
My Greatest Shortcoming as a Senior Hospital Leader


As I think back to my early experiences as a hospital executive, I recall a fairly steep learning curve. The AAPL management courses I attended helped. But it wasn't until I saw the principles taught in those courses applied in the real world that they started to sink in. And that's also when I began to see my greatest shortcoming as a leader. Most financial, human resource and management concepts eventually became second-hand. With mentoring and experience, I became comfortable [...]

My Greatest Shortcoming as a Senior Hospital Leader2017-07-20T08:39:22-05:00

Create a Wildly Effective Annual Management Plan


My practice partner and I had been working together for about a year in our small family practice. A medical equipment salesperson approached us promoting a new device that would surely bring in additional practice revenue. After considering the purchase, we decided to proceed. We signed a loan agreement and purchased the device. It would take 5 years to pay back the loan. We were convinced the device would generate procedures that would easily cover the loan payments. Eighteen months [...]

Create a Wildly Effective Annual Management Plan2017-05-10T04:56:09-05:00

Unlock Leadership Through Coaching


Before describing how to unlock leadership through coaching, I want to mention that Vital Physician Executive was featured on Future Proof MD. Please check out Future Proof Docs – The Vital Physician Executive and let me know what you think. How to Unlock Leadership Through Coaching My thinking about coaching has been evolving. The Death of Socrates – by Jacques-Louis David As I described in my post comparing coaching and mentoring, coaching can be defined as the process [...]

Unlock Leadership Through Coaching2017-05-01T10:26:59-05:00

How to Evaluate Direct Reports


Julie waited patiently in the small waiting area in the administrative suite. As the Director for Inpatient Nursing Services , it was time for her biweekly meeting with Patricia (Pat), the Chief Nursing Officer. Pat opened the door to her office and motioned for Julie to come in and sit down. As she did, Pat recalled the lecture she attended the previous year about how to evaluate direct reports, and the subsequent adoption of their new process. It was [...]

How to Evaluate Direct Reports2017-03-21T16:03:18-05:00

Why the Hospital Pharmacy Director Should Report to the Senior Physician Executive


Each hospital CEO must determine which departments should logically report to each senior executive. Historically, the vice president for medical affairs or chief medical officer was hired to address the medical staff and its governance, continuing medical education and quality improvement. But there is another department head that should report to the senior physician executive of a hospital: the hospital pharmacy director.   Pharmacy Medication administration is one of the most important functions of a hospital. Safe, effective and [...]

Why the Hospital Pharmacy Director Should Report to the Senior Physician Executive2017-02-06T13:21:12-06:00

Why Hospital Leaders Need to Prepare for Workplace Violence


I didn't consider workplace violence to be a top priority at my hospital. I'd hear about staff injuries from patients in the emergency room and intensive care unit, but they seemed sporadic and isolated. Later, I began to hear about the fears that the nursing staff was expressing about the aggressive behavior of visitors and patients in those locations. Then my daughter started working as a social worker at a large medical center in the Chicago area. One day, [...]

Why Hospital Leaders Need to Prepare for Workplace Violence2016-12-07T08:14:30-06:00

Why Both a Coach and a Mentor Are Vital to Your Career


Don was about 15 years my senior. He was an awesome mentor. We met while working on projects for the Illinois State Medical Society (ISMS) Committee on CME Accreditation. This committee was responsible for approving intrastate providers of AMA Category 1 CME. A Mentor To Me Don was the chair of the committee prior to my being appointed to it. So he had been involved in CME for many years. I later served as chair myself for five [...]

Why Both a Coach and a Mentor Are Vital to Your Career2016-11-27T17:32:48-06:00

How I’m Using SMART Goals for 2017 and You Can Too


For this post, I thought I would discuss SMART goals and use them for my blog for 2017. It is quite common for each executive in a healthcare organization to create management goals for the coming year. Then the CEO and the senior executive team discusses and approves them. All of the divisional goals are ultimately presented to the Board of Directors. Your directors will create their goals as well, as we discussed in SWOT Analysis and Goal Setting. You will [...]

How I’m Using SMART Goals for 2017 and You Can Too2016-11-20T17:18:49-06:00

From SWOT Analysis to Inspired Goal Setting


The end of the year was looming. I sat with my directors in a brainstorming session. We had previously walked through a SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats). We had identified dozens of ideas in each category of the analysis, using the process that I described in When To Use a SWOT Analysis. Now how would we proceed from SWOT analysis to goal setting? This was an annual ritual. But I wanted it to be more focused. I [...]

From SWOT Analysis to Inspired Goal Setting2016-11-11T11:25:39-06:00

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