I just spent the past weekend at the 14th Annual SEAK meeting dedicated to NonClinical Careers. I met physicians who have successfully transitioned into a nonclinical career and were serving as mentors. The attendees were physicians considering a career pivot, or in the midst of pursuing one.

In addition to attending several very interesting presentations, I had a chance to meet several very interesting experts on various nonclinical careers. I'm planning to invite several of them to join me on the podcast over the coming months.


Over the past few days, there has been a fair amount of interest on the Physician NonClinical Career Hunters Facebook Group for feedback about the event.

My Assessment

So, I recorded a short review for those who are interested.

I provide a description of the design of the conference. And I give you my assessment of the quality of the instruction and faculty.

Take a listen and let me know in the comments if you have any questions about my comments or about the conference itself.

I hope you find my review useful and interesting.

If you missed any of the previous podcast episodes since this podcast went live on October 17 of this year, check them out at…

  1. Getting Acquainted – 001 or listen at iTunes or Stitcher
  2. Proper Way to Pivot – 002
  3. Seeking an MBA _ Interview with Atish Jaiswal – 003
  4. Follow Six Essential Rules to Engage a Mentor – 004
  5. Clinical Documentation Improvement – Interview with Dr. Cesar Limjoco – 005

Come Back Next Week

Thanks so much for joining me. I really appreciate your attention. I’ll be with you again very soon.

In fact, I'm really excited about my upcoming interview with Dr. Kernan Manion as he helps define burnout and its relationship to career transition. I know that I really enjoyed doing the interview.

If you liked today’s episode please tell your friends about it and SHARE it on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Right-click here and “Save As” to download this podcast episode to your computer.