Quality and Safety

How to Slash Your Hospital Mortality Rate


Patients don't want to be treated at a hospital with a high mortality rate. Doctors and staff don't want to work at a hospital with a high rate. It's scary and embarrassing. But there is more to achieving a low mortality rate than just hiring good staff and implementing evidence-based care. Hospital mortality rankings are heavily dependent on rating agency rules and documentation practices. Rules Matter I was nine years old and obsessed with bowling. Maybe it was because [...]

How to Slash Your Hospital Mortality Rate2016-08-05T13:08:16-05:00

Disruptive Behavior Defeated


An ICU patient just didn’t look right. His heart rate was mildly elevated. His blood pressure had dropped a few points. This was before the we had 24/7 in-house coverage by an intensivist. His nurse called the surgeon. He was not on his best behavior. “This better be good,” he said. She explained the circumstances. He asked a few questions. “Is his urine output OK?”  She responded, “Well…” “If you call me for no reason again, I am [...]

Disruptive Behavior Defeated2016-07-27T17:05:14-05:00

4 Benefits of CME/QI Integration


CME Conference Most hospital physician executives are involved with continuing medical education (CME). You are also involved in quality improvement activities. You should consider being a champion of CME/QI integration. For physicians not actively involved in planning CME, it often seems straightforward: select a topic, identify a speaker, present a lecture and use a satisfaction survey to determine if the lecture was successful. As anyone involved in producing CME for AMA Category 1 Credit understands, creating such activities should use adult [...]

4 Benefits of CME/QI Integration2016-07-19T18:58:58-05:00

How to Lead a Top 100 Hospital


We all want to be part of an organization that embodies excellence. And as a physician leader, you are a key to achieving that outcome. Nothing satisfies a board more than recognition as a Top 100 Hospital. A few years into my tenure as VPMA, our CEO left to take a new position, and the COO, after a search that included internal and external interviews, was chosen to lead the organization. Shortly after his appointment, he and the board made [...]

How to Lead a Top 100 Hospital2016-11-26T11:56:04-06:00

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