You, too, can sponsor the Physician Nonclinical Careers Podcast.
As a sponsor, you will reach thousands of physicians with each episode to sell your products and services, or to build your following. Your message will be heard on the podcast, and seen on our website, in our newsletter, and in social media posts.

John Jurica, MD, MPH, CPE is the founder and host of the PNC Podcast.
Past guests include Dr. Nii Darko, Dr. Heather Fork, Dr. Marjorie Stiegler, John Lee Dumas, Dr. Andrew Wilner, and over 200 more. With over 350 episodes, over 300,00 downloads and 1,000 quarterly listens, John has built a dedicated listenership that he calls the Nonclinical Nation.

Physician Nonclinical Careers Statistics
- Launched in 2017
- A Feedspot Top 25 Physician Podcasts and Top 100 Career Podcasts
- 335 episodes published
- Each new episode averages 1,000 listens per quarter
- Total monthly IAB downloads (new and old episodes) 5,000 to 10,000 per month (average 8,500 monthly for the past 2 years)
- Over 350,000 IAB listens to date
- 90% of listenership is in the USA, followed by the UK
- The audience consists of physicians looking for career opportunities, coaching, and other resources related to starting a business, shifting careers, investing in active or passive income opportunities
Current and past sponsors include:
- The University of Tennessee Haslam College of Business Physician Executive MBA Program
- Sandrow Consulting
- Doctor Podcast Network (DPN)
Website Statistics (
- 5,000+ visits per month
- Google (2,000)
- Direct (1,700)
- Yahoo (530)
Types of Sponsorship
1. Featured Guest
- As a featured guest, you (or who you think would best represent your company) would join John Jurica for an interview to share your story, educate our listeners, and pitch your products and services in a positive, supportive way.
- You will choose the topic and interview flow.
- You will choose a date range for the interview to go live.
- You will provide a strong call to action for the listeners.
An email to our email list and promotion via social media will promote the show and your call to action the week the interview is published.
2. Sponsor the PNC Podcast: This is the traditional advertising on a podcast. Every sponsorship will include:
- A 30-second Pre-Roll (beginning of the show).
- A 15-second Post-Roll (end of the show).
- You will be featured on the show notes page of every episode you sponsor.
- You will be featured on our sponsor's page for the entire month your sponsorship runs.
- A banner with your logo and a link to your website will be placed on the primary Nonclinical Physicians website during your advertising campaign.
- You will work directly with our team to craft unique ad reads that ensure the highest ROI.
Here is a sample Pre-Roll script:
<<This podcast is sponsored by the Physician Executive MBA Program at The University of Tennessee Knoxville’s Haslam College of Business.
In less than one calendar year, this program will equip you with valuable business acumen and leadership development not found in the traditional medical school curriculum.
Are you ready to join the longest-running physician-only MBA program in the country and a network of nearly 1,000 PEMBA graduates? Contact Dr. Kate Atchley’s office at (865) 974-6526 or go to>>
Sponsorship Fees
Featured Guest: $1,200.00
Traditional Sponsorship Rates
- Single Episode Sponsorship: $450
- Bundle of 4 Episodes (over 4 to 8 weeks): $1,600
- Bundle of 8 Episodes (over 8 to 12 weeks): $2,800
You can also promote your services and products on the website with a banner ad.
The ad will be placed on the website landing page ( for one month at a time.
Pricing for banner ads:
- One month: $150
- 3-month package: $400 ($50 discount)
- Six-month package: $700 ($200 discount)
- One-year package: $1300 ($500 discount)
Size is 728 x 90

Size is 500 x 500