
Today I Try to Use A Leader’s Two Most Important Skills


The Chief Operating Officer and I were meeting one day, and the Director of the Laboratory was asked to join us to discuss a staff challenge she had been having.  As the director for the laboratory, she reported to me. We met regularly to discuss progress on her goals, any issues with the medical staff, and the other usual challenges that might arise. I was hoping to learn more about using a leader's two most important skills by observing my [...]

Today I Try to Use A Leader’s Two Most Important Skills2017-03-03T11:23:47-06:00

5 Benefits To Healthcare Executive Blogging Guaranteed To Deepen Your Influence


As healthcare executives, we must communicate clearly and effectively. This can be difficult at times. One-on-one communication is fairly straightforward. But how do we communicate regularly with dozens of physicians, hundreds of constituents, or thousands of patients? And how can it be done in a way that encourages a two-way dialogue? Perhaps healthcare executive blogging is the answer. As chief medical officer, one of my primary challenges was connecting with the members of the medical staff. I regularly [...]

5 Benefits To Healthcare Executive Blogging Guaranteed To Deepen Your Influence2017-02-27T11:31:36-06:00

Here’s What Happens When You Fail to Communicate


Over the years, I have witnessed some minor disasters that could have been averted with a little better communication and planning. Some of these nightmares were of my doing. Some were by other overconfident leaders who could not find the time nor self-discipline to engage in the fierce conversations that were needed to avert them. But bad things can happen when you fail to communicate consistently. One of the more common traps I've seen involves the contract termination [...]

Here’s What Happens When You Fail to Communicate2017-01-18T22:14:22-06:00

Do the Right Thing


Brenda was having her usual busy day. She had just started her morning coffee and was getting ready to leave the house. As she glanced at her schedule, she saw that she had agreed to meet with her siblings that afternoon. They were supposed to discuss their elderly parents. There were issues that needed to be clarified before proposing some options about future living arrangements. It was going to be difficult to do the right thing. This was [...]

Do the Right Thing2016-12-28T09:46:39-06:00

Christmas Morning Thoughts and Stories


I remember the old movies depicting the chaos and excitement of children waking up early and rushing to check the Christmas tree for presents, just as the sun comes peeking over the horizon. Then, the parents slowly, but happily, wake up and join the children on Christmas morning. Compared to our house, with 10 (yes, TEN) children, those scenes resembled a solemn funeral procession compared to the cyclone that hit our house at 5:30 AM on Christmas morning. Sometimes our parents [...]

Christmas Morning Thoughts and Stories2016-12-24T15:11:21-06:00

4 Tactics for Building Trust and Inspiring Your Team


It was both exciting and intimidating to participate in weekly operational and strategic meetings as a new member of the team. One of the first things I observed was how the CEO was building trust among the team members at almost every meeting. I was the newly appointed vice president for medical affairs (VPMA). I had convinced our CEO that is was time to add a formal physician leader to the executive team. It was 1999, and most [...]

4 Tactics for Building Trust and Inspiring Your Team2016-12-09T15:56:23-06:00

Why Both a Coach and a Mentor Are Vital to Your Career


Don was about 15 years my senior. He was an awesome mentor. We met while working on projects for the Illinois State Medical Society (ISMS) Committee on CME Accreditation. This committee was responsible for approving intrastate providers of AMA Category 1 CME. A Mentor To Me Don was the chair of the committee prior to my being appointed to it. So he had been involved in CME for many years. I later served as chair myself for five [...]

Why Both a Coach and a Mentor Are Vital to Your Career2016-11-27T17:32:48-06:00

Become a Physician Leader and Save the Medical Profession


In the 1950’s, one-third of hospitals were run by a physician leader. By 1982, less than 3% were physician-led. That number is running about 6% now. And the healthcare industry has been in the throes of major changes. One of the consequences has been the growing employment of physicians. The expansion of this employment model is having serious negative effects on our profession. Physicians have become commoditized. Today, we seem to be treated more like run of the [...]

Become a Physician Leader and Save the Medical Profession2016-11-17T08:23:27-06:00

Resources for the Emerging Physician Leader


Looking back, I may not have taken the most obvious route to becoming Chief Medical Officer.  But the journey was fairly sequential. And there were several resources that helped me to feel confident as a physician leader. There is more need today than ever for skilled physician leaders. There are several specific steps that hopeful executives can take to enhance their competencies. But each physician will need to determine his or her own path based on his or her circumstances. When [...]

Resources for the Emerging Physician Leader2016-11-27T11:54:58-06:00

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