
Answer These Questions Before You Quit Medicine – Interview with Dr. Robert Gleeson – 015


In this podcast episode, I speak with Dr. Robert Gleeson about the questions we might ask ourselves before we quit medicine. As an author, physician executive, and leadership coach, he has explored burnout and possible career transition with over 100 physicians. He recommends we do some serious soul-searching before throwing in the towel on our clinical careers. Before getting into the interview, I present another podcast by one of our physician colleagues. First – A Podcast Review This [...]

Answer These Questions Before You Quit Medicine – Interview with Dr. Robert Gleeson – 0152021-10-27T09:58:30-05:00

Top Clues Reveal the Victim Mentality


Did I reveal the victim mentality in myself in a recent blog post? I think I did. In an article for my blog a few months ago, what I wrote was perceived as critical of certain physician leaders. I linked to examples of their writing that were popular with physician readers. They pertained to issues that physicians find very intrusive, that promote burnout, and often interfere with the practice of medicine.  In quoting their articles, I made it look [...]

Top Clues Reveal the Victim Mentality2020-03-02T09:10:12-06:00

Not All Leadership Dyads Are Created Equal


Leadership Dyads have been touted as the solution to the challenge of executing complex initiatives in hospitals and health systems. Meaningful physician leadership has been found to be the missing component in some of these implementations. The thinking goes that partnering a strong executive with an engaged physician can overcome physician resistance to such new programs. But not all leadership dyads are created equal. What Is Dyad Leadership? As described in a 2015 Advisory Board Article, dyad leadership is “…a [...]

Not All Leadership Dyads Are Created Equal2017-09-04T07:54:58-05:00

Physicians: Stop Complaining and Start Leading


I'm intrigued by the number of articles written about the frustrations of medical practice. It makes for good reading, because it resonates with many physicians. From bloggers writing about maintainance of certification and regulations that are destroying medicine, to articles on KevinMD about burnout, physicians are not shy about complaining. But maybe it's time to stop complaining and start leading. If you stop in any hospital doctor's lounge, you will certainly hear a lot more complaining. We complain about [...]

Physicians: Stop Complaining and Start Leading2017-07-18T17:41:56-05:00

How to Stop Your Boss’ Micromanagement Today


Micromanagement can be defined as a management style that involves closely monitoring and/or controlling how employees do their jobs. It's a poor management technique that wastes time, fails to utilize our staff’s full potential, and causes resentment and frustration in those being controlled. … the highway! It is one of the 4 things that drive employees crazy, according to Dan Rockwell. […]

How to Stop Your Boss’ Micromanagement Today2017-06-14T09:28:06-05:00

Pursuing Resilient Physician Leadership


My practice had become a burden. My patients seemed annoying and overly demanding. I was living alone in a small duplex, feeling isolated. I was sleeping more than usual, yet fatigued most of the time. Any resiliency had been stretched and tested and was wearing thin. My usual optimism was gone. I did not become overtly suicidal, but I began to have thoughts about what it would be like if I was no longer “around.” […]

Pursuing Resilient Physician Leadership2017-05-02T16:25:49-05:00

Preparing to Be a Better Physician Leader – Part 2


I started this series by discussing the attitudes or perspectives that physician leaders should understand and adopt. I would like to complete it with a description of some practical skills that you should seek to learn or enhance. If you are early in the journey, you can try to observe these skills in others as you're preparing to be a better physician leader. This is a process. Like any new realm of learning, we follow a path from awareness, to [...]

Preparing to Be a Better Physician Leader – Part 22017-03-31T13:46:59-05:00

Preparing to Be a Better Physician Leader – Part 1


Several events this week inspired me to think about preparing to be a better physician leader. A colleague reminded me about the upcoming Spring Institute and Annual Meeting of the American Association for Physician Leadership. I had just completed registering myself. And I volunteered to act as an ambassador, assisting with introducing speakers and helping to support the meeting. Networking with colleagues and old friends will be fun. And I look forward to spending time in New York City with my wife, [...]

Preparing to Be a Better Physician Leader – Part 12017-03-30T04:54:11-05:00

The Eight Essential Abilities The CEO Wants In A Chief Medical Officer


I am sometimes asked: what does a CEO look for in a CMO? I've heard this discussed at the American Association for Physician Leadership (AAPL) meetings and American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) meetings, and it was a topic of discussion during the week-long tutorial for the Certified Physician Executive (CPE) qualification. I've looked at dozens of job descriptions which also provides insight into identifying the essential abilities the CEO wants in a Chief Medical Officer. There is no one [...]

The Eight Essential Abilities The CEO Wants In A Chief Medical Officer2020-08-03T13:48:37-05:00

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