Consulting Archives - NonClinical Physicians Helping Hospital and Medical Group Executives Lead and Manage With Confidence Sun, 21 Mar 2021 22:17:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Consulting Archives - NonClinical Physicians 32 32 112612397 How to Become an Author, Consultant and Online Authority with Dr. Tom Davis – 047 Wed, 15 Aug 2018 12:46:06 +0000 Dr. Tom Davis is a board-certified family physician who transformed himself into an author, consultant and online authority. Today's interview is one of the most compelling I've done since starting the podcast. Tom describes his transformation, and shares the lessons he's learned in the process. Before we get to today’s interview, I want to remind [...]

The post How to Become an Author, Consultant and Online Authority with Dr. Tom Davis – 047 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

Dr. Tom Davis is a board-certified family physician who transformed himself into an author, consultant and online authority. Today's interview is one of the most compelling I've done since starting the podcast.

Tom describes his transformation, and shares the lessons he's learned in the process.

online authority transformation

Before we get to today’s interview, I want to remind you about the new edition of my weekly newsletter. Once a week, I write about my efforts to convert my blogging and podcasting hobby into a business.

I’m calling this series of newsletters Creating My Online Business. I just released my second issue this past Saturday. In it, I shared my advice about starting your business and selecting a niche. I will release the next issue this coming Saturday.

To follow me on this journey, you’ll need to sign up for my newsletter by going to There’s no cost to learn what I’m doing. And I promise to share all of the good and bad of trying to create this new business. If you want me to send you the first two issues, email me by replying to the newsletter.

OK, let’s get to today’s interview.

Enter Dr. Tom Davis, the Online Authority

Dr. Tom Davis is a freelancer based in St. Louis, Missouri. A board-certified family physician, he joined a three-doctor single-specialty group right out of residency. He practiced in the same small town in rural Missouri for twenty years.

Using one of the first total-risk Medicare Advantage plans in the country, he grew his practice over 16 years into a regional health system. Then he merged with a competitor in 2012 for $130,000,000.

He discovered that he and corporate medicine were not a good fit. So, he quit to become a freelancer and author. He now advises physicians and groups on how to succeed under Medicare Advantage. In the process, he has developed his online authority.

He also serves as an expert witness on medical malpractice and healthcare fraud. He mentors young clinicians on their contract negotiations and transition into employment. And he has written two books. The most recent, Telemedicine Confidential – Keeping Your Family Safe, will be released on September 1st, 2018.

online authority and author

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

I strongly recommend you listen to the entire interview. The insights were awesome and kept on coming. We talked about developing a new career, writing and publishing a book, creating an online presence, and much more.

Using Telemedicine as a Bridge Job

Near the end of our conversation, he provided valuable advice about where telemedicine is going. And he described how you can use it as a bridge between your clinical and nonclinical careers.

I was blown away by all the gems that Tom laid on us.

Here are some of the topics we discussed during the podcast:

  1. How he created his website and his online authority..
  2. His philosophy about providing free value, in the form of his newsletter, daily blog an other resources, for his customers.
  3. How to use consultants and freelancers, such as those on Upwork.
  4. The concept of 100 True Fans as written about by Kevin Kelly.
  5. The upcoming release of his new book Telemedicine Confidential: Keeping Your Family Safe.
  6. How he used a writing coach and whether you should, too.
  7. How to address a writer's most common challenge, and the fallacy of writer's block.
  8. Captain Jack Sparrow and Yoda provide sage advice.
  9. Tom's next three books are in the pipeline.
  10. How Tom plan's to use a literary agent and traditional publisher for his fifth book, Medicare Advantage Confidential.
  11. His thoughts about using telemedicine as a bridge from your clinical to nonclinical career.

Tom covered so many topics. His inspiration and actionable advice were amazing. You really must listen to the entire episode; perhaps more than once!

I’m also offering  a transcript of the episode. To get that,  Click here to download a TRANSCRIPT.

Resources for Today's Episode

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Coming Up

Next week I’ll be presenting a conversation with an orthopedic surgeon who has created a balance between her clinical activities and two side-gigs. I know you’ll find her story very interesting.

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast on the Apple Podcast App.

If you liked today’s episode, please tell your friends about it and SHARE it on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

And join me next week for another episode of Physician Nonclinical Careers.

Right click here and “Save As” to download this podcast episode to your computer.


The opinions expressed herein are those of me and my guest, where applicable. While the information published in written form and in audio form on the podcast are true and accurate, to the best of my knowledge, there is no express or implied guarantee that using the methods discussed herein will lead to success in your career, life or business.

The opinions are my own, and my guest's, and not those of any organizations that I'm a member of, or affiliated with. The information presented on this blog and related podcast is for entertainment and/or informational purposes only. They should not be construed as advice, such a medical, legal, tax, emotional or other types of advice.

If you take action on any information provided on the blog or podcast, it is at your own risk. Always consult a professional, e.g., attorney, accountant, career counsellor, etc., before making any major decisions related to the subject matter of the blog and podcast.

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The post How to Become an Author, Consultant and Online Authority with Dr. Tom Davis – 047 appeared first on NonClinical Physicians.

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