Dr. Charmaine Gregory, Emergency Medicine Nocturnist, lost the joy of practicing medicine, and was struggling with burnout. By attending to her own fitness, coaching others, and bringing balance back into her life was she able to eliminate her burnout.
Before we get into our interview today, let me repeat an offer I made to my email subscribers.
Special Mentoring Offer to Subscribers
I remember when I was first interested in a hospital management career. I was on staff at two hospitals. And, neither had any physician executives working for them! So, I had no role models to observe, and no mentors to go to for advice.
Luckily, I eventually found a mentor at another hospital. He really helped me as I went from part-time medical director to full-time VPMA and then CMO.
So, here's my idea:
I'd like to see if any of you are interested in a free mentoring session. However, this will be a conversation that I'll record and possibly publish as a podcast episode.
Why am I doing this? Because:
- I want to pay forward the support that my mentor provided me by helping you;
- Other listeners will be inspired and informed; and,
- It will be fun for everyone!
If you think you'd like to participate, here are the ground rules:
I'm looking for someone who is early in the pursuit of a career in hospital management. You're still working clinically. You may be involved as a medical director or working on a committee. But you haven't entered a major management role.
You must sign up for my email list in order to be considered. You can do that by going to the following link: vitalpe.net/signup
I promise to do my best to make this a rewarding experience for everyone!
End Burnout Through Fitness Coaching
Today’s guest, Dr. Charmaine Gregory, lost the joy of practicing medicine. She was struggling with burnout. But, by addressing her own fitness needs, and helping others through coaching, she ended her burnout.
Charmaine is an emergency medicine nocturnist, fitness coach, wellness champion, and author. She started developing signs of burnout in about 2012. And it wasn’t long hours and unfulfilling work that triggered her burnout.
She lost balance in her life. She began having chronic pain in her knee and was unable to exercise and maintain her prior level of fitness. Having three children in four years added additional stress.
She explains how she overcame those challenges by restoring her own fitness and helping others to restore theirs. And then she tells us about her upcoming book release.

Photo by Scott Webb on Unsplash
My “Take Aways”
Sometimes a lack of balance, or stress at home, causes burnout, rather than overwhelm at work.
And reversing that kind of burnout requires an approach that restores balance by focusing on all the major areas of one’s life, including health, nutrition and fitness.
Health and fitness coaching seems a natural fit for physicians looking for a side hustle.
Previously, we’ve heard about the success of physician career coaching. Hence, with our extensive training in physiology, anatomy, biochemistry and pharmacology, who’s better suited to be a wellness champion and health and nutrition coach than a physician?
I’ve completed a Free Guide called 5 Nonclinical Careers You Can Pursue Today. It’s a 24-page manual that outlines the steps you can take to pursue a career in utilization management, clinical documentation improvement, informatics, medical writing and hospital management. It can be found at vitalpe.net/freeguide
Sign up for the book launch party, to be held May 19, 2018 at the Hamilton Washington, D.C., at vitalpe.net/WWCparty
Go to vitalpe.net/WWCbook to preorder the book.
Let’s end with this quote:
I hope you’ll join me next time on Physician NonClinical Careers.
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