In this podcast episode, I'm speaking with Dr. Judy Finney, an interventional cardiologist who transitioned into her current career in life insurance medicine six years ago. She describes her career journey and provides insights for those considering this career.
I made a commitment to present a new episode each week. I must apologize for completely skipping last week's episode. My family and I were in Munich, Germany last week. I had intended to complete the editing and posting of today's episode. But the preparations for our vacation took precedence and I was unable to finish the episode prior to leaving.

Basilica of St. Michael, Mondsee, Austria – Used in the film “Sound of Music”
The photos used in this edition of the show notes are from my recent trip to Munich and Salzburg.
Interview with Dr. Judy Finney
Today I present my interview with Dr. Judy Finney. I've been hoping to get an expert in Life Insurance Medicine on the show for many months. I was able to link up with Dr. Finney after seeing her quoted in a blog post by Heather Fork at Doctors Crossing. I approached her about being interviewed and she graciously agreed.
Judy completed undergraduate studies in zoology, and medical school, at Michigan State. She completed an internal medicine residency and fellowships in cardiology and interventional cardiology, and became board certified in all three disciplines. She built a private cardiology practice, then opted to work for a large group for the final 3 1/2 years of her clinical career. Six years ago she moved into life insurance medicine.

Stopped for a picture with Kay in the foyer of the HofBrauHaus
As stated, she now works for Allstate full-time. But she also finds time to work as a speaker and mentor at the annual SEAK Nonclinical Careers for Physicians Conference each October.
Pursuing a Career in Life Insurance Medicine
Judy does a great job during our discussion addressing several issues:
- Her career path from interventional cardiologist to full-time Associate Medical Director for the Allstate Insurance Company
- Her advice on how to increase your odds of getting a job in life insurance medicine
- The personality traits that are probably most compatible with such a career
- Some of the adjustments that will need to be made when pivoting to this type of position
- Resources that can be helpful for the prospective life insurance medical director, such as:
By following Judy's advice, you can really accelerate your pursuit of this career choice.

A young artist creates a sand sculpture near Viktualienmarkt in Munich
I hope you found this episode helpful. If so, please subscribe to the podcast on your favorite smart phone app or on iTunes.
Get the Newsletter
I provide additional nonclinical career information in my newsletter. For example, I have a list of several new jobs for physicians in management at HCA that have been shared by a recruiter. I will be sending that list out later this week. To sign up for the newsletter, simply complete the information found at

Neuschwanstein Castle in the south of Bavaria

Leopoldskron Castle served as the Trapp family home in the film The Sound of Music

The Eagles Nest, one of Hitler's governmental headquarters during World War II
Join me next week for another episode of Physician Nonclinical Careers.
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