage directors, lead projects and function on an executive team.

For years, I studied those skills and struggled with those issues. As VPMA and then Senior VP and Chief Medical Officer, I found some excellent resources to help me develop the expertise I needed.

But as I looked around online, I could NOT find a consistent source of ongoing information and quick “how-to” instructions on the topics of management and leadership for the fledgling or established physician executive!

Sure, there were academic articles published by the American College of Physician Executives (now known as the American Association of Physician Leadership). But that was mostly esoteric concepts and formal educational content. What I was looking for was practical, impactful tips and tools to help me do my job.

My Goal in Creating This Website

I firmly believe we need more physicians in leadership positions in healthcare. Every sizable healthcare organization needs a chief medical officer. And we need more physician CEOs. My Mission is to inspire and inform you as you consider moving into management, and to help you become effective executives as you grow in your career. I want to give you my perspective on becoming such a physician executive. From thoughts about attitude and philosophy to practical tools to help you fulfill your day-to-day responsibilities, my goal is to enable you to excel as a physician manager, administrator, and leader.

I also want to help inspire, encourage, and teach you to pursue other nonclincal and nontraditional careers. By shifting into one of these other careers, you will be able to achieve the following:

  • Overcome burnout and find work with meaning that satisfies you;
  • Earn an income equal to or greater than your clinical salary;
  • Help more patients in new ways; and,
  • Maintain and enhance your standing in your community;

But here's the thing: I really need your help in pulling this off! Many of you already have a wealth of information in this area. I'd like to provide a forum for us to share that knowledge and expertise with one another.

And it really won't work unless you participate. So, please provide your feedback – add your thoughts – be brutally honest – and let's get this conversation going.

Start Here

If you are interested in certain topics, use the search function at the top right section of each page to find them.

If you want to know a little bit more about my background, check out About Me.

And please subscribe to my emails, so that you will be notified of each new post or podcast episode.

Finally, please share posts with your friends and colleagues. The larger our “tribe” becomes, the easier it will be for me to create and offer new content and tools.

Together we can help create more outstanding physician leaders and physicians who wake up every day looking forward to work.

Thanks so much,

John Jurica